The Providence of Dimensions

There will come a point in the depth of the search about the infinite mystery of the cosmos, where if humans advance even more deeply in knowledge, it won't be by discovery but by creation. Depending on his level of consciousness, he will see the new created knowledge as an ilusion of discovery or actually created by him.

One then understands, that depth and knowledge are two relative aspects formed by a relative consciousness that lives in a relative universe. The search is relative and infinite, until one gets out of this limitless circle.

Lets look deeper in the dimensions, so we can understand in a simple manner, its possibilities of existing, to be perceived and to be conceived.

We will make a "brief" travel on the dimensions, based on a postulate named: the point-line-plane postulate, to understand the limitless circule spoken 2 paragraphs before.

First we must understand the meaning of the word dimension, which express the measure in which something extends itself into directions. Dimension comes from latin dimensio, dimensionis (to measure, measurement, extension to all directions). We can then make relation of dimensions with the Cartesian coordinate system, where through the graphic's determined measurement you can assign location, position or states.

Now that the word "determine" has been mentioned it is necessary to inquire in it for the comprehension of the first dimension (non-dimension) to deal with. This word comes from latin determinare and it means basically "express with precision a law, opinion or subject". It's lexical components are: the prefix de- (direction) and terminare (to set a limit or to close with a border). Then by its etymological definition we understand its meaning as to set the terms of a thing, to mark something with precision for some effect; and for a degree that includes perception and its conception of reality would mean: to define, to conceptualize objects for its abstraction.

Dimension 0

Observing the name of the postulate, the first word we find is "point", and is not by any irrational coincidence. Everything starts with the point.
Figure 1

The point is considered in this case, as the dimension 0, for it has no direction to point at, or to move, or to change state. Thus, its a point with undetermined position, and if it has no other around (where the point can gets compared), then its size would be also undetermined. Its timeless and spaceless, for the obvious reason that it has no time nor space to move (see figure 1). The definition of undetermined is actually all possible values are true, and this to our relative perspective (where only one value is true) presents nulity. "Incredibly, that means that this lonely point that we start from, does have a way we can think of it as being infinitely large, encompassing absolutely everything within the information that becomes reality" (Rob Bryanton), and we can add, that simultaneously it is infinitely small being present in every bit of information.

In this undetermined position, everything is perfectly balanced, 1 with -1, 2 with -2, 3 with -3, and so on with "n - n" where the results are always zero (0). We can name this state of unity as the "Being" in superposition with the "not Being".

The point under the concept of dimension zero can be counter-intuitive, since if we humanly imagine a point, we are giving it a form, which is composed by by a border that surrounds a contour as an area or a volume, and it can dispose of coordinates within, making the point relatively determined. We will have to elevate our imagination to a degree where our attachment to how we see space-time decreases, so we can have in mind that the indeterminacy of this point makes it lack of form and measure, but this point is our limited capacity to define indeterminacy (just like we are trying to do right now) and that which surpasses this capacity is the "space-like" that surrounds such point that we are using to symbolize the 0th dimension; such environment is equivalent to an non-existent void*, which is nothingness, while the undetermined point that we consider is the existent void*, which permeates our existence allowing us to be and to do as we perceive. Even so, the external environment of this point cannot be called a dimension, nor a non-existent void, nor nothingness, nor undetermined, just like the phrase says: "Name me and you shall deny me".

As we've established this dimension as undetermined, it will be named "dimension x", and while you add "n dimensions", they will be recognized as "x+n" dimensions.

This can be explain with false vacuum concept, and so, a definition of the false vacuum is shared by

"The state of the false vacuum is a peculiar and unstable state that arises naturally in quantum field theory. Once a small region of the universe has been materialized in such form, it starts to expand exponentially propeled by a gravitatory effect of 'repulsion' which results from a combination of the false vacuum's peculiar properties and the General Relativity's equations (in an analogous effect to the famous cosmological constant). During the expansion, the false vacuum state starts to decay in an habitual vacuum producing itself a very hot soup of particles that precisely corresponds to the starting point of the standard big Bang."

This concept will be better understood in the following dimensions where the quantum foam and the string theory are involved.

Dimension x+1

Observing the last dimension, we realize it doesn't have any possibility to manifest itself, because there isn't any space-time in a single point of zero dimensions, thus there is no experience that can occur. In order for the point to experience, it require of different states so it can alternate from state to state, in other words, it requires of another point for experimenting new states. Based on this data, the point cannot move up nor down, not right nor left, not forward nor backward, not tomorrow nor, not anyway  because it doesn't have any spatial point to move in. So, in order to create a direction it must emanate itself infinitely towards such direction.

Image 1
Being the case of emanation, the point decides (figuratively) to reflect itself infinitely through its own image (as another point), and so this one has to unbalance itself, and leave unity into oblivion, leaving out the -1 of the symmetric equation. The result is 1, and so the nullification is lost, and the unbalance (symmetry breaking) that refracts reality gets created (see image 1).

As we well said, this one makes itself infinite, and it loses -2, -3, -4 and so on to -n. This infinite reflection creates the Line (second name of the postulate) with the measure of lenght, its right direction (relatively) and its opposite left (see figure 2).

Figure 2
Dimension x+2

Observing how this postulate flows, we understand where the pattern is directed. And we continue with its function. The line reflects and expands itself (as the point did) in orthogonal directions, in other words, at right angles.

Figure 3
This infinity of lines creates the Plane (third name of the postulate), with the measure of width, its up direction (relatively) and its opposite down (see figure 3).

In a plane you can select a line, and within it, you can continue a secuencial straight path from state to state (point to point over a straight line). From linear perspective, straight line is the only way, but from the perspective of a plane, up and down also exist, towards other parallel lines relative to the first selected line. From this second perspective, you can say that an observer "x" can disappear from the line relative to its linear perspective and its corresponding observers, meanwhile, the observer x is crossing other lines (up or down) going back in parabola to its initial line, making him appear in another point of the line despite the ordered sequence of the initial straight line. This is possible due to the folding of the next upper dimension. A deeper explanation awaits on the next dimension.

There is something interesting that must be recognized before going to the next dimension, and its about the composition of this firsts dimensions. The point as we mentioned, is undetermined for it lacks of space-time that makes possible its experience. But we now understand that this undetermined point composes the infinite structure of the line, and the line composes the infinite structure of the plane, and so, if the first is undetermined, thus, its creations are also undetermined, and they become nothing more than a reflection of a non-existent and undetermined point (they are also empty and non-existent).

Dimension x+3

First, we make the observation that the names of the postulate have already finished, and we still have to talk about the 3rd dimension. It is not the postulate the one that ends, but it is the human mind that gets limited with the names he reads, and it is the same human who has to inquire about the mysteries of the universe. To understand this next step, which we have related all of our supposed three-dimensional lives, we must stay open, for we will find paradoxes that certaintly will open our minds.
Figure 4

The postulate does not end on the plane. The postulate has a cycle, and thus, after the Plane, comes the Point again. We continue with the pattern of the postulate, where we make the Plane (empty and non-existent) reflect itself infinite times in orthogonal directions, creating the 3rd dimension that we know in our ordinary lives, with the measure of depth, its inner direction (relatively) and its opposite outer (see figure 4).

We mentioned in the 2nd dimension, how it offers a folding for the 1st dimension, and the 3rd dimension does not differs from such likeness. Lets imagine an ant, that sees only the ground and its surface as flat plane, where he lives a bidimensional life, with only 4 directions to flow. If we put the ant on a flat paper and it takes 10 seconds for the ant to walk linearly from "end A" to "end B" of the paper, thus, logically at the same speed, it takes 10 seconds to get back from end B to end A. But if we "three-dimensional creatures" fold the flat paper of the ant, where the two ends touch, the ant can cross from end A to end B instantly (in much less than a second). So, in the folding of such paper, the ant can be circuling and circuling, sensing that always continues to advance without realizing that he has circuled the paper repeatedly. The same thing can happen to us on planet earth. Where the grand scale of the planet makes us observe its surface as a flat plane (horizon), when actually it has a curvature. Just as the ants perceive their world flat, analogously we do too. But this is just the folding of the 3rd dimension over the 2nd dimension. Every upper dimension shows a folding to the lower dimension.

But, as we well said 3 paragraphs before, that the composition of this dimensions is non-existent to our perception, for the essential component lacks of space and time. So we could also say that the third dimension is also empty, and there is still no possibility of experimenting manifestation. For it to be possible the existence relative and corresponding to our perception, one must add space-time (energy-matter) to the void. This involves to continue with the point-line-plane postulate.

Before passing to the next dimensions up, we must understand why the third dimension is a point (for it will be in likeness with the next upper dimensional points). And first we must remember that its composition is nothing, and we can say that its reflection is the void. Concordantly, if space is empty, then time is also empty, in other words, the infinite fractal reflection of the point in the line, the line in the plane, and the plane again in the point (sphere) happens (figuratively) atemporaly and instantly to every way (infinite in nothingness), and thus, there is no order of reflection because the relativity of all directions is not needed when absolut nothingness is the only "thing" that "exist". They all are (as humanly figurative creation) and are not (as empty reality) simultaneously. And just as nothing (point = x) extends "itself" infinitely, the void (point' = x+3) reflects its extension. What are we trying to indicate on this paragraph? In the process that we were describing dimension 0, the 1st dimension and the 2nd dimension, we are apparently referring to a spatial reproduction in an orthogonal manner, and that has some kind of "order" to figuratively create itself. Such reference is incorrect, but the intention of describing each dimension in an orthogonal manner, is to simply comprehend the direction's coordinates (the mentioned humanly figurative creation). When actually the point's expansion happens simultaneously to all angles, and since this is undetermined (lacking of space-time, being only void), there is no such thing as "expansion" (the mentioned empty reality). It is only a thought experiment which tries to make paradoxes more concrete than abstract, and thus to reconcile them with reality. The tridimensional void is simultaneously to the dimension 0 void. Both are infinite, without beginning, nor end. At this point, the 3rd dimension is still not real as we physically conceive reality. We do not pretend this to be understood immediately, until a review of this topic is made after knowing and understanding the other spatial dimensions and the temporal dimension.

Before we continue we must mention that on the next spatial dimensions, although they are not yet relative by energy and matter (until the presence of time), we will do relation to these physical properties, because without them, all spatial dimensions are equitable and homogenous to "nothingness".

What it is this comparable to our lives? There is a physical constant known as the Planck Constant. It consist of a quantum of action as the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. The shortest moment of the universe. As we could say, the moment it takes an electron to travel the minimum movement of space (Planck Lenght = 1.6x10E-35 metres) which takes also a minimum time of movement (Planck Time : 5.39106(32)x10E-44 seconds). That moment requires an oscillation of mass and energy. Where energy gives the possibility of moving in a moment (time) and mass gives the possibility of revealing its position (space). The revealed position is the one we perceive as matter, the primordial component of reality as we know it, which is so true that it has 3 dimensions as physical manifestation, but its not the 3rd dimension, for the 3rd dimension, as we mentioned, does not work without the upper dimensions. This constant is interpreted as the Planck reference frame, and it involves every thing that happens in the entire universe as the image of one universal minimum moment. And certainly (reaffirming the postulate from the Planck Frame), if the first point is at an undetermined size with an undetermined position dwelled in nothingness, the same three-dimensional universe (point = sphere) dwelled in the void, has also an undetermined size on an undetermined position (made in its likeness). The size and senescence of the universe can be determined only if another universe(s) is (or are) found in the void. So you could compare size and senescence by studying and analyzing them.

Dimension x+4

The planck frame works in the same way a photograph has its frame and position in a photogram. If we observe in the cinema, we see that the film (motion picture) proyects movement as if it was a reality proyecting life and animation. The photogram contains 24 photographs (frames) that shows per second, creating the optical illusion of animation in the moving-images of the screen. This works thanks to the oscillation of image and gap, where the image is the sinusoid and the gap is the silence (1 and 0). In reality there are billions of oscillations per second of matter and energy (billions of universal images per second).

So in this manner, we add the possibility of movement based on the point-line-plane postulate. Next to the point is the line, where the planck frame that encompass the minimum moment (quantum of action) of all the universe, represents a point, in other words, a state as an integrated set (that encompasses everything in a frozen image of a moment), and the next point is another state that happens with the continuum of duration, presenting a small change in the thermodynamics from state to state. So, within the possibility of space-time, each point creates a reflection of cause and effect, which happens only a reflection of what occurs (see image 1).

This infinite reflection creates again the (time) Line with the measure of Duration, with its future (matter) direction (relatively) and its opposite past (anti-matter) (see figure 5), in other words, low entropy to one direction and high entropy to the other direction respectively.

Figure 5
First we realize, that whatever dimension we focuse on, its next dimension up is its duration, besides its folding (e.g. the 3rd dimension uses the 4th dimension to change from state to state as matter follows entropy). So, for the 3rd dimension, "time" is a direction on the 4th spatial dimension, just as the 2nd dimension uses the 3rd dimension to change from state to state, naturally, time for the 2nd dimension is a direction in the 3rd spatial dimension. So succesively and infinitely.

So in this 4th dimensional line, we have as opposing directions: matter and anti-matter. We have a common, mutual and colective knowledge about matter, because it is what we practically and apparently have experienced in our lives. But, what does it means "anti-matter"? The concept which gives rise to its meaning have a strong relation with this postulate, for if we take matter as that which goes forward with our perception of time advancing in the "irreversible" entropy, thus, anti-matter is that which goes in time regression. In other words, it is matter that goes backwards in time. The result of the annihilation of those two poles is the presente point (planck frame).

We could think that we are always seeing the 3rd dimension (in the present), but this one by itself (without a 4th) does not exist, for we know that in our reality, there is a planck frame sequence in continuous causation (4th dimension). We also know that information travels through light. If we observe our hand, we realize it is a very short distance for light to travel, and we think that the image reach us at the precise moment of its action, but it doesn't. That image we perceive is a image from the past, because of the simple fact that there is a distance, no matter how large or short, it takes time for light to reach any point at a distance, and that time makes the image (subjective planck frame) be delayed (e.g. if the distance between your hand and your eyes is 0.40 meters (40 cm), we then divide 0.40 m 299 792 458 m/s (speed of light), the result is 0.000000003342563808 seconds of delay of the image, in other words we are seeing 0.000000003342563808 seconds to the past, for that's the very short time it takes light to travel from your hand to your eyes). This small portion of space-time seems to us almost null, relative to our perception, because the time is so short that its delay seems non-existent, in other words, we live under the illusion of the 3rd dimension, but actually we have always perceived and still perceiving the past of it (past planck frames).

This dimension allows that everything we perceive has a continuity (continuum) and with memory we can access whatever precedes the present moment. But that's not all, because when you add space-time to the void, these two does not come as two separate properties working in symbiosis, rather actually they are only one attribute, as singular. To have a better understanding on the subject, you can analize the concept of Space-time relativity.

We can search for the person of our dreams moving in space-time, but staying still in a "spatial" point involves also a change of state and position, since with the lapse of space-time, events change and the right person can come in the right moment, without moving "spatially".

When we talk of the 4th dimension, it appears to be time, but what actually represents is the duration of a moment (as spatial distance), and durations corresponds to a determined space (the Planck constant). The given examples related to the physical space-time reality that we know, are given to generate catharsis and to understand the linear construction of universal points (space-time states) in the 4th dimension.

So, at this point, we could say that free will does not exist, since the time line, or better said, the Duration line should have been written, and a destiny also should have been formed for the natural course of the cosmos. But, what happens if we add the 5th dimension?

Dimension x+5

"The 4th dimension is space-time. A dimension that involves lenght, width, depth and duration. And 4th dimension is accepted as spatial. If, as creatures that obtain our energy of chemical processes that obey the thermodynamic laws of entropy, we seem to be moving in one direction within that dimension, a direction we call time. But evidence is strong, that is opposite direction: Anti-time, is just as valid and equally real. And having 2 opposing directions is one of the basic attributes add by any additional spatial dimension. Then, what's at orthogonal angles of space-time?" -Rob Bryanton-

We can observe in the 4th dimension, that there is a line which we perceive as: the course of time, and in our perspective we have no where to point and show the images of the future or the images of the past. But, based on this postulate, we know there they are. We have come to considerate that everything is destinated and predetermined, but, what happens when we continue with the postulate?

Figure 6
After the line, we know that what comes next is the plane, then, naturally we make the next consideration: if what happens in our universe is the line of past, present and future, and there are infinite lines, orthogonal to our line, making its colectivity a plane (see figure 6), we then conclude that the other lines have the duration of other realities with their own past, present and future that haven't happened, isn't happening, and won't happen in our line of duration. The world of possibilities. Either with to much possibility of resembling our duration line (in which case, we would relatively say that those lines are the most approximate to ours) or possibilities that are extremely different to ours (where, conversely, we would relatively say those lines are far away from ours).

How do we interpret this in our reality? The mind's power holds an ability (tool) by which we can access the space-times (as spatial-temporal simulation) of the 5th dimension, and it is called by men: imagination. This is the mind's capacity and simultaneously the potential to travel into the infinite possibilities (future or past, logical or illogical) that the mind correspondingly provides. Naturally, a mind more aware has better chance to guess reality correctly or to materialize its own ideas.

Even our 5 senses can synchronize with other realities of the 5th dimension, e.g. when you think a lot in your favorite song, and you start to lose focus on our duration line (making it peripheral), and then comes the moment when you are actually listening the song, until someone or something distracts you, you realize that the song was only being played inside your head. And the same thing can happen with the other senses, it all dependes on the capacity that one has of believing in the imagination of oneself (we make note of reminding that we must always have to come back to our respective universe with our correspondingly physical constants, to put the feets on the ground, figuratively speaking).

But there is something more mysterious yet to be said. We already revealed that through imagination we can have in mind the possibilities and their respective destinies, to observe them and take a decision (relative to our duration line) with free will. What now should be understood, is that the Planck Frame involves the entire universe, and thus, any decision we take and any act we make influences the course of the whole universe on the pentadimensional plane (hyperspace) where space-time lies, and is in that way, that we change the flow and entropy of our 4th dimensional universe. Doesn't matter if its a small change, if it is, then cause and "effect" plays it's role on a such small change, and it doesn't matter if what we do doesn't reach the entire universe instantly, because if you do something even small, that information will reach millions of light years far away, but only that information and not any other possibility that could have been and it wasn't (because that would have been another flow for the universe, different from that "small something" you did). In one moment we can make the colective universe to be in one duration line of possibility and in another moment we can change it's course towards other hyperspatial (pentadimensional) direction.

Just as the ant that only sees the ground (Plane - 2nd dimension), the stones can result as an obstacle to the ants course, and the bee, who can clearly see up from the sky (3rd dimension) which way is the most optimal to take and reach the objective, we as the analogy of the ant, its complicated for us to see further the stone that the relation 3rd-4th dimension puts in our way, but someone who learns to fly as the analogy of the bee, can learn to determine from up the sky (through imagination of possibilities) which is the most optimal solution in the flat ground (5th dimension, analogously the bidimensional surface) and the stones that interfere with the objective.

Logically and naturally we find the pattern of the "point-line-plane postulate" that all dimensions are curved by its next upper dimension. Relative to our mental confinement, the 5th dimension is a plane and the 6th dimension folds the 5th dimension, for the possibility of free spatial direction. And also we shall remember the analogy of the bee, where if the bee flew up to the sky to see the ground (5th dimension) and how to get where the bee want to go, the sky must be the next dimension above the 5th.

Dimension x+6

In the same manner as mentioned, the construction and timeless order of the 3rd dimension is the same for those up next to it: 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions. This dimensions are generated within that same timeless order, containing a three-dimensionality (so to speak) or infinite curvature of possibilities, where a point represents a static image of an entire universe, a line represents the reflection of  cause and effect that there is in the sequence of points (universal states), and a plane regardless of its slope (relative to any point determined by us, forming by its gyre a spheric curvature of possibilities surrounding the point) represents the endless possibilities that can happen (before, simultaneously or after) of one point.

This mentioned curvature, is what makes repit the point-line-plane postulate. If the lower dimension corresponds to the plane, thus this one corresponds to the point ("sphere" of possibilities). This phase space has been recognized nowadays as the "Multiverse".

A multiverse contains the endless possibilities that can have and can surround any universe, but it is characteristic of possessing only certain physical laws, each universe differing in the course of such physical laws with different initial conditions. A multiverse has infinite universes. A six-dimensional point contains infinite three-dimensional points (in the hyperspace curvature).
Figure 7

Just as the universe, the multiverse can be interpreted as a mathematical construction known as a: Phase Space, where all possible states are represented. In the universe, the phase space can be considered as e.g. the electron surrounding the atomic nucleus is moving at a velocity so fast (relative to our perception) that the electron apparently fills all space (electron cloud) producing the optical illusion of matter's solidity. In the multiverse, the phase space expands all possibilities that can happen of one moment, moving in directions we cannot point at in the 3rd dimension (only in the 6th dimension), but all these possibilities (states) are just as real as the states of the time-line we are living (see figure 7).

This states can be interpreted as the entropy of the universe that is handled in the stability of the thermodynamic energy, where human thought can change his internal and external environment's thermodynamics. One can be located on a three-dimensional position of the universe, move from that point to another, and change his three-dimensional position simultaneously changing his six-dimensional positions, but this individual can be located on the same three-dimensional position without moving, and at the same time, this individual is moving six-dimensionally with the thoughts he's having. But the effect generated by the thought produces a disturbance over the lineal direction (4th dimension) changing the course of the planck frames, in other words, it does not affect only the course of the individual's life that emits the thoughts, but also the course of the entire three-dimensional universe over the six-dimensional landscape of possibilities and "sequential progression". (Lorentz Transformation).

E.g. Lets imagine a point, as an initial condition-state of a situation, and lets take incident A as: standing up from a chair and walking to the kitchen. Incident A has already a determined line and the consequent events of incident A will happen as they are already destined in such line. But going back to the initial condition-state (point x+3), but instead of performing incident A, we perform incident B (another initial condition starting from the same point), where instead of standing up from the chair and walking to the kitchen, you stay seated thinking on what you will do tomorrow. That simple and small fact change the course and destiny of the colective universe, for it takes a different line of causes and effects. And so the same, for an incident C, where instead of thinking what we will do tomorrow, you stay on the chair fantasizing about some wish you have, and another consequent destiny (relative to incident C) will happen. Ad infinitum to whatever condition comes in mind.

In the six-dimensional point's (phase space) curvature, branes (parallel universes) accommodate in order, for the coherence of the universes and their tetradimensional causation moments. In the lineal sequence of our three-dimensional momentary universe, branes are potentially comprised in the position of our universe, in other words, all possibilities (counting to perceive only the possibility of the universe we live in) remain in one same point. To us, that point is the present moment in "sequential progression". Lets remember also that our universe is also a brane in the presence of other universes. 

Phase Space (6th dimensional Point)
When an act of observation by any physical-sense is made, the atoms (relative to the anthropomorphous) that define the physics of this universe, collapse the wave function, confining the reality of vibration into the physical form of matter, dense and impenetrable as we perceive it. In the same way, the mind transcends the physical barriers, having the opportunity of travelling through imagination to all those other realities, without the need of leaving physically this universe. Thus, the mind opens the way to materialize any imagination that come in thought (we could say the white holes are of mental order). E.g. I imagine a reality (brane) where I construct a time machine, and then I make more complex the thought by imagining how to build it and what I need to build it, and so, such imagined brane is starting to come near and nearer (six-dimensionaly) to our colective duration line and vice versa. Eventually the imagined moment (objetive) starts to take form while I am connecting my ideas with my actions, until materializing the brane in our reality (Colective Lorentz Transformation).

Branes are said to be manifested and interpreted in our three-dimensional momentary universe as Scalar Fields. A scalar field is a spatial distribution of energy, comprising its abundant variations (mechanic, thermodynamic, electromagnetic, etc.). This energy is responsable for the environment temperature changes and consequently, the temperature of organic sets (living beings). When reason is low on level of consciousness, instinct prevails (Instinctive ethology), where it instigates the living beings to react according to the climatic changes (the brane's flow) and their subconscious fundaments, providing (in reflection of cause and effect) the three-dimensional reality's sequence, just as it is. But certainly, energy flows to where attention is focused, and if reason is high on level of consciousness, this one can change the flow with his intuition and his imagination. When identifying branes through imagination and attracting them towards our reality through action and materialization, the scalar fields distribute different flows from those the universe had already destined in its duration line before the attention of thought have been made, so that imagination becomes performed through action. And what is mentioned on the last paragraph, about the brane becoming form when connecting ideas with actions, is our body and external masses (this two being condensed energy) with their respective kinetic energies and field energies that are materializing the imagined situation. For that we repit: energy flows to where attention is focused.
Image 2

This is where the paradoxical point of view comes in, where the mind's thoughts can be a simple and mere effect of a climatic change (thus, a flow of branes) and not the freewill one thinks have.

Thought can be an effect of the physical systems, where the destiny of the reality was already "written" with the thought made, or actually the universe's destiny was changed by the thought of one moment. This two opposed realities depends intrinsically of the conscious (relative to the individual). The distinction betwixt cause and effect begins to blur at the level of the phase space.

What we must understand , is that, when we talk about a moment (point x + 3), we are determining it, and as we know, the phase space is where all systems are represented, in other words, all realities are manifested. It has to exist all possibilities so that the presence of the mind can inhabit them (regardless if freewill is conscious or not). Such moment is surrounded by all past (that could have happened before it) and future (that can happen to it) possibilities, giving place to the destiny of being multiple, and only the low individualistic humanoid consciousness of the mind determines only one destiny in lineal ilusion (time going forward / Lorentz Transformation). The determined point of the present hypersurface contains a determined quantity* of pasts that can lead to the determined present point, forming a cone of possibilities towards the past, and vice versa, towards the future, represented as a conical surface hyperboloid (see image 2).

*The determined quantity of pasts and futures is relative to the unity without fraction (discrete space). E.g. we can consider a past event coherent to the present as "1", and another past event that also can give coherent sequence to the same determined present, can be considered as 2, but we know that between 1 and 2 exists: 1.0001, 1.00000001, 1.1, 1.2, 1.300000, in other words, an infinity of fractions (continuum space). This would make the determined quantity: undetermined. We interpret this as the next example: 'I am at my house reading this blog', a determined quantity (discrete) of pasts could have happened so that I could be in my house reading this blog (without breaking any mind law, just one past was witnessed by my correspondent confined perception) and it is determined without counting the fraction variations (continuum) [e.g. Im sitting on a chair in one universe, and in other universe is the same situation, only I'm sitting on the chair 0.000001 cm to the left]. Thats why we make the relation to the unity without fraction. Still more, the present moment mentioned, cannot be preceded by an event where a T-rex was trying to eat me before I start to read this blog on this reality (note: that reality can also exist for respective logics to a different duration line relatively "little" distant from ours), because the coherent sequence of cause and effect has its limits when perception is individual.

Dimension x+7

 "...much as the many different forms for DNA provide for the abundant variety of life on earth, so the many different forms for the extra dimensions may provide for the abundant variety of universes populating a string-based multiverse." -Brian Greene-

As we continue to add dimensions, the system becomes more complex, and the mental perspective is perceived as more abstract. We notice how the pattern extends itself again based on the point-line-plane postulate. Where if the multiverse is the six-dimensional point, thus, there must be a line of multiverses (see figure 8).

Figure 8
Figure 9
The three-dimensional image we receive from reality, comes in likeness of the original vibration's reflection. Such vibration is the strings of quantum physics in set and unity. In them lies the image, but not precisely as we observe it (which our observation would be figuratively only one bit or better said one qubit of the entire image), because we just can observe only one face of things. Strings shows all faces (atlas) in the image's envelope inversly proportional to the third dimension (see figure 9). "Face" is understood as the coordinate frame (map) or better said as the "chart" that is perceived in a determined incomplete perspective (see image 3). The string displays singularities, and singularities absorb from the quantum foam the image that emanates, creates and forms the variety of the three-dimensional universe. In strings, charts come folded, and these come dispersed in the vibration's image that emanates.This vibration as the inverse-square law, its projecting different virtual realities as it progress from small to big (see image 4) (Atomic nucleus, atom, molecule, cell, etc.) until for our case, it reach the intonation of the physical reality as we colectively and conventionally know it (Human body perception).

Image 4
Image 3
An atlas is the set of charts (see image 5), that, as for strings, covers the three-dimensional space
completely, projecting it in a bi-dimensional surface, and, as for superposition of two charts, the assigned coordinates by one and the other, are simply related by a vector function with "good properties" (Homeomorphism, Continuum). A single point of a manifold (in this case, represented as a topological concept for the string) can be located by many charts, when charts may overlap in the atlas. If two charts overlap, part of them represent the same region of the manifold, as the same way as a map of Europe and a map of Asia, both can contain Moscow (same region represented in two maps/charts). Given to charts in superposition allows the continuum of the map and image that wants to be represented and this is called: Map of Transition.

Image 5
The image of the reality we know does not only comes in strings, but also the other infinity of realities in likeness of ours, with the same physical laws and constants with their respective features but different initial conditions alluding the possibilities (because these are like bubbles that reflects all surrounding realities).

Within the six-dimensional phase space (x+6), the most immediate points (x+3) surrounding geodesically a determined point, are the points with different past, present and future possibilities of a moment but are so close to be the same one (map of transition). It works this way, so it can provide coherence to the continuum order (mirror iteration). In that same way, it would work for the six-dimensional "phase destinies" that surround a determined phase space, where this one has the same  laws (continuum) or very similar (discrete). The distinction between universes with different physical laws (as different multiverses) gets blurry by the continuum coherence that lies between the reflection of each point and its quantum degree of states variation (alternative six-dimensional points).

This mirror symmetry is the one that reflects on the string the other infinity of realities that we do not perceive. Where our three-dimensional Planck constant is confined to a six-dimensional point contracted in a seven-dimensional brane (see image 6), confining us into our relative position, making us to perceive one single image (our subjective reality) of the whole vast infinity of realities with different initial conditions and different physical laws.

Image 6
The Max Tegmark multiverse clasification makes reference through its 4 levels, to how the realities are simultaneously contained both in the big and the small, being these actually only a reflection (as above so below, as below so above).

But then, it can be different multiverses for the variation of their physical laws and constants, and this implies again a "location" by coordinates (relatively to our three-dimensional confinement perception of coordinates). The next upper dimensions will help us to get a better understanding.

Rob Bryanton says that "to elude confusion on the ultimate ensamble is better not to call it a multiverse, rather than, the Omniverse. This help us to keep clear and separate in our minds: the parallel universes of our own universe (Tegmark Level I - know to as the phase space of our universe) from the multiverse landscape (Tegmark Level II and/or III). On top of that is added the 9th dimension, which comprises the lower dimensions but moves beyond any physical expresion and only in patterns of information (Tegmark Level IV). The 9th dimension then becomes the Omniverse in its entirety or in the 10th dimension becomes its undetermined non-local state, representing in one singular point the Ultimate ensamble of all possible patterns and shapes, ready to be created through symmetry breaking and throw us back into the lower dimensions".

Before entering the next upper dimension we must remember the following: To haver a better understanding of these dimensions, we must remember that the dimensional directions after the first 3, are infinitesimal in size. Nowadays directions are abstract and unpredictable, because of the non-commutativity of the position and the momentum (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle). Imagination (depending on the correspondence level) can trip our mind out of the confinements of our Planck constant, and contact other realities (Planck frames from our constant or others), whether they are nearby (relatively) from ours with the purpose of materializing wishes, or far away (relatively) from ours with the purpose of trip and pleasure. You can travel and change positions through imagination, without the need of changing a three-dimensional spatial position (state x+3). And so, this reveals 3 types of space: Space (1,2,3), Inter-space (4,5,6), and Super-space (7,8,9).

Dimension x+8

"The distinction between past, present and future is only a persistent and stubborn illusion" -Albert Einstein-

Figure 10
With what we have already established , we deduce then, that the multiverse projects and represents all the possible scenarios of simple and fundamental programmings as physical laws and constants with different initial conditions with their respective progressions. Where our universe represent one possibility within infinit possibilities of a multiverse that simulates and projects the same fundamental physical laws and constants (in its own likeness). Then we can imagine a plane (see figure 10) of multiverses (multiverse landscape) in which we can observe the variation of physical constants (and thus laws) in coordinates. E.g. let's imagine we determine our correspondent multiverse in a point of a coordinate plane of 8 dimensions, with our respective physical constants and all its possible scenarios and then finding to the "left" relative to our point, another multiverse, where for example, the light constant may reach less velocity (e.g. 25 000 km/s) than our own multiverse, and we could also find to its "right" a multiverse where its light constant would be faster than ours (e.g. 11 000 000 kms/s). In that same way, we could say also, that "below" our point the planck constant would be more extense and vice versa towards "above" (see image 7). Far away points from ours, could manifest other physical laws, where we could relatively say that those laws don't have any concordance with our own, and those other realities would be experienced very different than ours.

Image 7
h = Planck constant
c = Light speed
"This other universes resulting from different physical constants, are different positions within the multiverse landscape of the 7th and 8th dimension. Landing in any particular location within that landscape, there is an existing potential so there can be a wave function for possible states, in other words, a set of parallel universes for the resulting universe within the 1rst to the 6th dimension." -Rob Bryanton-

This ocean (landscape) of possibilities can be concordantly represented by the Quantum Foam, where this one can be the super-space from which the strings (inter-space) absorb the information to project this reality. This liquid of creation, is the void that permeates the original vibration (the creative flame), for the emanated creation of the vast variety and complexity of the relative perspectives and perceptions. But this same, is only a plane of the ocean. To travel in this ocean from point to point over different planes, again like all others, need's a folding, to allow the free and continous movement. Such folding is found on the next upper dimension.

Dimension x+9

Imagining the same sequence of the point-line-plane postulate, we finally get to the limit of the imaginable and the figuratively conceivable, the super-spatial 3 dimensions. Is the dimension that logic says to us that it gives the geodesical angle of free movement, giving place to the curvature of laws and constans. When reaching the 9th dimension, we reach into a realm that takes reality as pure information.

We could say then, that any determined 8 dimensional plane, gyrate to any angle correspondent to the 9th dimension, may be permeating the information of the original vibration (from an orthogonal angle that seems non-existent relative to the 8 dimensional plane), this plane (quantum foam) is a filter receptor and emitter channel, for the oportunity of creating the multiverses in its particular bubbles, consequently and simultaneously the universes. For this perspective, that which can be considered as the original vibration, remains hidden due to the deterministic relativity of the octadimensional plane's position, in other words, it hides from the individual consciousness, that which is constrained by the space-time continuum with relative determination (the original vibration is to us equally unconceivable as "nothingness", being us on the other side where "everything" conceivable lies). The emergent bubbles of the effervescence above or/and below the surface of the quantum foam, are the result of the vibration permeated from the original vibration ("nothingness"), and this one starts to become distorted, for its possible success of performance and experiment in "everything".
This original vibration that remains hidden due to the veil of all 8 dimensional surfaces of the 9th dimension, is constrained in an undetermined point ("the 'ancient' one electron"). A point immanent and reflected in all points that form the three-dimensional point. Totality lies in all its parts, just as a floating bubble reflects the entire universe that surrounds it, so electrons and quarks reflects the totality. Such reflection is the likeness between dimension 0 and the 9th dimension. Is in this way as how the loop of the microscopical lying in the astronomic, and the astronomic lying in the microscopical (Ouroboros) is accomplished and reconciled. "As it is above so below, as it is below so above". This helps to substantiate the "one-electron universe" idea of John Wheeler, which postulates that all the electrons of the universe are the holographic reflection of only one electron (precisely what we talked about in dimension 0, the point paradoxically extending its image or reflection infinitely to all directions). This electron or point is also reflecting something else, which we cannot further determine with our imagination. We can only say that the omniverse is imitating only an undetermined part of that infinite, and thus, it makes our omniverse infinite. The omniverse (the one-electron) and its total unity, can be conceived figuratively as a perfume that a wine leaves in a cup after being withdrawn. In this case, the wine is the original vibration, which is infinite, ineffable and inscrutable (and apparently inexorable), and it left only its impression in an undetermined coordinate. This coordinate is our point, our omniverse, and it is equally inconceivable as the original vibration. (By the way, calling it "original vibration" would be incorrect, but we do it for the sake of argument, for trying to understand the most abstract concept of the 9th dimension).

As we established some paragraphs before, the upper dimension of any determined dimension can be relatively its sequence of duration and performance (see figure 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10). Where the lower dimension is only a static image represented, and due to the sequence of the proceeding images, it obtains coherence in its reproduction. When performance is done, it can be seen only the cross section of the upper dimension (one moment at a time). Without performance we would be considering that this dimensions are static images and thus are purely spatial (being null), so, where is the temporal part?

Dimension t'

Analyzing dimensions in set of thirds, we get the following terms: 1,2,3 equals space (-), 4,5,6 equals inter-space (+), and 7,8,9 equals super-space (0).

When the void becomes unable to hold infinity, the void becomes determined in its potential, this provokes an initial twist, as a great explosion that comes from "nothingness". The void in contraction generates the existence of space, and thus time (distortion is caused by gravity and presence of matter) for an infinite oscillation of 0 and 1. 0 and 1 equals to energy and mass, which also equals respectively (in likeness) time and space, forming the possibility of changing from state to state (and to experiment the manifested), just as the point can change from state to state within the line (or the plane, or the sphere).

So we can think of the initial twist mentioned on the last paragraph as the big bang, as if nothingness, the void and the null space-time contract from the original vibration, and through a point, the contraction came from nothingness to everything, starting with the infinitely dense point. Just as the void was unable to hold infinity, simultaneously the point was also unable to hold the infinite density, and thus, it explode to every angle, creating space and time as a single thread of the cosmic tapestry. You can think of such constriction as the act of breathing. When you exhale, your lungs expels the matter and energy within, constraining themselves. The lungs in this case, is nothingness, and the outside, is everything. (Remember, talking of terms like "inside" or "outside" do not apply to nothingness, it is only a metaphor).

When we say that matter occupies a space in the universe, we talking about that its elementary particles, occupies such space. When there is no matter, unperturbed, without distortion or disturbance, thus, is empty (void), and when void is not relative, it unifies with nothingness. But when matter occupies a location, lets first recall that in presence of matter there is gravity in function of its mass, and consequently, this one bends (distorts) the empty space-time, in other words, matter is an extension of the void's distortion. Such curvature, is the created space-time for the possible location of matter. But we are talking about space-time, not only space. Time is also bend in function of gravity, giving the possibility to elapse from one state to the other, being time also relative to mass. If we analyze the set of 4,5,6, this one shapes the scenes in progression of any possibility of existence. This set (or any other) without time, do not exist.

As we said in the previous dimensions: in the quantum world of strings underlying in spatial particles, lies the infinite potential in wave function, with a undetermined and non-local state of probability. This potential lying in inter-space, is the possibilities' superposition, where without time, the physical universe could not sustain the infinite possibilities (in continuum or discrete) in each moment, thus, since there is a time dimension (comparable to inter-space), the infinite can store in the inter-space of each spatiotemporal point the infinity of possible states (past and future) surrounding the present space-time.

If you gather a lineal sequence of moments (data), you get a story (information), but such story is not real, until the opposite side of space (time) manifests. Time gives legitimacy to existence. Without time there is no space, because there is no reproduction of the lineal sequence of moments, in other words, if you don't hit Play to the movie, there is no story, no message, there is nothing.

Thus, from the dimension 0 to the 9th dimension without the temporal dimension, nothingness and the void are equal, even space is included in such semantic, for this 10 dimensions are represented abstractly with coordinates, satisfying the point-line-plane postulate, but while there is no time, spatial coordinates remain nullified, making of space such equivalency to nothingness and the void.

It is when time is given, when space (all spatial dimensions) start to appear real, and it is in time where energy is generated, which is essentially in charge of movement (in this case, is not necessary to mention matter, for it is another expression of energy) and entropy. Previous to energy, time and space are in a absolute state of unity, and such unity is empty of "everything". Dimensions have aways been there, waiting (figuratively) to be known by the different degrees of consciousness.

But when time starts to reproduce the lineal sequences on the planes, the void, nothingness and space become differentiated. This information indicates that space is the spatial coordinates container of matter (universe), the void is the inter-spatial coordinates container of possibilities (multiverse), and in its most abstract way, nothingness being the super-spatial coordinates container of realities (omniverse), we can attribute philosophically to this last one with the name of "existential pleroma".

We understand that the physical universe is not infinite, but limitless, and such limitless is due to the infinity of nothingness, where its potential can grow until the universal entropy is done (so the toroid can start again). The ups and downs of the universe as a giant vibration (or a wave-frequency). And when the physical universe is manifested (as conscious revelation and mental creation) simultaneously all dimensions emanate to exist. 

And so, the temporal dimension is a necessity for spatial dimensions, for time eases the expression of infinity in the finite.

Dimension x+(Original Vibration)

The original vibration could be considered as the infinite dimensions, but, due to the limits that the mind puts in our conceivability, we can only think of 9 spatial dimensions, because trying to understand what goes beyond information, is trying to understand non-existence or existence beyond the mind. If there are more than 9 dimensions, there would be infinite dimensions, but we must remember that nothingness equals infinity, for there is no boundary to emanate, create, form and perform realities (and other "things" that paradoxically cannot be regarded as realities nor unrealities). Human consciousness can know and understand only information that is correspondent to the mind. Other information beyond the mind's information (such as for example trying to imagining a reality without past, present and future, or a reality without space) is inconceivable and thus equals nothingness (there is an infinity of realities we cannot imagine). 

The 9th dimension imitates this infinity, because the infinity is hidden within the 9th dimension (the most hidden of all hidden), just as we said 4 paragraphs before. And the 9th dimension is hidden within the 8th dimension (quantum foam), and so on, until all dimensions that involves possibilities different than ours, are confined and hidden within our 3 dimensions, and our level of consciousness perceive only the polarity of the first 3 dimensions as physical reality. A great delay of the original vibration is what we are experimenting. 

Can we think that there is something beyond the original vibration? Of course we can, but there won't be simply any information that fills that thought within our conceivable correspondence. The Original Vibration seems to us unconceivable and counter-intuitive.  Such absolute existence thought by us relatively, is a figurative supposition, because inconceivability begins from the 9th dimension (and simultaneously the dimension 0). Ergo, what goes beyond the limit where inconceivability begins, is totally equal to such limit, all these relative to our correspondent degree of consciousness.

To each kind of consciousness exists a degree of conception and an unconceivable degree. To our physical senses reality features only 3 spatial dimensions, to our mind reality features 10 spatial-temporal dimensions. Each of this vessels of consciousness is providing a broader vision of reality, encompassing more conception of its infinite vibration spectrum. To our physical senses, the original vibration begins from the 3rd dimension's limit and further, but to our mind, the original vibration begins from the 9th dimension's limit and further.

What are the conclusions of such postulate and statements? To amplify our perspective of the original vibration, humans will have to create another vessel that allows him to conceive more of the unconceivable. Whenever the human being can make conceivable and intuitive the original vibration, the human will realize that all the information that he looked for in the nature of the cosmos, was created by himself (the anthropomorphized reality).

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-The Void-

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