The Theory of Everything
Humans have always found existential mystery as the most inherently plethoric and brimming curiosity —and let's shall not forget to add a touch of fear—; and through millennia of human history, the truth of such mystery remains an enigma, encrypted by the variations of universal principles developed since the genesis of existence, or at least that's how humans believe it.
As time goes by, the human mind comprehends more, thus it knows less of what existence can be and have. This same reasoning glimpses —in human logic— the contemplation of reality as infinite, being this adjective the best that have described it. Nonetheless, the fact of believing that the mystery of the universe is infinite does not discourage human curiosity, on the contrary, it inspires him to know all he can, because knowing is an act that happens inevitably in consciousness, and the human being realizes that he himself can contribute and increase to this universal capacity.
One can sit in front the computer monitor and search on the web the answers one hopes to resolve our existential doubts, however, the compendium of human knowledge is extraordinarily exuberant among all its variated perspectives, which results overwhelming trying to comprehend its vast abundance of information.
Nowadays, human tries to connect all those variations of separated knowledge, within a single constant, when in fact, we only get approximations of what reality can be; though these approximations are the ones —which draw the pathway towards the realization of the evolutionary purpose— which are worth it in its slightest detail.
Nowadays, human tries to connect all those variations of separated knowledge, within a single constant, when in fact, we only get approximations of what reality can be; though these approximations are the ones —which draw the pathway towards the realization of the evolutionary purpose— which are worth it in its slightest detail.
"The whole is more than the sum of all its parts."
It is inexorable; the set of units produces an emergent property that the elements which compose it do not possess by themselves, that is to say when joining the puzzle pieces, an image is displayed; an image that each piece cannot show by itself.
We can see this phenomenon in the union of atoms generating molecules with new functions to perform, and these join to generate cells with far more complicated functions until the set of cells form the eye which perceives forms and colors. And so for example the eye in conjunction with other set of atoms dedicated to form an occipital lobe and other set to form a pre-frontal lobe rise the consciousness which perceives and knows a visual reality —and of course, without leaving aside the rest of the organs and biological systems that allows the complete organic functionality of the subject—.
It is the coalescence of the vast quantity of components that don't let information to pass unnoticed to the unconscious, and when it's set of stimuli reaches a threshold, information is decoded to a comprehensible point of the organism (it's conscious).
The same happens with our perspective of reality. It exists an extrapolation between phenomenalism and noumenalism.
Science has come to divide the different perspectives of existence in natural, social and computational disciplines —which in turn, these are divided into sub-disciplines—, to give an opportunity to individuals of specializing in some of them, for it is a vast realm of information. But science cannot help to notice how the different disciplines show essential attributes that apply to the rest of the disciplines.
So, let's shall take a review to what theories say, and let us take their essence to make a plausible connection of all topics.
It is the coalescence of the vast quantity of components that don't let information to pass unnoticed to the unconscious, and when it's set of stimuli reaches a threshold, information is decoded to a comprehensible point of the organism (it's conscious).
The same happens with our perspective of reality. It exists an extrapolation between phenomenalism and noumenalism.
Science has come to divide the different perspectives of existence in natural, social and computational disciplines —which in turn, these are divided into sub-disciplines—, to give an opportunity to individuals of specializing in some of them, for it is a vast realm of information. But science cannot help to notice how the different disciplines show essential attributes that apply to the rest of the disciplines.
So, let's shall take a review to what theories say, and let us take their essence to make a plausible connection of all topics.
Virtual Reality: An existential simulation
We understand that reality is perceived physically by humans as figures, which such are geometric compositions; thus, figures are: made by nodes and lines. This last affirmation is proposed by graphics theory, for indeed the atomic scales can be defined and graphed with coordinates (x, y, z) in space —whether space is occupied by atoms or not—.
Cybernetics states how everything works in terms of data due to the processes with which reality operates and evolves; among them are reception, processing, emission, feedback, etc. Therefore the elements of the physical plane can be considered as data bits which consciousness decodes and transforms into information that can serve a purpose —like a biosemiotic cryptoanalysis made by the unconscious—.
But what is consciousness without order? The general theory of systems affirms that all the surrounding information it's systematized, in other words, it tends to organize itself in compartments, despite the shackles of entropic doom. While systems are updating the organization of their evolutive models, the emotional thinker —in this case: any of Us— conceives a significant degree of difference between inert matter (disorganized) and animated matter (organized) —it is acknowledged to the latest the capacity of autopoiesis—. But the physical entropy has the function to take all systems to their thermal equilibrium, making reality thermodynamically homogeneous. This is chaos or randomness, and in its hipothetical absolute state it wouldn't allow any system to develop, nevertheless, the entropy's implicit cybernetics comes to oppose itself, through the variations produced by the space-time asymmetry —or distortion— (study spontaneous symmetry breaking). In such variations, cybernetics find the gaps to be able to make its own order, through feedback loops and emanate a mind that experiments a relative location of separation and the space-temporal individuality; one moment in one place.
And so, information theory talks about homeostasis and negentropy, which these by definition oppose to entropy's dictation, arranging matter and energy in compartments increasingly complex; this order arises thanks to negentropy —contained and configured in a determined body by information and it's homeostatic quality— for the sake of offering updated models with its trend to simplify complexity (to be faster with less).
After, we conceive the inter-disciplinary similarity between autopoiesis and negentropy. Autopoiesis uses homeostasis to maintain metabolism balanced, which sustains the organism's animated life. Within the historical perspective of classical physics, the energetic distribution of entropy —ergo, the sequential progress of the arrow of time— has allowed the evolution of organisms, developing in instinct, emotion, and intellect.
All of this descriptions correspond to mathematical models that can be verbalized with the progress of linguistics in addition to the scientific and philosophical paradigms, taking the neural network to it's evolutionary procedure in its own way to be, see, and do things, in other words, as we meet new [phenomenal or noumenal] patterns, we invent new words to recognize them, and our neural complex reflects the new knowledge in its structure, inevitably changing our behavior. Human consciousness is a catharsis betwixt perception and perspective, and it offers a noumenal model of what it observes, searches, and acts. Nonetheless, doubt incurs again in knowing: what was first? consciousness or matter? and more importantly, are both the same thing?
Cybernetics states how everything works in terms of data due to the processes with which reality operates and evolves; among them are reception, processing, emission, feedback, etc. Therefore the elements of the physical plane can be considered as data bits which consciousness decodes and transforms into information that can serve a purpose —like a biosemiotic cryptoanalysis made by the unconscious—.
But what is consciousness without order? The general theory of systems affirms that all the surrounding information it's systematized, in other words, it tends to organize itself in compartments, despite the shackles of entropic doom. While systems are updating the organization of their evolutive models, the emotional thinker —in this case: any of Us— conceives a significant degree of difference between inert matter (disorganized) and animated matter (organized) —it is acknowledged to the latest the capacity of autopoiesis—. But the physical entropy has the function to take all systems to their thermal equilibrium, making reality thermodynamically homogeneous. This is chaos or randomness, and in its hipothetical absolute state it wouldn't allow any system to develop, nevertheless, the entropy's implicit cybernetics comes to oppose itself, through the variations produced by the space-time asymmetry —or distortion— (study spontaneous symmetry breaking). In such variations, cybernetics find the gaps to be able to make its own order, through feedback loops and emanate a mind that experiments a relative location of separation and the space-temporal individuality; one moment in one place.
And so, information theory talks about homeostasis and negentropy, which these by definition oppose to entropy's dictation, arranging matter and energy in compartments increasingly complex; this order arises thanks to negentropy —contained and configured in a determined body by information and it's homeostatic quality— for the sake of offering updated models with its trend to simplify complexity (to be faster with less).
After, we conceive the inter-disciplinary similarity between autopoiesis and negentropy. Autopoiesis uses homeostasis to maintain metabolism balanced, which sustains the organism's animated life. Within the historical perspective of classical physics, the energetic distribution of entropy —ergo, the sequential progress of the arrow of time— has allowed the evolution of organisms, developing in instinct, emotion, and intellect.
All of this descriptions correspond to mathematical models that can be verbalized with the progress of linguistics in addition to the scientific and philosophical paradigms, taking the neural network to it's evolutionary procedure in its own way to be, see, and do things, in other words, as we meet new [phenomenal or noumenal] patterns, we invent new words to recognize them, and our neural complex reflects the new knowledge in its structure, inevitably changing our behavior. Human consciousness is a catharsis betwixt perception and perspective, and it offers a noumenal model of what it observes, searches, and acts. Nonetheless, doubt incurs again in knowing: what was first? consciousness or matter? and more importantly, are both the same thing?
Existential recursion: Paradoxes may reconcile
Over the centuries, it has been talked about two opposing theories: idealism and materialism; trying to confirm that the arrangement of matter is a derivate of our consciousness or that our consciousness is a product of the arrangement of matter, respectively. These theories —in superposition— can affirm the Hegelian dialectic, which it could be the heart between classical physics and quantum physics, and the comprehension of the origin, since such dialectic states that the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis —that is to say, "contradictions" and their "remedy"— can be resolved both in concept (idea) and thing (material). The Hegelian dialectic puts in a single plane: the being (everything/thesis) and the not being (nothing/antithesis) to obtain the becoming (something/synthesis).
Materialism supports the idea of epiphenomenology, which suggest that consciousness if an emergent property of all functions and interactions that exist in and between the elements that compose the system of the living body —as Mechanism can ensure—, however, it's antithesis would be Idealism, supporting the idea of pampsychism, which states that all is mind, that matter is actually a derivate of consciousness, and not the other way around —indicating that reality can have telos (purpose)—.
Nonetheless, a synthesis is required and it involves both the mathematical equations of natural laws —which describe the motions and properties of the universe— and the mathematical equations that do not agree with laws and constants of this universe experimented by the human being. Classical physics affirms that there is only one entropy performing in harmony with the universal laws, and therefore everything is a mechanism established in the universal clockwork, where will does not exist. But quantum physics theorizes that there is an infinity of entropies (Omni-entropy) that the human does not perceive in a phenomenal manner, however, in a noumenal manner, humans can conceive some in their imagination —others definitely not (maybe not yet)—. Without mystery, reality is finished. Quantum mechanics refutes the question: "Does destiny exist?" starting from the theory that it exists infinite destinies, and when humans see with their imagination the different possibilities most nearby our reality, it's taking the collective consciousness to other space-temporal direction, materializing branes, without ceasing to exist the destiny which won't correspond to us anymore —being located in another point of inter-spatial dimensions—.
Classical physics is that which we observe from the interactions of molecules and cell to the interactions of galaxies. Quantum physics is that which we "observe" or better yet speculate from the interactions of atoms to the theorized strings —recalling that atoms were supposed, and now they are a reality—, but quantum mechanics offers us a reality that performs so different than the reality we perceive; the notion of space-time we find in it becomes incoherent to human consciousness. How can it be that the future has already gone before, the past is yet to happen, and different things can be in the spatial location or the same thing at different places simultaneously? How?! paraphrasing the questions that left perplexed minds like Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Riemann, Kaluza, and many others.
Materialism tells us that consciousness emerges from material structures ordered to produce it, and for logic reasons, according to classical physics the course of time was necessary so these structures could be formed, organized and later rise the emergent result of consciousness. But such structures are composed of elements which in the smallest scales time does not work in the same manner as classical physics. This is the great paradox, so that the universe is contemplated from its beginning to its ending in the formed structure where consciousness comes from, confined in every classical-present space-time moment. And due to the relations between omni-entropy and the properties of the vacuum, you can conclude as follows: entropy is experimented through the motion of the materials (being - everything - thesis) we can perceive, the vacuum contains the omni-entropy that the mind cannot perceive through its senses but certainly it can imagine (not being - nothing - antithesis), and consciousness is the intermediate level (becoming - anything - synthesis) that conceives the dialectic in both opposing poles of reality, and it perceives itself in world of actualization, being this one the result of the collapse between thesis and antithesis.
And so, the synthesis here is that both the thesis and antithesis are real. Epiphenomenology is real and pampsychism is real; relativity is real and the absolute is real; subjectivity is real and objectivity is real. A wrong idea within the individual's mind is unreal in our classical physics because it doesn't converge in functionality with it, nonetheless, it is real in another locality fixed on the coordinates of the omni-entropy confined in quantum mechanics.
The theory of everything: A theory of nothing
To conclude, first we must make a relation between our reality and the way computers work. Recalling that transistors are the most simple device of data processing in computers; basically is an interruptor that can block or allow the way to information passing through. This information consists of bits that can be represented by 1s or 0s, whose physical manifestation consists of electric current —0 when there is no current, 1 when there is—. Integrated transistors are converted into logic gates for the processing of more complex information in circuits of commutation. Finally, the integration of circuits make up a chip, which it's operating system translates the machine language (binary code) and display to the user a holographic image which we perceive in the computer's monitor.
Our universe can be interpreted in the same way. The integrated circuit is an analogy of some sort of an omni-versal artifact with its anthropo-physiological manifestation —between the astronomic and the infinitesimal—: the brain, which with its organs of perception, filters, and displays —through the geometry of branes and strings— the tridimensional holographic universe that we are conceiving.
For what was seen 4 paragraphs ago, entropy alludes to being, and omni-entropy to not being, that is to say, nothingness. Logic points out that nothingness is not absolutely nothing, but infinitely everything —including our entropy—. In a seemingly redundant way, all is all we experience, and nothing is all the alls we don't experience. Nevertheless, although nothing is all alls, from our perspective this is in its maximum sense: devoid.
There is a considerable difference in betwixt vacuum and space. Space cannot exist if there is no particle of matter that inhabits it, and when there is no matter, space is none but void (0), in other words, matter (1) is actually and ondulation of the vacuum transforming itself into habited space, and here is constituted the essence of the Higss' boson: the physical property that gives mass to matter —the field's excitation that generates a determined particle—; such excitation can be represented by the number 1 of the binary code, and its unperturbed state as the number 0.
Then let's imagine a graphic where vacuum is 0, and when matter pass through this space becomes 1. Another mental example is the following: imagine the vacuum represented with a flat cloth, and when a marble is placed on the smooth surface, the cloth becomes curved exactly where the marble was placed. The folding is space and matter simultaneously.
Let's recall the illusion of matter. We know that matter is made of atoms, and these by protons and electrons. An atom is actually 99.99% empty, due to the remaining percentage is the mass of the electron and the nucleus, thereby it means we are 99% empty. But one can wonder and ask, how can we be 99% empty and feel the density of the body. The answer is simple. Protons and neutrons are the central axis of the atom —known as the atomic nucleus— where electrons are spinning around the nucleus (see figure 1). Such translation happens so fast relative to our perspective, that fills absolutely all space-nodes simultaneously, in the same way as when you shake fast your arm and you observe many arms at the same time when actually there is only one. This is what produces the illusion of atoms' density.
But we realize that reality has more mystery yet when we observe sub-particles (electrons and quarks) are merely energy condensed into a slow vibration. Let's remember that energy is movement, and when reaching that infinitesimal degree of holon, matter is constituted only by movement; there is no mass, for mass is the reflection of pure movement. Matter is only an approximation but is not what we experience in our ordinary lives. We ask you to try to picture your arm moving, and then, imagine the same movement without the arm. That is the exact idea we get from this conclusion: nothing.
Nothing is in everything and everything is in nothing. Its an inexorable loop.
We partially conclude that reality is and is not. Is everything and nothing, 1 and 0, matter, and energy, space and time, particle and wave, epiphenomenalism and pampsychism, materialism and idealism, thesis and antithesis, we exist and don't exist. This is the synthesis. The inconceivable nature of nature. The superposition of opposing poles. The reconciliation of paradoxes.
There is no definitive answer; the objective "why" of reality is unique and non-existent, and the subjective "why" of reality is multiple and existent, both infinite. As Feynman would have said, "I have to stop somewhere and leave you something to imagine".
-The Void-
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