The Multiverse Realm

When deepening a bit with quantum mechanics information, we find constantly a term know as "Multiverse". The same word can give as a zoom to the meaning and concept that wraps. We know that the word multiverse has relation with the word "universe", but Multiverse has a different prefix, which is "multi-". We are talking about a multiplicity of universes, a designated infinite and thus undetermined quantity of universes. "According to any of these assumptions, the multiverse comprise all that exists physically: the totality of space and time, all forms of matter, energy, and movement quantity, and the physical laws and constants that governs them".

This allude to universes like ours but with different initial conditions for moment, in other words, different resultant possibilities of particular situations. Even at the extreme point where the universes are not like our universe as we interpret it physically, for these universes lies in other multiverses that are ruled and confined by different physical laws and constants. To get a better understanding of the mentioned, lets see the classifications that have been made for the multiverses.

Max Tegmark classification has provide a taxonomy for the multiverses:

   - Level I Multiverse: Beyond our Cosmological Horizon

"A generic prediction of chaotic inflation is an infinite ergodic universe, which, being infinite, must contain Hubble volumes realizing all initial conditions.

Accordingly, an infinite universe will contain an infinite number of Hubble volumes, all having the same physical laws and physical constants. In regard to configurations such as the distribution of matter, almost all will differ from our Hubble volume such as matter distribution in volume. According to current theories, some occured proccesses behind the Big Bang distributed matter with certain degree of randomness, giving place to all different configurations whose probability is different from zero. Our universe, with a nearly uniform distribution of matter and initial fluctuations of density of 1/100.000, could be a typical representative 'at least in those who contains observers'.

However, because there are infinitely many, far beyond the cosmological horizon, there will eventually be Hubble volumes with similar, and even identical, configurations. Tegmark estimates that an identical volume to ours should be about 1010115 meters away from us, a number much bigger than a 'Googolplex'. Given infinite space, there would, in fact, an infinite number of Hubble volumes identical to ours in the Universe. This follows directly from the cosmological principle, wherein it is assumed our Hubble volume is not special or unique."

This alludes to that each of us is in the center of our own universe, no matter where one moves, environment will always surround him. This would be considered as the Hubble Volume, which is a spherical region of the universe that surrounding the observer beyond which objects recede from that observer at a rate greater than the speed of light due to the expansion of the universe on each point of its three-dimensional coordinates.

Image 1
This means, that a limit exist according to the hubble volume, which has been calculated to be approximately of 31 cubic light years. This represent the scheme where after this volume information does not reach, due to each point of the three-dimensional coordinates of the universe is expanding, and thus, the information that surrounds the limit of the hubble volume turns back away from the observer (as if information has a toroidal cycle) for the expansion that exists in two opposite directions.

When is talked about the universe including an infinite number of hubble volumes, it means that for each change of position in a three-dimensional coordinate system, exist points that surrounds the spherical limit of the hubble volume different from the previous positions (see image 1). Even if those hubble volumes are relative to different positions may overlap due to their short distance of difference (see image 2). But if the distance between two osbervers is too long, the hubble volumes may not overlap (see image 3). In multiverse level I, space-time is perfectly flat. In that flat-sheet of space-time comes a infinite number of universes constrained to themselves with the same physical laws and constants. All the universes differ of our own unvierse, precisely in the configuration of different distributions of matter in the volume due to different initial conditions (quantum variation). Eventually they will become similar and even with identical configurations.

Image 2
Image 3

"The cosmological horizon is the space-time equivalent to the 3d horizon we see around us when we are in the middle of the ocean. Its the same in every direction, because of an underlying curvature. Topologically speaking, if we think about our 4d space-time as a flat-plane, or the surface of the ocean as a flat-plane, where is the curvature? In either case, I would say is in the next dimension up. So our observable 4d universe is really on the surface of a 5d hypersphere, which means that if Tegmark's calculations are correct, we have a measure of the circumference of that hypersphere. Just as we could travel east on the surface of the earth and eventually end up back where we started, this would indicate that if we travel
1010115 meters we would traverse the surface of the 5d hypersphere and end up in the same place we are right now. It also means that if I adjusted my angle ever so slightly, I could have ended up in a universe that is really nearby ours in the fifth dimension, where I got up 5 minutes earlier than this morning of this universe." -Rob Bryanton-

   - Level II Multiverse: Universes with different physical constants

The multiverse stretches eternally in a multiverse landscape (quantum foam), but in some regions of space stops its expansion and form distinct bubbles, making foamy the landscape.

"Such bubbles are Level I embryonary universes of infinite size, of deposited matter by the field energy that was provoked by the inflation; The distance that separate us from the nearest bubble is 'infinite', in the sense that we cannot reach it even travelling at light speed; the existent space between our bubbles and the surrounding bubbles is expanding faster than what you can travel through it.

Unlike level I multiverse, in the level II multiverse, the distinct bubbles (multiverses) vary not only in their initial conditions but in relevant aspects as the dimensions of space-time, the qualities of elementary particles and the values that takes the physical constants. The diverse bubbles can experience different spontaneous symmetry breaking, resulting in uneven properties universes. In this sense, it should be noted that string theory suggests that some time in our universe coexisted 9 similar spatial dimensions, nonetheless, in a given moment, 3 of them participated on the cosmic expansion, being these the ones we recognize today. The other 6 are not observable, either because of their microscopic size, or because all matter is confined in a three-dimensional surface called "Brane" within a space with more dimensions. It is thought that the original symmetry between dimensions broke, giving chance to other bubbles (multiverses) to experience different symmetry breakings.

Acoording to the terminology of Brian Greene, in this "metaverse" would be include the following types of multiverse: Inflationary multiverse, Cyclic multiverse, Self-reproducing multiverse, Brane multiverse, Landscape multiverse, and the Holographic multiverse."

When is mentioned that the distance that separates such bubbles is infinite, its referring to an expansion of the space-time continuum, where relatively, the three-dimensional physical confinement of the plank frame per moment with our actual space-time-possibility position, all other bubbles do not exist, for they are "practically unreachable".

When string theory is noted, subsequently are mentioned the 6 dimensions (inter-space & super-space) non-observable to actual human consciousness, and finally they are considered whether microscopic in size or as a total confinement of matter in a brane, the first one talks about these dimensions composed by the small, and the second one talks about all folded by the big, nevertheless we suggest to comprise both as correct, for we could say that within space lies the inter-space, and within the inter-space lies the super-space, and within the super-space lies again the space, so successively and infinitely projecting a toroid that confines 9 dimensions.

   - Level III Multiverse: Many-worlds interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

The Many-worlds interpretations (parallel universes) of Hugh Everett are physically non-observable and they cannot be predicted absolutely, but only the the physical relativity that corresponds to our colective planck constant perception, confined to one moment per unit of time.

"Each one of the possible observations equals a different universe, the quantum random proccesses cause the branching of the universe in multiple copies, one for each possible universe. Such universes are found «in another place» different than ordinary space. Nonetheless, this «parallel worlds» make their presence known in laboratory experiements such as wave interference and quantum computing. There is a range of possible observations, each with a different probability. According to the MWI, each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe. Suppose a six-sided die is thrown and that the result of the throw corresponds to a quantum mechanics observable. All six possible ways the die can fall correspond to six different universes. We can only perceive a fraction from the complete quantum reality.

Tegmark argues that a level III multiverse does not contain more possibilities in the Hubble volume than a level I-II multiverse. In effect, all the different "worlds" created by "splits" in a level III multiverse with the same physical constants can be found in some Hubble volume in a level I multiverse. Tegmark writes that «The only difference between Level I and Level III is where your doppelgängers reside. In Level I they live elsewhere in good old three-dimensional space. In Level III they live on another quantum branch in infinite-dimensional Hilbert space.» Similarly, all level II bubble universes with different physical constants can in effect be found as "worlds" created by «splits» at the moment of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a level III multiverse.

Brian R. Green named this multiverse as Quantum Multiverse."

This basically tells us, that the other possibilities are found on the inter-space (within space), where possibilities remain constrained in a quantum branch of a Hilbert Space of infinite dimension, differently than level I-II multiverse, where these (as the hubble volume specifies) are located in too separate distances from ours where it comes to differ from our universe in variation possibility. "In other words, the only difference is where your doppelganger resides", whether is an extremely large distance (Level I-II) or an extremely short distance (Level III).

"Similarly, all the bubble universes of level II with different physical constants can in fact be found as created worlds by divisions in the moment of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a level III multiverse." -Rob Bryanton"-

If we picture the universes statically, this would make reference to the position that there is for each space-time of universe, determined by the relativity of a frame of reference, and simultaneously undetermined by the absolute and its unity. Change is simply the frame of reference going forward in a sequence as a conscious observer. Of infinite universes, one is selected by such mentioned consciousness, but the other universes continue just as real as the one we are in.

   - Level IV Multiverse: The Ultimate Ensamble

"TheLevel IV Multiverse considers that all mathematical structures exist also physically. This hypothesis can be linked in a radical way to Platonism, which afirms that the mathematical structures of Platon´s world of ideas has its correspondence in the physical world. Considering that the universe is itself mathematical, one wonders, why can exist only one mathematical structure to describe the universe? Consequently, this level postulates the existence of all universes that can be defined and described by mathematical structures. Residing out of space and time most of them are empty of observers. In this way, while on level I, II and III multiverses the initial conditions and the physical constants vary remaining unchanged the fundamental laws, in level IV multiverse these also change.

This level considers equally real all universes that can be described by different mathematical structures. Tegmark writes that «abstract mathematics is so general that any Theory Of Everything (TOE) that is definable in purely formal terms (independent of vague human terminology) is also a mathematical structure. For instance, a TOE involving a set of different types of entities (denoted by words, say) and relations between them (denoted by additional words) is nothing but what mathematicians call a set-theoretical model, and one can generally find a formal system that it is a model of.» He argues this «implies that any conceivable parallel universe theory can be described at Level IV» and «subsumes all other ensembles, therefore brings closure to the hierarchy of multiverses, and there cannot be say a Level V.»

According to Brian R. Greene's terminology, in this omniverse would be include the following types of multiverse: the Final multiverse or Mathematical multiverse, and the Simulated multiverse.

The scientific theories of parallel universes constitutes a hierarchy of four levels. As the level increases, the distinct universes differ more from ours. And so, in level I multiverse the distinct universes are only different in initial conditions, but in level IV multiverse even physical laws are different.

In the next decade, more precise measures of the cosmic microwave background and the grand scale of matter's distribution will corroborate to the level I multiverse for they will determine the topology and curvature of space. At the same time, it will also inquire level II multiverse, testing the theory of eternal chaotic inflation. As regard the exploration of level III multiverse, the possible construction in the future of quantum computers can play a crucial role in this regard. Finally, the success or failure of the TOE —would group all physical phenomena known as one single theory."

This ultimate ensamble reconciles the other levels generating the toroidal cycle of the small in the big and the big in the small (Ouroboros Symbolism). The ostensible difference between universe, multiverse and omniverse its only by content. The universe (space) is contained with other similar universes in a multiverse (inter-space). Curiously inter-space is within space. And the variety of multiverses that exist due to the different laws and constants are contained in a multivers landscape, a surface of the omniverse (super-space). Super-space being in both (space and inter-space), reconciles both creating the infinite through a circle (or we could say a Mobius strip), therefore, the omniverse is contained in all the universe and all the universes of all multiverses.

For a better understanding of the ultimate ensamble we share the providence of dimensions.

Observing the mentioned curiosity of the last paragraph, we realize that the big is in the small and vice versa. Where (U)niverse = (S)pace, (M)ultiverse =  (I)nter-space, and (O)mniverse = (Ss)uper-space: U<M, S>I. Each are contained within each other. And the Omniverse that equals Super-space, comes practically out of the equation of space-time for being in both, for this is the one that reconciles the mutual content.

Image 4 - Refraction (Relativity) and Reunion (Absolutness)
Those spaces that seems to lack of matter in a relative universe (but nowadays is being considered as dark matter and energy), are filled with matter of other realtive universes (that the wave function collapse does not let us perceive), where the absolute of the whole set of unvierses wouldn't allow any possibility of manifesting, given that all positions that are refracted in relativity, are united, and thus, all would be information of pure light (Omniverse) (see image 4).

After the Omniverse and the Ultimate Ensamble, what could there exist is inconceivable for the mind, and therefore, there is no such existence of those other realities beyond the Omniverse for the mind, just as there are no other physical present possibilities for my body than this one in this relative universe. This brings us the thought that, if we are proving the multiverse to be real, regardless our physical senses and laws, then, inconceivable realities for the mind can be one day something to be "known". One who wants to wonder beyond, should release himself fearless from the mind. For now, try to think in nothingness. Good luck with that!

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-The Void-

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