Space-time Relativity

The Unification of Space and Time. What is space-time?

Nowadays it is known from experience what is space and what is time. It is acknowledged that, if there is any place that can be inhabit it is seen as space, and if there is any movement that can occur it is seen as time. But the fabric of both and their truths that makes them be in fact as one universal property, remains unknown to us. First, lets understand what is space-time as a dimension, and after that, we will understand their reason why these two qualities are only one interwoven web.

Space-time is the woven web where all physical events takes place (an event or a moment is a point in space-time specified by its time and place). E.g. the translation movement of the planets around the sun can be described by a kind of particular space-time. This is from the point of view that in any space-time, an event is a unique position in a unique time. Events can be specified by a coordinate system of 4 real numbers, because events are points of space-time (x, y, z, t), where the location of an elemental particle (spatial point) has it's particular time. A space-time duration (see Dimension x+4) can be seen as the union of all events, in the same way a line can be seen as the union of all points (see figure 1). The trajectory of elemental particles (points) through space-time, are a "continuum" of events called world line. Now lets see how space and time are unify.

Figure 1: Space-time Duration Line (x,y,z,t)

Information's relativity in distance

We understand that information travels through light. Lets contemplate the following example, to have a better understanding of what space-time is. The constant of speed of light (C) travels approximately 300,000 km/s. The most approximate star to our solar system is "Alfa Centauri", located at 4.37 light years away from us.

If we take this two factors, we could easily deduce the distance between our solar system and Alfa Centauri. We are talking about kilometers per second, so lets start with the seconds of the year. An hour has 3,600 seconds, a month has 2,592,000 seconds, a year has 31,104,000 seconds, multiplied by 4.37 years of light distance would result in 135,294,480 seconds that takes light to travel from our sun to Alfa Centauri, and for each second, light travels 300,000 kilometers, giving the distance result of 40,777,344,000,000 km.

From our solar system, light travels 40 trillion 777 billion 344 million kilometers to reach the most approximate star Alfa Centauri, with a time of 4.37 years (or 135,294,480 seconds).

Now, lets put this factor in set with the premise which state that light is the conveyance of information, so we can understand space-time. If light has a certain time to travel a certain distance, so the information emitted by an object suffers a causal delay (relative to the receptor's observation), proportional to the time it takes to arrive at another system's receptor. Causality is the universal present, the moment when the reality of the observed causal delay was generated. E.g. the light emitted by Alpha Centauri in it's causality, takes approximately 4 years in reach us, i.e., the information that we observe from that star, is not the present, but the past of 4 years ago. Due to the enormous distance betwixt both stars causality suffers a causal delay of 4.37 years. It seems so real that what we see in the nightsky is the present, but actually it is only the past.

Let's consider our solar system as point "A" and alfa centauri as point "B".

Point A relative to its present time (causality) observes the past time (causal delay) of point B, and point B relative to its present time, observes the past time of point A. Those mentioned pasts or causal delays have a determined future occurring in the relative present respective to each point, e.g. if we could see faster than the speed of light we would see the causality of point B, and we would know the future of the information's causal delay. As if causa delays would have a destiny. Causality's information continues to replay infinitely while travels through light, increasing it's delay each step of space-time (to the planck scale). But after causality, according to our perception and our consciousness, there is no information made (...yet...).

The same causal delay occurs between objects that are separated at a distance far more diminutive compared to 300 000 km, e.g., between you (reader) and the computer monitor there is approximately 60 cm of distance, so we apply the same method of the stars, only this time instead of multiplying we will divide. First, we convert 300 000 km to 30 000 000 000 cm, and then we put 60 cm of distance divided by 30 000 000 000 cm that light travels in a second, resulting in 0.000000002 seconds of causal delay, i.e. when you are seeing the computer monitor you are seeing in image that happened 0.000000002 seconds ago, a fraction or quantity of time practically irrelevant to our perception, which makes seem the moment as the present.

This shows us how time is actually something intrinsic to space, and vice versa, thus, we regard space and time as one same property that feign to be to different things. But there are more ways to perceive the space-time unity.

Relating gravity with space-time

A concept that influences intrinsically in space-time is gravity. Under our daily concept of gravity, we know it as that force of atraction that we experience as the pull of mass toward the center. We are talking about the relation that gravity has with space. Nowadays we know scientifically that if a body is masive, it has great gravitational pull because of the three-dimensional ondulation that exerts on space (e.g. like analogously puting a big and heavy marble on your bed, and noticing how the surface of the bed curvates for the weight of the marble), and thus, if a body lacks of mass its gravitational pull will be much less (if it has mass it produces gravitation, no matter the quantity). But that which we have not been realized until recently, is that gravity does not only curves space, but also time. So, it is understood by gravity, that actually it is no atraction per se, but a folding (an ondulation) of the three-dimensional surface of space-time, which causes that less-massive objects fall into the more-massive objects.

This piece of information has led humans to understand and believe that space and time are not two properties that integrate, but it has always been a singular property: "space-time".

Lets review the following example: A person that lives on earth, and another that travels on the outer-space around the earth, both live different relative times, because the one who lives on earth is influenced by its gravity, and thus, he's perceiving the dilated time compared from the one who's travelling on outer-space, and vice versa, the one who's travelling around the earth is less influenced by gravity, and thus, he's perceiving shrunken time compared to the one who lives on earth. This due to that the force of gravity when ondulates and distorts space-time, beside of giving geometrical spatial form, it dilates time. The more mass and therefore more gravitational force, more dilated time becomes. Another simple example: On jupiter time pass slower than on earth.

Now let's examine the "Twin experiment", where one stays put on earth, and the other goes out in an interstellar travel at speed of light for one year. When travelling at speed of light its produced a gravitational force so strong that slows too much time that makes the differences of times so marked. When the travelling twin comes back to earth, he would experimented one year of life, while we would find the other twin on a nursing home.

Reality varies relative to the frame of reference.

Relating the void with space-time

Taking the last topic into account, gravity then is looking for singularity, for it pulls and absorbs all so all can be one in a point. But based on the polarity axiom, there must be an opposite to that atraction, and actually there is. Human beings have realized of the universe's expansion for the sequence of causes and effects that galaxies display with their positions. We try to imagine this as if reality was plane (bidimensional), and our universe is the surface of a plastic balloon. Let's say that the balloon has little pieces of dirt stuck in its surface, and we will interpret that as the galaxies. When blowing and inflating the balloon, each piece of dirt remains in its same position but the space between each piece of dirt stretchs (see figure 2).

The reflection of the void in space-time causes the expansion's iteration (through what we today call the dark energy). Sinced the supposed beginning of the space-times, this expansion gave birth to duration going forward in time, but simultaneously, to go backwards in time. For as tetra-dimensionally time went forward, things were distancing and light had more distance to travel, thus, the planck frames that travel in the void through light were delaying to get from one point to another, making the past and the future to reproduce infinitely, in all directions, limitless.

This universe provides us mysterys that describe something essential of human reality, and this relation is made on perception.

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-The Void-

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