Entropy decides
"Stop to define you, grant yourself all the possibilities to be,
change paths as many times as you need."
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
Much has been said about Freewill, this one being the power of will, as being conscious, to be skilled in analyzing, discerning and deciding, in other words, being the intellectual power. It has been said that the human being is the only one between animals, that possess free will, and thus, he has constructed all artifact and technology that surrounds us nowadays. That in this same way, the human can be authoritarian head of the world. Human intelligence has been treated with pride, and such naivety woke up an ego, making him identified with a mask of superiority.
Let's understand why humans came up with such a conclusion. We have a determined capacity to observe moments and its phenomena through our 5 senses, by which we may be in a certain level of presence. This innate capacity of the 3rd human brain called "neocortex", prints data associating images in a way that produces a perception of time through self-identification. Such space-time sequence that the unconscious collects through senses awakens or abstracts the conscious from a non-local and atemporal state, by detecting repetition of physical phenomena. When noticing them, the conscious starts to recognize them as patterns thanks to the conscious selection of scenes (explicit memory); later, reasoning their cause. But all this process makes perception to recognize the past, its patterns, and how these can be repeated with high probability in a supposed future. At that moment, the individual starts to imagine the future possibilities, taking decisions depending on the analysis he makes in the present. Thanks to frequencies, our perception of physical reality become conscious. Within frequencies lies the root of conceiving information, the concretion of conceptual abstraction out of materiality. The determination, the label, the name, and the section.
At this moment, the individual has awoken a being in his interior, that from now on, the individual will always listen to. When the individual develops language and communication, his interior being also comprehends such abilities, until it starts to disguise its "noumenal"* interpretation and performance of internal voice, as the voice the individual thinks and listens "inside his head" (as the individual hears himself on the physical reality, he will listen to the voice in his head, with such timbre, pitch, and neurolinguistics). Such voice is known as "the Ego". When there is no guide for the ego, this one naively "deduces" the world, where the pleasure and pain forge the ethic and moral compass of behavior. This behavior starts to fill with masks (illogically justified as a temporal solution of a "problematic" reality), until the multiple personalities are formed (whether helpful or troubled), generally stabilized by similar semantic**. The multiple-personalities are known entirely as the "self-image", with which the individual identifies. When identifying completely with the personality, the individual is arbitrarily turning around in the circles programmed by the unconsciousness.
Never in the course of all this reasoning has been mentioned that humans have decided how to be, or that has decided how to forge his system of beliefs and his moral and ethical compass. This makes us think that the human being always had the illusion of free will and his intelligence was only developed naturally as an instinctive process. So, if the individual has never decided how to be, who programs the individual?
The Masterpiece
To know and understand the programmer, first, we must know the constitution of its programming and the constructive blocks of physical reality. We shall start firstly with the vibration principle, which states that all is actually oscillating from one extreme to the other (e.g. wavelength: 1 and 0) and this principle (being an axiom) is what characterizes energy. The greek etymological translation of energy is "force or capacity for action". We can observe how movement exists thanks to this axiom of oscillation. Such action is what generates the course of things in time. But, what are the things we are talking about? We perceive a material world, which composes the physical reality, and each thing is actually a material located in space. Materials are composed of constructive blocks in its most elemental physical appearance, which men have determined and has called "Atoms".
We must keep in mind the polarity axiom, which states that everything is dual, that all and each thing in nature has its opposite pole, a thesis and an antithesis. So, in this case, we have energy on the extreme of subtlety, and on its opposite pole, we have matter on the extreme of density. This same axiom embodies the truth that all opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree (e.g. light and dark equal in electromagnetism's nature, heat and cold equal in temperature's nature, white and black equal in pigment's nature, etc.). For that same reason, it is stated in science, that matter is only energy condensed into a slow vibration. If we analyze the density of an atom's mass, we would observe that such density is composed of a cluster of movements, which affirms that there is no such thing as matter, but only movement. All we know in reality (from work, force, electricity, heat, light or any other capacity of action to any material) is an expression of energy, each one with its respective functional mask.
We'll talk about three processes of energy to corroborate the last paragraph. First we have the mass/energy equivalence, where it is stated that the mass of an object or a system is a measure of its energy content (this equivalence is characterized with the formula E = mc2), that is, energy condensed into a slow vibration in material's capacity (all bit of matter is a cluster of energy). Secondly, potential energy (from Latin potentis meaning "that which may be" or "that which has power") is the capacity to do work under the position or state of a particle, that is to say, energy recumbent or stored in a system, as a conservative force. E.g. a stone on the top of a mountain has its potential energy (the electrostatic that unites its mass, and the gravitational for its position's height), but as it rolls down by the side of the mountain, this energy is added with kinetic energy (from Latin kinesis that means "movement" or "motion"). Ergo, kinetic energy is defined as the necessary work (understood as a force) to accelerate a body at rest, until reaching a determined velocity that has at any given time.
So, we can say that matter is a condensed cluster of energy in quantum potency, for it is such its velocity (mc2) that displays the semblance of matter with its illusion of density. It is our low reception's frequency of our consciousness that attends the cluster of energy as matter, and collapse the wave function in the physical reality we perceive.
"A particle is essentially a set of relations that reach out to connect with other things. The essential nature of matter lies not in objects but in interconnections. Today physicists are simply proving that what we call an object, an atom, a molecule, a particle, is only an approximation, like a metaphor. At a sub-atomic level, it dissolves into a series of interconnections, like chords of music... it's beautiful." -Sonnia Hoffman-
One of the masks of energy we will study in this article is Heat, and thus, we will first have to understand a little more of Thermodynamics. These studies, are an analysis of the energetic transformations that occur on matter. As we know, when an atom increases its frequency, and thus, its velocity of oscillation, it is said that the atom has gained heat, and vice versa, when the atom oscillates slower, it means it has lost heat (it has cooled). So when we feel heat or cold, are actually the atoms fluctuating faster or slower respectively.
We humans naturally observe the physical separation that lies between objects (by means of their walls that delimit a border), this is what researchers call "System", to denote a portion of matter under study. The rest of the universe (everything outside the system) is the environment or ambient. A physical system is a set of material particles, limited by real or imagined walls imposed by the observer.
There are 3 classes of systems: open, closed and isolated. The walls of an open system allow transferring both matter and energy. E.g. fuel is introduced into a car, and by means of its internal combustion, it throws out gases and heat. The walls of a closed system transfer only energy between the system and its environment, as heat and work, but not as matter. E.g. You don't need to introduce or take matter out of a winding watch, it only requires an (kinetic) energy input to keep working. An isolated system does not have contact with matter, nor with energy. For the requirement of approach and interaction, isolated systems are only ideals, and do not really occur on experiment or in nature. Is only a hypothetic concept. The closest example is a thermos flask containing hot water, where the thermos flask tries to isolate the heat, but slowly and eventually energy is distributed until reaching equilibrium (See figure 1).
Everything is an informative communique of data, that comes manifested as an energy expression, independently whether if its subtle as energy or dense as matter, everything is vibration, everything is in movement. And whatever looks like an unchanged solid object, such an object will not be the same in an undetermined time, for the energy that composes its matter it has been exchanged with its environment.
"There is a continual exchange of matter and energy between my hand and this wood, between the wood and the air, and even between you and me. We are in the middle of this cosmic dance of creation and destruction, all of us, all the time." -Sonnia Hoffman-
The properties of the body determine the transferences that can happen. We find a programming in the underlying properties, where the transference of a selected quantity is allowed (particles or molecules) with determined qualities, making become the system permeable to the accepted and impermeable to the rejected. Such patterns on the permeability of the system, are found as algorithms that comply a process in function of a cybernetic flowchart, where the property of the wall of the physical system, receive messages through energy, and when the frequency is appropriate or inappropriate, the physical system requires of bits, to determine the structure of the incoming object, take its decision and permeate the wall or not respectively. Such algorithmic process with its indispensable decision making, we may call "Selective Memory***" (see figure 2.1 and 2.2).
Selective memory is the "consciousness" that has been writing down through billions of years the information of what happens nowadays, obeying the most basic laws established in their properties. The actual evolutionary state of the planet is due to the order this consciousness has been storing in its "database". Selective memory "found" a vehicular storage model so information can be established allowing not to start again from scratch. This storage is called DNA.
It is well understood that the masks of energy and the selective memory's sensor that obeys the physical laws that dictate their interaction, "determine" the most precise probability of progression to happen in physical reality.
We observe selective memory, and we realize that such consciousness does not have an intellect that conceptualizes reality as we humans do (although its intellect lies on another level), it doesn't know that it is forming the order of a molecule, that simultaneously is forming the order of a DNA, and also that is forming the order of a person, animal or plant, or simply the structure of a rock. This consciousness has only obeyed the commands of interaction, without realizing the relative complete image that atoms form in a set (e.g. our image). So, who is the one that leads these interactions of atoms? When talking about direction we implicate movement, and under the premise that energy generates action of movement, we enter the evolutionary concept of Entropy.
The Mechanical Revelation
Entropy grows and increases during a process that occurs naturally. The famous question, "why do events occur in one determined way and not in other?" is answered by the concept of entropy. The etymological translation of the greek Entropy is "energy in evolution or transformation", and certainly the transformation that this one generates, it's a work that cannot be profited and results as the irreversible time. Technically, entropy is defined as thermodynamic property that serves as a measure of how close is a system of its thermodynamic equilibrium, that is, improves its internal order.
All substance above 0 Kelvin (-273,15 °C) or absolute zero, emits heat. If two substances in contact are at different temperature, the hotter one will emit heat to the colder one. The thermal equilibrium is reached when both emit and receive the same quantity of heat, which equals its temperature. In other words, the thermal equilibrium is reached when the system and his/its environment reach homogeneous values. E.g. when we have a hot cup of coffee, this one gives up its heat to the environment, until eventually the coffee's temperature is equaled with the environment's temperature. Likewise, if we take out ice from our freezer, the environment will give up heat to the ice, then it will meet its melting point, and it will melt into liquid until it matches the environment's temperature (see animation 1).
Equilibrium implies a state that has distributed its variables until there are no changes, thus, it is incapable of experimenting spontaneously an altered state or a thermodynamic process, when the system is submitted to the determined conditions of the environment.
The entropy is responsible for the distribution of atoms and molecules in a physical thermodynamic system. Such value is a measure of the disorder in the arrangement of particles. Having in mind, that Chaos is an order in which consciousness lacks information that describes its patterns, and thus, it seems apparently a disorder to such consciousness. Entropy is a measure of disorder, the higher the entropy the higher the disorder (remember, disorder does not imply a mess, but the lack of human comprehension about the holon, its complex process, and its distribution). Entropy is also a measure for the viability of energy in a system to do work. In other words, it presents the statistical prediction of what will occur. Once fulfilled its destiny, the entropy is maximized.
Entropy's maximization is when entropy has reached its functional peak, where the system reaches thermal equilibrium with the environment. It is said, that a system randomly highly distributed has high entropy (its randomness again, is due to the lack of information we have about the systems and the environment). Once the entropy is maximized, the most probable configuration is reached.
Classical Thermodynamics postulates the possible existence of isolated systems, regarding the universe as such, where under our corresponding physical laws and constants, statistical mechanics indicates that eventually, everything will reach thermal equilibrium because in an isolated system the entropy never decreases. In this universal process, we are found in a very infant stage, where we need eons of years to reach such equilibrium. Every entities from particles to molecules, even humans and stars will reflect the process of entropy, where within this great universal isolated system (called the "fruit of experience") interactions are performed between open and closed systems, which through energy, looks to maximize the entropy until reaching an universal peace (without any perturbation or distortion of the space-time). The speculation of the universe as an isolated system remains in skepticism, but it is not omitted the fact that, from the large to the small the process of entropy is reflected (in the case of holons it would be infinite in all degree of wave-functions).
The 2nd law of thermodynamics establishes that the hot body only transfers heat (energy) to the cold body and not vice versa, and it is illustrated by Maxwell's demon. It is very interesting to understand how the word demon fits the denomination of such illustration, by which, we will make a small foot note. The Greek etymology of demon is "genius or spirit", where we could philosophically say, that it is an entity with its own spirit (law ruling a motion) to be. This "demon" decreases the entropy by increasing itself, due to the demon's energy in its material construction or interaction with the environment (e.g. the biological systems, in which the entropy is locally decreased at the expense of energy extracted from food).
Image and Likeness
The selective memory being influenced by the entropy of the collectivity of energetic processes has given the current disorder of physical nature (the present time as we know it). This consciousness developed different arrangements of chemical elements in the evolutive process, and each permutation started to have its own functional purpose in nature, creating new possibilities of interaction as sub-laws without conflicting with the essential laws. These "independent" energies are a representation of Maxwell's demon, and they start to produce their own changes (alterations) that do not allow the balance with entropy and its maximization. It is in this opponency process that evolution is found. This independent energy is performed internally in open systems whether natural or artificial, e.g. the enzymes are proteins capable of catalyzing chemical reactions in living organisms. Such action is an example of the irreversible energy lost in the internal energy process as a reflection of entropy. The decision's capacity of cells, consist on recognizing its "raw material", and the actions to perform they are present and coded (in terms of information and cybernetics) in the sequence of the protein. Maxwell's demon is handled with local energy, and the entropy is handled with the total energy; they are only a reflection. Such local energy can be taken as the internal energy, where its total variation is equal to the sum of the amounts of communicated energies (massive, potential and kinetic) in the system in form of heat and work.
The thermodynamic variables are factors involved in entropy and the internal energy, such as: mass, volume, density, pressure, temperature. A system's internal energy attempts to be a reflection of entropy (the transformation of external energy on a macroscopic scale). Internal energy is the sum of kinetic energy plus potential energy. If we think of atomic and molecular constituents, kinetic energy constitutes the energy of translation, rotation, and vibration, while potential energy (intermolecular and intramolecular) constitutes the bond energy.
The human body can be regarded as an open system, e.g. the heat (energy) interaction, or the food (matter) that introduce into his mouth, causing the digestion and metabolism which consequently free the gases, and defecates the excrement through the rectum.
It is Maxwell's demon which through internal energy, "tries to imitate" the entropy's thermodynamic, in this way, becoming an opponent to the increasing "will" of entropy and thermal equilibrium. Maxwell's demon makes the physical system temporarily permanent in each individual, as a material set being a separated and independent system. Keeping it separated results in the heat's constant production of internal energy, to continue searching evolution in equilibrium. It is until one dies, that this demon stops operating in the physical body and it is freed into the environment's fluctuations of energy. The body stops to have its quality of open system, becoming a closed system, until physically becoming ashes, when the individual has passed away with this freedom of energy and matter, all physical manifestation of the individual has become one with the environment, because all the chemical compounds of the individual, physically come from there. When an individual dies, his body reaches thermal equilibrium and thus, it is said it Rest In Peace. His particles vanished in the environment, continues the cycle, so eventually can form part of another system.
The Vital Work
Previous to intellectual genesis, physical reality wasn't actually real. It is until intellect comes to create the sense of consciousness about future and past, that the previous and posterior begins to turn real as if actually happened or will happen. Thus, to gather such information, there is a greater sense of presence. Mental principle affirms that, if there is no mind which perceives the universe, there is no universe (see Biocentrism, concept postulated by Robert Lanza).
Let¿s analyze the logic of the present patterns to recreate the past history. All being that is regarded "alive" under human perspective, is organic, and thus, its composition is based essentially on carbon. When the atoms of planet earth started to condensed into minerals, these faithfully obeyed the dictates of entropy. Until one day, the carbon element decided (figuratively) stand up, and rebel against the cosmic dictates. It is here, where continual internal energy starts to develop by this element in physical interaction, and thus, the demon awakens. It is an energy that can oppose the dictates of entropy, where if winds and seas flow in one way, this energy can go against the stream, such action is called Negentropy. Betwixt entropy and negentropy, there has been evolution through trial and error, for the selective memory has been blind on earthly reality. While these organic systems continued evolving in the experience acquired from the "battle" between entropy and negentropy, these where developing and updating all possible varieties of life that today humans classify them as biological domains and kingdoms. Through this process, communication through molecules became complex, consequently their arrangement became complex too, thus RNA is created, and afterward, DNA comes into action. One day, DNA starts to experience the fruit of knowledge (through human beings), which made him conscious of pleasures and pains that earthly life has for evolution. Such fruit is Intellect, but when intellect arrives, it comes with the temptation default. After conceiving and conceptualizing reality, this complex amount of arrangements instinctively conceives and conceptualizes itself, perceiving itself as an individual who has to survive from the savage pains of life. Without understanding that negativity has been a natural part of the evolutive process, this one sees for himself, and right here, in the likeness of Maxwell's demon, the ego is born, the mental opponent. Let's remind not to implicate the ego as a synonym of evil, but a synonym of unconsciousness and natural process.
All the registers that selective memory has been updating in the course of time, provide evolution to the physical systems, changing their appearance and their operating modes. Forms and modes become the synthesis of something complex into something simple, which in the process and development of efficiency birth was given to life and earthly (physical) consciousness. Once consciousness of earthly exists, selective memory is confined to the individual perception, going from collectivity and unity to individuality and division. And in a determined permutation of atoms (projected by the registers stored in the DNA, and the programmed Maxwell's demon), the collectivity of such, generates the sensory perception, with which vibration is translated into the languages of our senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, equilibrium, etc.) that creates and projects the physical reality (Wave function collapse). So, the material guise of vibrations is the confination of density and the concretion of laws, while the energetic aspect of vibration, makes matter flow with entropy, to evolve in trial and error. Entropy decides and atoms obey, this is the great cybernetic work, which is vital to our physical existence.
All this information goes beyond algorithms and flowcharts that we experiment in our personal life, and thanks to the self-organization of this information, by which, our vitality it's continuous. We don't have to think about breathing, nor blinking, nor make the heartbeat, nor metabolize our cells. All these processes are performed by the unconscious. While the conscious tries to live focused and identified with its earthly life so it can perceive it and survive, and the unconscious modulates and balance all the internal processes of metabolism (chemical) and imagination (electrical), and beyond it in the external, is in charge of the attitudes and reactions that decides (cybernetic). For it is the same unconscious which do the vital work of our body and mind, this being the impulsive consequence since the first effect from the genesis of the organic life (still being to date an opposition to the entropy's dictates), without being conscious that it is still an effect of entropy, because unconscious (Maxwell's demon / Negentropy) inhabits the entropy's reality.
The Mision of the Conscious
"The world operates according to the fundamental physical laws, and these laws govern the behavior of every object in the world. Let's remember that our body is a physical system. We are the complex arrangement of carbon molecules, and we are mostly water. Thus, our behavior is not an exception for this physical laws." -Waking Life-
"Just as the water wheel cannot spin if all the water is at the same level, neither the human being cannot live without the flow of solar energy. The imbalance produced by the hot sun when burning in the cold environment of the outer space is what moves the great machine of nature and the civilization of this planet."
The sun, as the human, the molecule, the galaxy or any other physical system, are the gears that constitute a clockwork universe instigated by its own entropy. "When heat flows through the cosmos, entropy flows with it".
Entropy and its functional role give us a statistical understanding of how information changes while the system evolves from its initial condition to its final condition. We speak of entropy as an expression of disorder, for the lack of human comprehension of all of its constituent factors, which make it look as random. Thanks to the mild recognition of this pattern, we can deduce where these probabilities of unconscious situations are headed to. The probabilities can be cataclysmic, for all government corruption, all violation of rights and respect, all contamination of health, environment, and mind, all this hate, repression, oppression, omission, invalidation, and all opponency to prosperity, is due to the lack of consciousness.
The way heat flows is the way unconsciousness will learn to survive it. Then we are found with a purpose, maybe an existential purpose, for the earthly consciousness. Such a purpose is to reveal consciously to the unconscious how not to be an effect. Such purpose consists of creating true will, which aligns us with the path that leads us to cosmic equilibrium without losing consciousness.
In the equilibrium state, there are no potentials without balancing (or disruptive forces) in the system (state of peace). It is said that a system has reached thermal equilibrium when it stops experimenting changes due to the isolation, and removal from its environment. Being the isolated system an ideal concept coming from imagination, that same is key concept to our will. Our mind has contact with the world of interactions (it sounds redundant, but is not) and its entropy. When entropy's probabilities effectuate attitudes and actions that are conflictive and destructive to us, the mind becomes identified with such metabolic processes. Loosing temporarily (and in some cases permanently) the rational and affective judgment, the mind remains a slave of the paradigms programmed by the entropy in its corresponding DNA through generations and its corresponding neuroplasticity through the subjective course of its individual life. When the mind is isolated from the problem, in a mental state of silence (void), physically non-existent (nothingness), the mind can be more present of the current physical situation and circumstances, and with its stillness will learn and know the most optimal option so the world and the individual can thrive together (that is called Emotional Intelligence). Will is not an ability that it is written or programmed in our DNA (because it requires intelligent consciousness first), nor a physical object that we can obtain, we only can create it. If will is not in everything, then we must create it from nothing. The new patterns will be written by the new awaken consciousness, as will to rectify the entropy's dictates that selective memory has received, consequently, this will bring physical changes in our genetic.
"Stop to define you" and start to know you, because definition only encapsulates and confines your being, in one possibility, but knowing yourself means, to understand what you must change of yourself, and giving you the opportunity of growing and thriving, not just to you, but also to others, because let us remember that entropy involves all as one system, and what we do, is what we obtain back (correspondence principle). "Grant yourself all the possibilities to be" for we are exposed to pain since it is the likeness we imitate from entropy and its process of trial and error. But it's not about leaving change in the hands of physical evolution, because one life is not enough to see such change. It is about, learning of our mistakes, to rectify them, and make it worth. This is mental evolution and makes us understand that, just like atoms are part of a set they are not conscious of, we also are part of another universal set that we are not conscious of, there is no need for superiority.
It is time to align entropy with negentropy with consciousness and will.
*Noumenal: Non-phenomenal object, in other words, an object not belonging to a sensible intuition of the physical, but an intellectual or suprasensible intuition.
**On the contrary, we would be talking about a Dissociative Identity Disorder.
***We attribute analogously the concept of memory to every system of each holon including to subatomic particles for being able to preserve their properties and functions through time against entropy. Read The Theory of Everything.
****Disorder seen from the entropy's perspective, since in negentropy's eyes, its whole set is an order. And it is said that entropy needs to perfect it because is a final state that doesn't need more modification.
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At this moment, the individual has awoken a being in his interior, that from now on, the individual will always listen to. When the individual develops language and communication, his interior being also comprehends such abilities, until it starts to disguise its "noumenal"* interpretation and performance of internal voice, as the voice the individual thinks and listens "inside his head" (as the individual hears himself on the physical reality, he will listen to the voice in his head, with such timbre, pitch, and neurolinguistics). Such voice is known as "the Ego". When there is no guide for the ego, this one naively "deduces" the world, where the pleasure and pain forge the ethic and moral compass of behavior. This behavior starts to fill with masks (illogically justified as a temporal solution of a "problematic" reality), until the multiple personalities are formed (whether helpful or troubled), generally stabilized by similar semantic**. The multiple-personalities are known entirely as the "self-image", with which the individual identifies. When identifying completely with the personality, the individual is arbitrarily turning around in the circles programmed by the unconsciousness.
Never in the course of all this reasoning has been mentioned that humans have decided how to be, or that has decided how to forge his system of beliefs and his moral and ethical compass. This makes us think that the human being always had the illusion of free will and his intelligence was only developed naturally as an instinctive process. So, if the individual has never decided how to be, who programs the individual?
The Masterpiece
To know and understand the programmer, first, we must know the constitution of its programming and the constructive blocks of physical reality. We shall start firstly with the vibration principle, which states that all is actually oscillating from one extreme to the other (e.g. wavelength: 1 and 0) and this principle (being an axiom) is what characterizes energy. The greek etymological translation of energy is "force or capacity for action". We can observe how movement exists thanks to this axiom of oscillation. Such action is what generates the course of things in time. But, what are the things we are talking about? We perceive a material world, which composes the physical reality, and each thing is actually a material located in space. Materials are composed of constructive blocks in its most elemental physical appearance, which men have determined and has called "Atoms".
We must keep in mind the polarity axiom, which states that everything is dual, that all and each thing in nature has its opposite pole, a thesis and an antithesis. So, in this case, we have energy on the extreme of subtlety, and on its opposite pole, we have matter on the extreme of density. This same axiom embodies the truth that all opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree (e.g. light and dark equal in electromagnetism's nature, heat and cold equal in temperature's nature, white and black equal in pigment's nature, etc.). For that same reason, it is stated in science, that matter is only energy condensed into a slow vibration. If we analyze the density of an atom's mass, we would observe that such density is composed of a cluster of movements, which affirms that there is no such thing as matter, but only movement. All we know in reality (from work, force, electricity, heat, light or any other capacity of action to any material) is an expression of energy, each one with its respective functional mask.
We'll talk about three processes of energy to corroborate the last paragraph. First we have the mass/energy equivalence, where it is stated that the mass of an object or a system is a measure of its energy content (this equivalence is characterized with the formula E = mc2), that is, energy condensed into a slow vibration in material's capacity (all bit of matter is a cluster of energy). Secondly, potential energy (from Latin potentis meaning "that which may be" or "that which has power") is the capacity to do work under the position or state of a particle, that is to say, energy recumbent or stored in a system, as a conservative force. E.g. a stone on the top of a mountain has its potential energy (the electrostatic that unites its mass, and the gravitational for its position's height), but as it rolls down by the side of the mountain, this energy is added with kinetic energy (from Latin kinesis that means "movement" or "motion"). Ergo, kinetic energy is defined as the necessary work (understood as a force) to accelerate a body at rest, until reaching a determined velocity that has at any given time.
So, we can say that matter is a condensed cluster of energy in quantum potency, for it is such its velocity (mc2) that displays the semblance of matter with its illusion of density. It is our low reception's frequency of our consciousness that attends the cluster of energy as matter, and collapse the wave function in the physical reality we perceive.
"A particle is essentially a set of relations that reach out to connect with other things. The essential nature of matter lies not in objects but in interconnections. Today physicists are simply proving that what we call an object, an atom, a molecule, a particle, is only an approximation, like a metaphor. At a sub-atomic level, it dissolves into a series of interconnections, like chords of music... it's beautiful." -Sonnia Hoffman-
One of the masks of energy we will study in this article is Heat, and thus, we will first have to understand a little more of Thermodynamics. These studies, are an analysis of the energetic transformations that occur on matter. As we know, when an atom increases its frequency, and thus, its velocity of oscillation, it is said that the atom has gained heat, and vice versa, when the atom oscillates slower, it means it has lost heat (it has cooled). So when we feel heat or cold, are actually the atoms fluctuating faster or slower respectively.
We humans naturally observe the physical separation that lies between objects (by means of their walls that delimit a border), this is what researchers call "System", to denote a portion of matter under study. The rest of the universe (everything outside the system) is the environment or ambient. A physical system is a set of material particles, limited by real or imagined walls imposed by the observer.
Figure 1. Conserved quantities (matter/energy) or unconserved (entropy) pass through inside and outside the system. Interaction generates attraction or repulsion. |
Everything is an informative communique of data, that comes manifested as an energy expression, independently whether if its subtle as energy or dense as matter, everything is vibration, everything is in movement. And whatever looks like an unchanged solid object, such an object will not be the same in an undetermined time, for the energy that composes its matter it has been exchanged with its environment.
"There is a continual exchange of matter and energy between my hand and this wood, between the wood and the air, and even between you and me. We are in the middle of this cosmic dance of creation and destruction, all of us, all the time." -Sonnia Hoffman-
Figure 2.1. Selective Permeability |
2.2. Magnetic Permeability |
Selective memory is the "consciousness" that has been writing down through billions of years the information of what happens nowadays, obeying the most basic laws established in their properties. The actual evolutionary state of the planet is due to the order this consciousness has been storing in its "database". Selective memory "found" a vehicular storage model so information can be established allowing not to start again from scratch. This storage is called DNA.
It is well understood that the masks of energy and the selective memory's sensor that obeys the physical laws that dictate their interaction, "determine" the most precise probability of progression to happen in physical reality.
We observe selective memory, and we realize that such consciousness does not have an intellect that conceptualizes reality as we humans do (although its intellect lies on another level), it doesn't know that it is forming the order of a molecule, that simultaneously is forming the order of a DNA, and also that is forming the order of a person, animal or plant, or simply the structure of a rock. This consciousness has only obeyed the commands of interaction, without realizing the relative complete image that atoms form in a set (e.g. our image). So, who is the one that leads these interactions of atoms? When talking about direction we implicate movement, and under the premise that energy generates action of movement, we enter the evolutionary concept of Entropy.
The Mechanical Revelation
Entropy grows and increases during a process that occurs naturally. The famous question, "why do events occur in one determined way and not in other?" is answered by the concept of entropy. The etymological translation of the greek Entropy is "energy in evolution or transformation", and certainly the transformation that this one generates, it's a work that cannot be profited and results as the irreversible time. Technically, entropy is defined as thermodynamic property that serves as a measure of how close is a system of its thermodynamic equilibrium, that is, improves its internal order.
Animation 1 |
Equilibrium implies a state that has distributed its variables until there are no changes, thus, it is incapable of experimenting spontaneously an altered state or a thermodynamic process, when the system is submitted to the determined conditions of the environment.
The entropy is responsible for the distribution of atoms and molecules in a physical thermodynamic system. Such value is a measure of the disorder in the arrangement of particles. Having in mind, that Chaos is an order in which consciousness lacks information that describes its patterns, and thus, it seems apparently a disorder to such consciousness. Entropy is a measure of disorder, the higher the entropy the higher the disorder (remember, disorder does not imply a mess, but the lack of human comprehension about the holon, its complex process, and its distribution). Entropy is also a measure for the viability of energy in a system to do work. In other words, it presents the statistical prediction of what will occur. Once fulfilled its destiny, the entropy is maximized.
Entropy's maximization is when entropy has reached its functional peak, where the system reaches thermal equilibrium with the environment. It is said, that a system randomly highly distributed has high entropy (its randomness again, is due to the lack of information we have about the systems and the environment). Once the entropy is maximized, the most probable configuration is reached.
The universe as an isolated system. |
The 2nd law of thermodynamics establishes that the hot body only transfers heat (energy) to the cold body and not vice versa, and it is illustrated by Maxwell's demon. It is very interesting to understand how the word demon fits the denomination of such illustration, by which, we will make a small foot note. The Greek etymology of demon is "genius or spirit", where we could philosophically say, that it is an entity with its own spirit (law ruling a motion) to be. This "demon" decreases the entropy by increasing itself, due to the demon's energy in its material construction or interaction with the environment (e.g. the biological systems, in which the entropy is locally decreased at the expense of energy extracted from food).
Image and Likeness
The selective memory being influenced by the entropy of the collectivity of energetic processes has given the current disorder of physical nature (the present time as we know it). This consciousness developed different arrangements of chemical elements in the evolutive process, and each permutation started to have its own functional purpose in nature, creating new possibilities of interaction as sub-laws without conflicting with the essential laws. These "independent" energies are a representation of Maxwell's demon, and they start to produce their own changes (alterations) that do not allow the balance with entropy and its maximization. It is in this opponency process that evolution is found. This independent energy is performed internally in open systems whether natural or artificial, e.g. the enzymes are proteins capable of catalyzing chemical reactions in living organisms. Such action is an example of the irreversible energy lost in the internal energy process as a reflection of entropy. The decision's capacity of cells, consist on recognizing its "raw material", and the actions to perform they are present and coded (in terms of information and cybernetics) in the sequence of the protein. Maxwell's demon is handled with local energy, and the entropy is handled with the total energy; they are only a reflection. Such local energy can be taken as the internal energy, where its total variation is equal to the sum of the amounts of communicated energies (massive, potential and kinetic) in the system in form of heat and work.
The thermodynamic variables are factors involved in entropy and the internal energy, such as: mass, volume, density, pressure, temperature. A system's internal energy attempts to be a reflection of entropy (the transformation of external energy on a macroscopic scale). Internal energy is the sum of kinetic energy plus potential energy. If we think of atomic and molecular constituents, kinetic energy constitutes the energy of translation, rotation, and vibration, while potential energy (intermolecular and intramolecular) constitutes the bond energy.
The human body can be regarded as an open system, e.g. the heat (energy) interaction, or the food (matter) that introduce into his mouth, causing the digestion and metabolism which consequently free the gases, and defecates the excrement through the rectum.
Artistic Representation of Maxwell's demon |
The Vital Work
Previous to intellectual genesis, physical reality wasn't actually real. It is until intellect comes to create the sense of consciousness about future and past, that the previous and posterior begins to turn real as if actually happened or will happen. Thus, to gather such information, there is a greater sense of presence. Mental principle affirms that, if there is no mind which perceives the universe, there is no universe (see Biocentrism, concept postulated by Robert Lanza).
Let¿s analyze the logic of the present patterns to recreate the past history. All being that is regarded "alive" under human perspective, is organic, and thus, its composition is based essentially on carbon. When the atoms of planet earth started to condensed into minerals, these faithfully obeyed the dictates of entropy. Until one day, the carbon element decided (figuratively) stand up, and rebel against the cosmic dictates. It is here, where continual internal energy starts to develop by this element in physical interaction, and thus, the demon awakens. It is an energy that can oppose the dictates of entropy, where if winds and seas flow in one way, this energy can go against the stream, such action is called Negentropy. Betwixt entropy and negentropy, there has been evolution through trial and error, for the selective memory has been blind on earthly reality. While these organic systems continued evolving in the experience acquired from the "battle" between entropy and negentropy, these where developing and updating all possible varieties of life that today humans classify them as biological domains and kingdoms. Through this process, communication through molecules became complex, consequently their arrangement became complex too, thus RNA is created, and afterward, DNA comes into action. One day, DNA starts to experience the fruit of knowledge (through human beings), which made him conscious of pleasures and pains that earthly life has for evolution. Such fruit is Intellect, but when intellect arrives, it comes with the temptation default. After conceiving and conceptualizing reality, this complex amount of arrangements instinctively conceives and conceptualizes itself, perceiving itself as an individual who has to survive from the savage pains of life. Without understanding that negativity has been a natural part of the evolutive process, this one sees for himself, and right here, in the likeness of Maxwell's demon, the ego is born, the mental opponent. Let's remind not to implicate the ego as a synonym of evil, but a synonym of unconsciousness and natural process.
Artistic representation of the wave function collapses by the observation of one sense. |
All this information goes beyond algorithms and flowcharts that we experiment in our personal life, and thanks to the self-organization of this information, by which, our vitality it's continuous. We don't have to think about breathing, nor blinking, nor make the heartbeat, nor metabolize our cells. All these processes are performed by the unconscious. While the conscious tries to live focused and identified with its earthly life so it can perceive it and survive, and the unconscious modulates and balance all the internal processes of metabolism (chemical) and imagination (electrical), and beyond it in the external, is in charge of the attitudes and reactions that decides (cybernetic). For it is the same unconscious which do the vital work of our body and mind, this being the impulsive consequence since the first effect from the genesis of the organic life (still being to date an opposition to the entropy's dictates), without being conscious that it is still an effect of entropy, because unconscious (Maxwell's demon / Negentropy) inhabits the entropy's reality.
The Mision of the Conscious
"The world operates according to the fundamental physical laws, and these laws govern the behavior of every object in the world. Let's remember that our body is a physical system. We are the complex arrangement of carbon molecules, and we are mostly water. Thus, our behavior is not an exception for this physical laws." -Waking Life-
"Just as the water wheel cannot spin if all the water is at the same level, neither the human being cannot live without the flow of solar energy. The imbalance produced by the hot sun when burning in the cold environment of the outer space is what moves the great machine of nature and the civilization of this planet."
The sun, as the human, the molecule, the galaxy or any other physical system, are the gears that constitute a clockwork universe instigated by its own entropy. "When heat flows through the cosmos, entropy flows with it".
Entropy and its functional role give us a statistical understanding of how information changes while the system evolves from its initial condition to its final condition. We speak of entropy as an expression of disorder, for the lack of human comprehension of all of its constituent factors, which make it look as random. Thanks to the mild recognition of this pattern, we can deduce where these probabilities of unconscious situations are headed to. The probabilities can be cataclysmic, for all government corruption, all violation of rights and respect, all contamination of health, environment, and mind, all this hate, repression, oppression, omission, invalidation, and all opponency to prosperity, is due to the lack of consciousness.
The way heat flows is the way unconsciousness will learn to survive it. Then we are found with a purpose, maybe an existential purpose, for the earthly consciousness. Such a purpose is to reveal consciously to the unconscious how not to be an effect. Such purpose consists of creating true will, which aligns us with the path that leads us to cosmic equilibrium without losing consciousness.
In the equilibrium state, there are no potentials without balancing (or disruptive forces) in the system (state of peace). It is said that a system has reached thermal equilibrium when it stops experimenting changes due to the isolation, and removal from its environment. Being the isolated system an ideal concept coming from imagination, that same is key concept to our will. Our mind has contact with the world of interactions (it sounds redundant, but is not) and its entropy. When entropy's probabilities effectuate attitudes and actions that are conflictive and destructive to us, the mind becomes identified with such metabolic processes. Loosing temporarily (and in some cases permanently) the rational and affective judgment, the mind remains a slave of the paradigms programmed by the entropy in its corresponding DNA through generations and its corresponding neuroplasticity through the subjective course of its individual life. When the mind is isolated from the problem, in a mental state of silence (void), physically non-existent (nothingness), the mind can be more present of the current physical situation and circumstances, and with its stillness will learn and know the most optimal option so the world and the individual can thrive together (that is called Emotional Intelligence). Will is not an ability that it is written or programmed in our DNA (because it requires intelligent consciousness first), nor a physical object that we can obtain, we only can create it. If will is not in everything, then we must create it from nothing. The new patterns will be written by the new awaken consciousness, as will to rectify the entropy's dictates that selective memory has received, consequently, this will bring physical changes in our genetic.
"Stop to define you" and start to know you, because definition only encapsulates and confines your being, in one possibility, but knowing yourself means, to understand what you must change of yourself, and giving you the opportunity of growing and thriving, not just to you, but also to others, because let us remember that entropy involves all as one system, and what we do, is what we obtain back (correspondence principle). "Grant yourself all the possibilities to be" for we are exposed to pain since it is the likeness we imitate from entropy and its process of trial and error. But it's not about leaving change in the hands of physical evolution, because one life is not enough to see such change. It is about, learning of our mistakes, to rectify them, and make it worth. This is mental evolution and makes us understand that, just like atoms are part of a set they are not conscious of, we also are part of another universal set that we are not conscious of, there is no need for superiority.
It is time to align entropy with negentropy with consciousness and will.
*Noumenal: Non-phenomenal object, in other words, an object not belonging to a sensible intuition of the physical, but an intellectual or suprasensible intuition.
**On the contrary, we would be talking about a Dissociative Identity Disorder.
***We attribute analogously the concept of memory to every system of each holon including to subatomic particles for being able to preserve their properties and functions through time against entropy. Read The Theory of Everything.
****Disorder seen from the entropy's perspective, since in negentropy's eyes, its whole set is an order. And it is said that entropy needs to perfect it because is a final state that doesn't need more modification.
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-The Void-
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