Neguentropy contradicts Pt. 1: The ontologic paradox
Birth, development, reproduction, decay, and death, that is all we know. Rebirth, we don't know. Life and death is the cycle which consumes us all. Souls come souls go and we cannot avoid it, cheating death is not a possible decision, or maybe it is not yet; and even though human have wished their eternity through history, our longing has always been refuted by entropy and it's inexorable and imperative law.
We are trapped in the infinite cycle of life and death, and necessity is our incentive. Our ignorance of "life" after death keeps us conscious, for it is death which produces necessity in life. Consciousness is there to satisfy all the need the body ask for. Consciousness is the feedback between "what I do" and "what happens to me because of what I did". For that which goes in (input) I take out (output) and I feedback my input with my output's result (feedback loop). Ouroboros is a symbolism of feedback, because of the head (input) its feeding from its own tail (output). This indicates autopoiesis, the self-construction of one-self. Necessity dictates the path that genes recollects from experience within Entropy's empire, always trying to conserve life while it mutates the models in which it manifests it. Nature is warm and simultaneously cold, and just as it gives life, it also takes it away, for it uses it's own species to sustain itself and to overthrow itself. Like a child who plays with his mental simulations, nature plays with existential possibilities. From nature comes reason and emotion, although it does not possess any of both. It is when both attributes emerge in a being that nature turns to this qualities as it would have been hers always. In other words, nature created an archetypal form and imitated it in its maximum splendor (relatively from our reference frame), that is to say, in all of its models. But is not essence but distortion which allows diversity of form. A disturbance that arose a feedback; that which search for a balance in such new world that has awoken in, to avoid going back to the nothingness where it came from. Life arises from the desire of not to die; life sustains itself with the necessity of staying here. But life, necessity, and death are three simple concepts that enfold an infinite complex variety, that it is not only subject to the substance's objectivity but also to classification's subjectivity.
As we know well, entropy is always responsible for scattering energy into a neutral state, which is known in thermodynamics as thermal equilibrium. But heat is only one mask of energy. Energy has so many ways in which it can express itself, whether is light, electricity, or gravity as plain energy, or whether is solid, liquid, or gas as matter. Yes, this also means that matter is energy, and thus, entropy plays the role of information's distribution in the whole universe. Why we say information and not objects or things?
The universe is in constant flow, and its content is based in matter and energy exchange, among all its components. Every time there is an exchange of matter and/or energy, systems are transformed, storing properties (sub-systems) that form the constitution of its definition (that is to say that it allows the permanence of its identity), and discarding any [useless] thing else (interchanging them with its surroundings). Everything starts from a primitive state, the simplest state it can be (in our universe), or the could be (in our omniverse). Primitive properties tend to organize in sets, forming links with two or more properties. The more properties a set has more complex the definition of its system.
Properties are held together by the common norm that their natural conditions feature before the universe's physical laws. Such norm is a code that the same universe respects, because physical laws govern so. This community allows an organization in matter and energy exchange among the system's components (sub-systems), in such a way the arrangement is a consistent and stored inner formation. That is the information that regiments the functions of every and each component so the system can endure. As we can see, this is a process of data transmission (coherent of the system's rules), that is to say it is a process of communication and thanks to such, there can be control. This is exactly what Cybernetics tells us. Practically the universe is information and it can be computed. The process of information is to let in data, and the process of computation is to order data in our interior so it can give them utility, in the same way as when we eat, our body digest the bolus transforming it in a language that is coherent with its structure, such is the process of metabolism operated by our genes to de-codify and translate the food in our body (and they say dense information is harder to digest).
The union of physical elements is what allows a natural cosmic language, just like united words gives us comprehensible sentences to our natural human languages. But as we can see, each element features different conditions in a same environment, just like each word have a different meaning, and thus conditions limit elements to behave and blend with other elements in determined ways. It is like this because of physical laws that govern the mechanics of the universe. So, such relations that particles manifest, represents a comprehensible language to its own creator1, in the same way as the order of word that we read is comprehensible to ourselves who created words. Because, conditions that limit particles are the syntax of the universe's language, just like the syntax that conditions word in our human linguistic, and it is the feedback of reality which allows us to create a code of understanding.
Let's see it like assembling a sentence. Let's imagine we want to form legible sentences for the human intellect, having in front of us a sampling of words revolved without meaning; at the moment of selecting in discarding useful and useless words respectively, we order the selected words with a syntax that allows the sense and understanding of its meaning. For example:
We are introduce with the words: "nothingness"; "that"; "yesterday"; "comes"; "as"; "between"; "from"; "all".
We select the useful words: "nothingness"; "comes"; "from"; "all".
We order the selected words "all", "comes", "from", "nothingness", and we assemble them having the meaning: "All comes from nothingness".
Words are the components of linguistics, as physical elements are the components of the universe. So elements are like words which its writing form the content of this great and unique verse that we know. When humans study the laws of the universe, he is studying the syntax of its code, which it represents to us something meaningful. In other words, we are reading the universe and we are understanding it (translating its cosmic natural language into our human natural language).
Let's make a mind experiment. Observe in this moment your environment, you have two options: to sense it or to analyze it (if you are sense it you are tuning more into emotion's frequencies, and if you analyze it you are tuning more into intellectual frequencies, for emotion is a feedbacked energy of the environment that moves you without any logical reason, and the intellect is a feedbacked energy that judges with labels describing subjectively the environment that surrounds you). Take the second option and start to describe what is happening. Realize that it is inevitable to use words (ignore truism and go deeper); labels allows us to comprehend the moment and its patterns. With words we can both tag an object and know what it is, and tag its pattern and know how it works. Labels that when they come back to our [inner and/or outer] ears as words, our imagination projects them recollecting memory (the mental simulation of the past). All of this thanks to the ability to read reality. That's why, intelligence etymology that comes from the Latin intelligentia is composed of: the prefix inter- ("between"), the verb legere ("choose, separate, read"), -nt- ("agent"), and -ia ("quality"). "Between" because of the capacity to distinguish and differentiate betwixt one object and others, this is known as abstraction. "Choose, separate, read" because when distinguishing an object it has become separated from its context thanks to selection, and it can only be separated detecting its properties by their labels. In this moment we have used intelligence with the word intelligence. What we have described is only its object, while its function (for its quality) is to facilitate the agent (in this case, us, who read) in choosing the best alternative among many, that's to say, to optimize the emotion's decisions.
Such intelligence we use from our brain is similar to the intelligence the universe uses for evolution. Both the universe and humans learn, same in nature but different in degree. And if we realize, through code (words that label objects with syntactic laws) we access memory for better choices, just as the universe and its words (the elements) were learning of their different combinations until generating the most complex languages to date, like those of genes.
It is, then, through the action of tagging objects with words and using logic to describe them that we can decipher the underlying code that animates all this beautiful chaos. And it is that same action of tagging objects that creates the individualization of things (for the conceptual abstraction of their qualities and properties that specify an inexorable semantic). The universe's unity is lost by the variations of distortion.
It is the high abstraction of the conscious that separates us from the low abstraction that the unconscious process ubiquitously and permanently, for in such darkness everything seems equal, all seems one and the surface between your skin and your environment blurs, where there is no such thing as individuality.
Here is where the conviction of liberty starts, when the body's mind wants the throne of god in order to judge; the ego's cradle where identity is born. With the prideful eagerness of improving creation in the manner of its own consideration. But, it is not that the reason why god made the devil and allowed his fall? that's to say, isn't that the reason why the unconscious allowed the dawn of the conscious?
1When we mention the word "creator" we refer to a neutral state lacking pronoun, but nonetheless, it represents an entity that rules a ubiquitous assimilation of the information's process in all particles, that's to say, an intelligence extremely implicit in our conscious, that governs [with creativity, ingenuity and simultaneously with unconsciousness) the evolutive dynamic of all models present in the universe.
There are philosophical thoughts with religious mixture1 in which it is said that the universe began by faith, sustained in the reason that states that the universe is the everything that comes from nothingness. Its justification lies in the definition of this word plus the implicit logic behind this idea. "Faith" is the quality of believing in something without having any factual certainty of its veracity, with the purpose of choosing a path to act (for we cannot wait to know it all in order to actuate), thus faith is a factor for decision making. This thought rest on the idea that the universe was originated by decision.
Everything is moving, and such movement is submitted under fundamental physical laws. Nothingness (zero) is at rest because is in balance of everything (one); without any movement. But given the moment when a law exists, nothingness starts to form in something, because a law imposes a behavior over a system (opened, closed, and presumably isolated). The code of a law is legible when there is an intellect that can read it so it can respect and execute the law. Nonetheless, in the immutable perfection of nothingness, its infinite supreme law is to our perspective the absence of law (the zero); a limitless silence totally incomprehensible. To conceive all in an instant (the one) does not allow the realization of nothing; and therefore it needs the separation of the instant in instants (the ones, that's to say two, three, four... ∞).
We can interpret the universe figuratively, where at the beginning, the primordial instant contains the totality of instants folded into a plane, and its expansion the instants unfold from themselves, allowing the possibility of space-time coordinates and the existence of everything we know including consciousness.
Note that this mentioned primordial instant of totality does not say anything about nothingness but of the emergent instants in individuality (the second one is in likeness of the first one and vice versa, but the zero is none); however, what we only capture of the first one in association with nothingness, is its inconceivability2. Thus, the first law of the universe is a reflection of the supreme law, by being to us paradoxically inscrutable, for there is nothing of reality (physical or mental) that can attribute, nor resemble, nor compare to the supreme law other than indeterminacy. The fact that a human limit the infinite when saying that this conceives its totality in an instant is a determination of totality compactified to an instant, formulated by the human intelligence that lives the breakdown of such instant3. Therefore the supreme law contracts into an absence of law [from our conception] and becomes mirrored by the Law, that's to say that before the origin [to our perspective] there was no law that declared how to make the first Law. There was no word nor mathematics that described how to be; no law that imposes the not-being to be. Then by faith, the code of the universe was written. Metaphorically speaking, let's imagine that a single degree [absolute to our perspective] of mistrust over its own infinite security created the infinite uncertainty, the mind as prison of its own. The mind is the law, making itself physical as a recipient of its own code. Thereby, physics becomes an apparent imposition to nothingness, for it contradicts its infinity in fractions, delimited quantities in consequence of separation. The is the disturbance of balance that generates the first physical-mental law (entropy) the urge to equilibrate its contradiction (negentropy). But if we observe well, such legible word or mathematic that contradicts infinity by delimitation, is the same law that urges to eradicate the contraction, for it is part of the universal movement that can be described by its code4.
A Law nullifies itself [just as the supreme law], for its diction and contradiction are perfectly symmetrical. But symmetric truth loses its symmetry when distortion is given, then deceit and illusion comes. The breakdown of the Instant into instants.
Ouroboros |
We are trapped in the infinite cycle of life and death, and necessity is our incentive. Our ignorance of "life" after death keeps us conscious, for it is death which produces necessity in life. Consciousness is there to satisfy all the need the body ask for. Consciousness is the feedback between "what I do" and "what happens to me because of what I did". For that which goes in (input) I take out (output) and I feedback my input with my output's result (feedback loop). Ouroboros is a symbolism of feedback, because of the head (input) its feeding from its own tail (output). This indicates autopoiesis, the self-construction of one-self. Necessity dictates the path that genes recollects from experience within Entropy's empire, always trying to conserve life while it mutates the models in which it manifests it. Nature is warm and simultaneously cold, and just as it gives life, it also takes it away, for it uses it's own species to sustain itself and to overthrow itself. Like a child who plays with his mental simulations, nature plays with existential possibilities. From nature comes reason and emotion, although it does not possess any of both. It is when both attributes emerge in a being that nature turns to this qualities as it would have been hers always. In other words, nature created an archetypal form and imitated it in its maximum splendor (relatively from our reference frame), that is to say, in all of its models. But is not essence but distortion which allows diversity of form. A disturbance that arose a feedback; that which search for a balance in such new world that has awoken in, to avoid going back to the nothingness where it came from. Life arises from the desire of not to die; life sustains itself with the necessity of staying here. But life, necessity, and death are three simple concepts that enfold an infinite complex variety, that it is not only subject to the substance's objectivity but also to classification's subjectivity.
The Word
The universe is in constant flow, and its content is based in matter and energy exchange, among all its components. Every time there is an exchange of matter and/or energy, systems are transformed, storing properties (sub-systems) that form the constitution of its definition (that is to say that it allows the permanence of its identity), and discarding any [useless] thing else (interchanging them with its surroundings). Everything starts from a primitive state, the simplest state it can be (in our universe), or the could be (in our omniverse). Primitive properties tend to organize in sets, forming links with two or more properties. The more properties a set has more complex the definition of its system.
Properties are held together by the common norm that their natural conditions feature before the universe's physical laws. Such norm is a code that the same universe respects, because physical laws govern so. This community allows an organization in matter and energy exchange among the system's components (sub-systems), in such a way the arrangement is a consistent and stored inner formation. That is the information that regiments the functions of every and each component so the system can endure. As we can see, this is a process of data transmission (coherent of the system's rules), that is to say it is a process of communication and thanks to such, there can be control. This is exactly what Cybernetics tells us. Practically the universe is information and it can be computed. The process of information is to let in data, and the process of computation is to order data in our interior so it can give them utility, in the same way as when we eat, our body digest the bolus transforming it in a language that is coherent with its structure, such is the process of metabolism operated by our genes to de-codify and translate the food in our body (and they say dense information is harder to digest).
The union of physical elements is what allows a natural cosmic language, just like united words gives us comprehensible sentences to our natural human languages. But as we can see, each element features different conditions in a same environment, just like each word have a different meaning, and thus conditions limit elements to behave and blend with other elements in determined ways. It is like this because of physical laws that govern the mechanics of the universe. So, such relations that particles manifest, represents a comprehensible language to its own creator1, in the same way as the order of word that we read is comprehensible to ourselves who created words. Because, conditions that limit particles are the syntax of the universe's language, just like the syntax that conditions word in our human linguistic, and it is the feedback of reality which allows us to create a code of understanding.
Let's see it like assembling a sentence. Let's imagine we want to form legible sentences for the human intellect, having in front of us a sampling of words revolved without meaning; at the moment of selecting in discarding useful and useless words respectively, we order the selected words with a syntax that allows the sense and understanding of its meaning. For example:
We are introduce with the words: "nothingness"; "that"; "yesterday"; "comes"; "as"; "between"; "from"; "all".
We select the useful words: "nothingness"; "comes"; "from"; "all".
We order the selected words "all", "comes", "from", "nothingness", and we assemble them having the meaning: "All comes from nothingness".
Words are the components of linguistics, as physical elements are the components of the universe. So elements are like words which its writing form the content of this great and unique verse that we know. When humans study the laws of the universe, he is studying the syntax of its code, which it represents to us something meaningful. In other words, we are reading the universe and we are understanding it (translating its cosmic natural language into our human natural language).
Let's make a mind experiment. Observe in this moment your environment, you have two options: to sense it or to analyze it (if you are sense it you are tuning more into emotion's frequencies, and if you analyze it you are tuning more into intellectual frequencies, for emotion is a feedbacked energy of the environment that moves you without any logical reason, and the intellect is a feedbacked energy that judges with labels describing subjectively the environment that surrounds you). Take the second option and start to describe what is happening. Realize that it is inevitable to use words (ignore truism and go deeper); labels allows us to comprehend the moment and its patterns. With words we can both tag an object and know what it is, and tag its pattern and know how it works. Labels that when they come back to our [inner and/or outer] ears as words, our imagination projects them recollecting memory (the mental simulation of the past). All of this thanks to the ability to read reality. That's why, intelligence etymology that comes from the Latin intelligentia is composed of: the prefix inter- ("between"), the verb legere ("choose, separate, read"), -nt- ("agent"), and -ia ("quality"). "Between" because of the capacity to distinguish and differentiate betwixt one object and others, this is known as abstraction. "Choose, separate, read" because when distinguishing an object it has become separated from its context thanks to selection, and it can only be separated detecting its properties by their labels. In this moment we have used intelligence with the word intelligence. What we have described is only its object, while its function (for its quality) is to facilitate the agent (in this case, us, who read) in choosing the best alternative among many, that's to say, to optimize the emotion's decisions.
Such intelligence we use from our brain is similar to the intelligence the universe uses for evolution. Both the universe and humans learn, same in nature but different in degree. And if we realize, through code (words that label objects with syntactic laws) we access memory for better choices, just as the universe and its words (the elements) were learning of their different combinations until generating the most complex languages to date, like those of genes.
It is, then, through the action of tagging objects with words and using logic to describe them that we can decipher the underlying code that animates all this beautiful chaos. And it is that same action of tagging objects that creates the individualization of things (for the conceptual abstraction of their qualities and properties that specify an inexorable semantic). The universe's unity is lost by the variations of distortion.
It is the high abstraction of the conscious that separates us from the low abstraction that the unconscious process ubiquitously and permanently, for in such darkness everything seems equal, all seems one and the surface between your skin and your environment blurs, where there is no such thing as individuality.
Here is where the conviction of liberty starts, when the body's mind wants the throne of god in order to judge; the ego's cradle where identity is born. With the prideful eagerness of improving creation in the manner of its own consideration. But, it is not that the reason why god made the devil and allowed his fall? that's to say, isn't that the reason why the unconscious allowed the dawn of the conscious?
1When we mention the word "creator" we refer to a neutral state lacking pronoun, but nonetheless, it represents an entity that rules a ubiquitous assimilation of the information's process in all particles, that's to say, an intelligence extremely implicit in our conscious, that governs [with creativity, ingenuity and simultaneously with unconsciousness) the evolutive dynamic of all models present in the universe.
The advent child of dawn
There are philosophical thoughts with religious mixture1 in which it is said that the universe began by faith, sustained in the reason that states that the universe is the everything that comes from nothingness. Its justification lies in the definition of this word plus the implicit logic behind this idea. "Faith" is the quality of believing in something without having any factual certainty of its veracity, with the purpose of choosing a path to act (for we cannot wait to know it all in order to actuate), thus faith is a factor for decision making. This thought rest on the idea that the universe was originated by decision.
Everything is moving, and such movement is submitted under fundamental physical laws. Nothingness (zero) is at rest because is in balance of everything (one); without any movement. But given the moment when a law exists, nothingness starts to form in something, because a law imposes a behavior over a system (opened, closed, and presumably isolated). The code of a law is legible when there is an intellect that can read it so it can respect and execute the law. Nonetheless, in the immutable perfection of nothingness, its infinite supreme law is to our perspective the absence of law (the zero); a limitless silence totally incomprehensible. To conceive all in an instant (the one) does not allow the realization of nothing; and therefore it needs the separation of the instant in instants (the ones, that's to say two, three, four... ∞).
We can interpret the universe figuratively, where at the beginning, the primordial instant contains the totality of instants folded into a plane, and its expansion the instants unfold from themselves, allowing the possibility of space-time coordinates and the existence of everything we know including consciousness.
Note that this mentioned primordial instant of totality does not say anything about nothingness but of the emergent instants in individuality (the second one is in likeness of the first one and vice versa, but the zero is none); however, what we only capture of the first one in association with nothingness, is its inconceivability2. Thus, the first law of the universe is a reflection of the supreme law, by being to us paradoxically inscrutable, for there is nothing of reality (physical or mental) that can attribute, nor resemble, nor compare to the supreme law other than indeterminacy. The fact that a human limit the infinite when saying that this conceives its totality in an instant is a determination of totality compactified to an instant, formulated by the human intelligence that lives the breakdown of such instant3. Therefore the supreme law contracts into an absence of law [from our conception] and becomes mirrored by the Law, that's to say that before the origin [to our perspective] there was no law that declared how to make the first Law. There was no word nor mathematics that described how to be; no law that imposes the not-being to be. Then by faith, the code of the universe was written. Metaphorically speaking, let's imagine that a single degree [absolute to our perspective] of mistrust over its own infinite security created the infinite uncertainty, the mind as prison of its own. The mind is the law, making itself physical as a recipient of its own code. Thereby, physics becomes an apparent imposition to nothingness, for it contradicts its infinity in fractions, delimited quantities in consequence of separation. The is the disturbance of balance that generates the first physical-mental law (entropy) the urge to equilibrate its contradiction (negentropy). But if we observe well, such legible word or mathematic that contradicts infinity by delimitation, is the same law that urges to eradicate the contraction, for it is part of the universal movement that can be described by its code4.
A Law nullifies itself [just as the supreme law], for its diction and contradiction are perfectly symmetrical. But symmetric truth loses its symmetry when distortion is given, then deceit and illusion comes. The breakdown of the Instant into instants.
Soon Article Glory to the Origin
The Instant brings with it a symmetric formation that justifies its not-being, in other words, the Instant is union (emanation) and separation (creation) simultaneously (it searches and finds itself at the same time (a perfect update)); when distortion comes the Instant reflected itself in the instants loses symmetry and projects a chaotic and deformed reality where both union and separation are sought5 but are not found, so randomness appears to be real by asymmetry and the illusion of movement arises (the extension of confusion where/when wisdom has forgotten its perfect understanding and absolute truth has been concealed).
Previous to creation everything is nullified in emanation because in it are6 chained emanation, creation, formation, and actualization as one only.
To create, The All had to make mind, but to make mind it had to use mind. A paradox in recursion which no one can escape being mind. That's why it is said, The All is Mind. As alpha and omega, as beginning and end. The symmetry is the union of the beginning with the end, and the asymmetry is the separation of the beginning from its end. If the beginning meets its end instantaneously, there is no opportunity of anything. Separation generates the medium so that the beginnings reach its end, and what lies betwixt beginning and end is history (spatial-temporal sequence), entropy's reason.
When the Symmetry breaks, darkness and light stops being emanation and becomes creation. The oscillation between them becomes allowed, which forms and updates the pristine moments of the universe; a rhythm that plays with chaos, with the [Being's] necessity that has born in the light. A child light very recent in existence, that has discovered its reality through alteration. The morning star. The bearer of light. The holy error, prince of this world.
Darkness is only absence of light, thus light is presence per se.
This advent is the vibration that provoked the asymmetric movement. The unbalance that the same law caused and seeks to correct (one in which the error has forgotten its origin (the reflection of infinity))7. Where it manages to balance a disproportion, another one emerges by asymmetric displacement (see image 1), negentropy's reason.
Entropy only seeks the equilibrium of energy's distribution so this can become homogeneous in the field of all that exists, and so movement ceases; but negentropy learns new ways to maintain the arrangements of its light, and for such manner, its creativity must innovate constantly, emanating, creating, forming and actualizing new sub-laws around the feedback of its learning (note that emanation, creation, formation, and actualization are found in all forms of being, because is a reflection of the origin).
This is process, and we are here to reveal its black box.
1Think of religious doctrines as symbolism and not literal meaning.
2This can be one of the infinite ways of nothingness to be inconceivable. Nothingness is all inconceivable ways to be; which every time it is written more about it, we are furthering away from the word's indication.
3"The ones" are limited by the laws of the instants' experience (the body); "The One" is limited by the contemplation of the ones assimilating its essence of infinite with instants (eg. Eternity is associated with time, and time with moments [or instants]) (the mind); "The zero" has no limits (even the mind has limits, for example, we cannot imagine a reality without space and time [instant-location], but there can be such reality for the zero, and that would another One that doesn't correspond to us of conceiving).
4The law seeks to eradicate the word, but the law is composed of word. Its own need to be is its own need to not be. I.e. Entropy "seeks" to disperse information; Entropy is a law and thus a component of information. Then, when all information becomes dispersed, Entropy disperses with it.
5Union eg. Electromagnetic affinity, gravitation, etc.; Separation eg. Electromagnetic repulsion, dark energy, etc.
6It is predictably regarded that after the final destruction it will return to the emanation previous to creation. And thus, the verb to be "are" is used in present time but alluding to the grammatical mood infinitive because a part from the belief that emanation is found in the beginning (was) and in the end (will be), it is also found in all the middle instants (is), passively. We know that everything is connected and everything is One, however, our senses show us a reality full of separated but organized systems in a universal environment. The All is united in one scene, and the next scene is another all, a sequential continuum between the anterior and the posterior (see The providence of dimensions).
7In such a way it is justify that the supreme law (which to us is an absence of law) is a greater infinity (undetermined indetermination) and the original law (which we reflect its inconceivability according to the characteristics of our own reality) is a lesser infinity (determined indetermination), for the first one does not make mistakes, and the second one does. When the error arises both are nullified (seeming both equivalents to our perspective).
The nothingness previous to creation1 is more real before being contemplated by the observer, but the origin (creation) of the universe (supposed big Bang) appears to be real through the observer and his/her deduction (the intellect - this will be interpreted on Pt. 2 of the sequel), as if nothingness would end there (the nothingness contemplated by the observer) and everything would begin, when actually everything is a continuation of nothingness (nothingness never ended). The essential and infinite reality becomes nulled in an illusory manner when the finite observer contemplates2 it. An observer that in his/her contemplation seeks to determine nothingness' abstraction through concept.
Who is this observer?
All the forces of the nihilistic source3 have equal value between themselves. Everything is the same. There is nothing to do. When entropy figuratively "thinks it knows" that it should neutralize everything into a neutral state, the disproportion becomes the result of such belief, that's to say, unbalance justifies the sense of the law of Equilibrium. To have balance first there needs to be unbalance (as an allegory, god secretly thought that: to need the Christ first you need the devil). So, in that moment that entropy emerges simultaneously negentropy emerges too. Both together are the primordial force that distanced itself from the nihilistic force because of the differentiation that such belief in the law provoked (the universe could have been reign by other potential "laws" of nothingness, but to our perspective, the universe made capable the entropy/negentropy law).
The primordial force that separates from the nihilistic source is the original sin that gives birth to the desire to rule, for it is through control that stability can be maintained. Before creation, the observing principle remained inactive and worthless in nothingness; the distortion of desire generates a purpose: to realize the desire; in such a way, the observing principle become necessary and commutes its state from passive to active. Here feedback emerges, imitated both by entropy and negentropy, since feedback is an intrinsic part of regulation and vice versa (here it applies perfectly the metaphor of the word Cybernetics, which implies the wheel with which the direction of a lost ship is adjusted in real time, guiding itself from the goal-lighthouse, until reaching the light).
Essentially, in order for a law to be formed there needs to be a situation out of control that doesn't allow the establishment of order. In order for a law to exist there needs to be a lector that interpret its code, and executive that performs its function and an observer4 that supervise its results. This review allows to regulate the anomaly of the action, the interpretation, or of the law itself. Entropy does not change of law (or that is what it seems5) but negentropy constantly renews models to be able to prevail its entity through identities. Each progressive model requires specific laws to be and to do as its identity indicates, thus negentropy's rules vary through time, and likewise, it transforms simplicity into optimum complexity to be able to transcend, breaking the law into sub-laws, and in more fractions successively (as many as necessary).
When following a law, there is performance based on it, and in a practical way, this is a decision making. Decisions made by atoms requires very few bits of information and they are very random in the context of the [antropomorphic6] chaos. Nonetheless, the evolution of the sets of the models wouldn't have been possible without the quality of learning, and learning is given when it exist any type of sensor that allows feedback of whats happening (sensation7 is what allows the atom to perceive another atom's qualities and determine its affinity or repulsion; this is given in the moment when an atom perceives (like without thinking about it), for it is proportional to its capacity of information processing). That's how different molecular arrangements emerge, which with its complex storage increases the order of information through learning. Learning itself is fundamental for autopoiesis, the regeneration which through eons of years have manifested many evolutive phases, where the arrangement of the dead (inert) start to make life (animated).
The law is reflected in everything and each system of the perceived and/or imagined reality with its variation by a level of correspondence.
1It is said "previous to creation" since afterwards, nothingness remains permeating existence between each moment and between each thing of each moment.
2We could say that the nothingness' infinite is bigger than everything's infinite, but to us, nothingness doesn't seem to be neither bigger nor smaller than everything because it appears to us as nothing (apparently to the mind), and since the totality of both seem to us as a mystery, [despite the logic of they indicate], their infinities looks the same to us (inconceivable). Nonetheless, nothingness does respect the concept of infinite for it has no beginning nor end; it is unlimited. All the "somethings" of everything, are the "final product" of the illusion of nothingness shifting to finite forms. A somewhat can be something as a universe or as one of us, depending on the perspective (this will be better explained in the "It's likeness" subject latter in this article). Our body gained human form when we were born and it will leave such form when we die. The human identity has a beginning and has an end, but the atoms that compose us remain existing manifesting other forms through their combinations. And very likely as this material blocks started to be mass in the ending of the era of radiation, they will stop being matter in any moment of the very far and distant future of the universe and it will become another thing we cannot yet conceive. So matter loses identity but the energy that composes remains existing of another inconceivable form; this indicates that energy must be composed of another more mysterious quality that we haven't conceptualize because we haven't even noticed it yet, and maybe is also inconceivable to the current mind. Ad infinitum in nothingness' illusions.
3We are not referring to the artistic movement (which, nevertheless, does not differs from its purpose) but to what the word "nihilistic" indicates in relation to nothingness, and in conjunction with "source" as "nihilistic source", we refer to the origin empty of all. That simultaneously can be regarded as a source of nothing for all; that is to say, a source which provides us constantly of the void that supports us a stage for the act of all matter and all energy (that are the same thing but in different degree).
4For inert entities, observation is a latent property in lecture and execution (e.g. atoms' laws are as figure of speech the simple qualities that which with responds to the universal conditions with pure instigation), but it becomes emergent when inert entities gather together and form living beings.
5As we mentioned on the first asterisk ("*") of this subject, energy will one day lose its matter identity, and probably the law of entropy changes to another law unimaginable to us. But as it seems to us a long time, this makes it appear eternal and immutable.
6Randomness and determinism are relative to the observatory reference frame.
7Let's not limit the word "sensation" only to the biological frame, but let's expand its reasoning in the etymological root which is sense from Latin sentire meaning "perceive, feel, know", in a figurative use of a literal meaning "to find one's way" or "to go mentally". Through what we feel, we make sense for a direction, and finally for taking a decision. To sense is to perceive.
Absorption doesn't begin here, but it is the justified degree in which consciousness is found by our apparently perspective of space-time and negentropy (creation).
As we can deduce, the universe is the entropy, the multiverse is the multi-entropy, and the omniverse is the omni-entropy
Negentropy forms and updates the world of creation contradicting the unlimited infinity, perceiving itself separated in a fraction that it can perceive [of everything] full of "other some things" also separated.
These dualities of nothing/everything [from four paragraphs ago] represents a symmetric duality for the unlimited infinite is endless and the unlimited finite also. The unlimited finity refers to a beginning that expands its end unlimitedly3, nonetheless, that finity of everythingness that has a beginning is a deceit where such beginning is an obfuscation of nothingness' infinity but yet symmetrically perfect for not denying it's infinity with its unlimited quality. Our life reflects the same way when we are born. The memories of our earliest childhood are opaque for confusion in its certainty, without memory of the previous existence to our life4, with the fear of losing our own existence because is everything that we know. This is the asymmetrical distortion of the "something" that defines and determines the apparently limited finite, which surely contradicts the symmetric duality (for this one does end); behold the trinity (nothing/everything/something) that sustains the moment including our environment and our life.
The finite and limited perspective creates the necessity of existing, forgetting the infinite and unlimited existence in order to rise the distortion of truth.
Entropy exists when there is at least one negentropy that contemplates it. And negentropy exists when there is at least one entropy that contains it.
1Since it is a unity, it would be contradictory to say realities as plural, however, this is the paradox that arises when everythingness exists and it reflects itself in indifference of nothingness.
2Relative to our perspective like atomic, molecular, cellular, human, solar, etc. (and we think of as in plural state for within each one it also exists different subjective realities, as for example, your and mine); or outside of our perspective as those unknown in multidimensions.
3Let's remember that its ending is its beginning. Let's remember the Big Bang, and let's consider the theory of its singularity and expansion. Space expanded itself from one point, the final border of its expansion is its origin, for it was the first surface (so to speak) to expand. This "surface" is the delimiter that makes the universe finite but nonetheless, unlimited for its continuous expansion. But if the surface is just a finite illusion by obfuscation of the infinite, then the universe is also infinite.
4And even to our conscience formed when we were aproximatelly 2 years old.
In this first part we have seen the ontologic sustenance of our existence based only in theory and philosophy, backed up by an incomplete logic and that possibly may be infinitely incomplete [to the perspective of the something], but, what of the half-trues we know about our existence?
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When the Symmetry breaks, darkness and light stops being emanation and becomes creation. The oscillation between them becomes allowed, which forms and updates the pristine moments of the universe; a rhythm that plays with chaos, with the [Being's] necessity that has born in the light. A child light very recent in existence, that has discovered its reality through alteration. The morning star. The bearer of light. The holy error, prince of this world.
Darkness is only absence of light, thus light is presence per se.
This advent is the vibration that provoked the asymmetric movement. The unbalance that the same law caused and seeks to correct (one in which the error has forgotten its origin (the reflection of infinity))7. Where it manages to balance a disproportion, another one emerges by asymmetric displacement (see image 1), negentropy's reason.
Entropy only seeks the equilibrium of energy's distribution so this can become homogeneous in the field of all that exists, and so movement ceases; but negentropy learns new ways to maintain the arrangements of its light, and for such manner, its creativity must innovate constantly, emanating, creating, forming and actualizing new sub-laws around the feedback of its learning (note that emanation, creation, formation, and actualization are found in all forms of being, because is a reflection of the origin).
This is process, and we are here to reveal its black box.
1Think of religious doctrines as symbolism and not literal meaning.
2This can be one of the infinite ways of nothingness to be inconceivable. Nothingness is all inconceivable ways to be; which every time it is written more about it, we are furthering away from the word's indication.
3"The ones" are limited by the laws of the instants' experience (the body); "The One" is limited by the contemplation of the ones assimilating its essence of infinite with instants (eg. Eternity is associated with time, and time with moments [or instants]) (the mind); "The zero" has no limits (even the mind has limits, for example, we cannot imagine a reality without space and time [instant-location], but there can be such reality for the zero, and that would another One that doesn't correspond to us of conceiving).
4The law seeks to eradicate the word, but the law is composed of word. Its own need to be is its own need to not be. I.e. Entropy "seeks" to disperse information; Entropy is a law and thus a component of information. Then, when all information becomes dispersed, Entropy disperses with it.
5Union eg. Electromagnetic affinity, gravitation, etc.; Separation eg. Electromagnetic repulsion, dark energy, etc.
6It is predictably regarded that after the final destruction it will return to the emanation previous to creation. And thus, the verb to be "are" is used in present time but alluding to the grammatical mood infinitive because a part from the belief that emanation is found in the beginning (was) and in the end (will be), it is also found in all the middle instants (is), passively. We know that everything is connected and everything is One, however, our senses show us a reality full of separated but organized systems in a universal environment. The All is united in one scene, and the next scene is another all, a sequential continuum between the anterior and the posterior (see The providence of dimensions).
7In such a way it is justify that the supreme law (which to us is an absence of law) is a greater infinity (undetermined indetermination) and the original law (which we reflect its inconceivability according to the characteristics of our own reality) is a lesser infinity (determined indetermination), for the first one does not make mistakes, and the second one does. When the error arises both are nullified (seeming both equivalents to our perspective).
The Sacrilege of Jinn
The nothingness previous to creation1 is more real before being contemplated by the observer, but the origin (creation) of the universe (supposed big Bang) appears to be real through the observer and his/her deduction (the intellect - this will be interpreted on Pt. 2 of the sequel), as if nothingness would end there (the nothingness contemplated by the observer) and everything would begin, when actually everything is a continuation of nothingness (nothingness never ended). The essential and infinite reality becomes nulled in an illusory manner when the finite observer contemplates2 it. An observer that in his/her contemplation seeks to determine nothingness' abstraction through concept.
Who is this observer?
All the forces of the nihilistic source3 have equal value between themselves. Everything is the same. There is nothing to do. When entropy figuratively "thinks it knows" that it should neutralize everything into a neutral state, the disproportion becomes the result of such belief, that's to say, unbalance justifies the sense of the law of Equilibrium. To have balance first there needs to be unbalance (as an allegory, god secretly thought that: to need the Christ first you need the devil). So, in that moment that entropy emerges simultaneously negentropy emerges too. Both together are the primordial force that distanced itself from the nihilistic force because of the differentiation that such belief in the law provoked (the universe could have been reign by other potential "laws" of nothingness, but to our perspective, the universe made capable the entropy/negentropy law).
The primordial force that separates from the nihilistic source is the original sin that gives birth to the desire to rule, for it is through control that stability can be maintained. Before creation, the observing principle remained inactive and worthless in nothingness; the distortion of desire generates a purpose: to realize the desire; in such a way, the observing principle become necessary and commutes its state from passive to active. Here feedback emerges, imitated both by entropy and negentropy, since feedback is an intrinsic part of regulation and vice versa (here it applies perfectly the metaphor of the word Cybernetics, which implies the wheel with which the direction of a lost ship is adjusted in real time, guiding itself from the goal-lighthouse, until reaching the light).
Essentially, in order for a law to be formed there needs to be a situation out of control that doesn't allow the establishment of order. In order for a law to exist there needs to be a lector that interpret its code, and executive that performs its function and an observer4 that supervise its results. This review allows to regulate the anomaly of the action, the interpretation, or of the law itself. Entropy does not change of law (or that is what it seems5) but negentropy constantly renews models to be able to prevail its entity through identities. Each progressive model requires specific laws to be and to do as its identity indicates, thus negentropy's rules vary through time, and likewise, it transforms simplicity into optimum complexity to be able to transcend, breaking the law into sub-laws, and in more fractions successively (as many as necessary).
When following a law, there is performance based on it, and in a practical way, this is a decision making. Decisions made by atoms requires very few bits of information and they are very random in the context of the [antropomorphic6] chaos. Nonetheless, the evolution of the sets of the models wouldn't have been possible without the quality of learning, and learning is given when it exist any type of sensor that allows feedback of whats happening (sensation7 is what allows the atom to perceive another atom's qualities and determine its affinity or repulsion; this is given in the moment when an atom perceives (like without thinking about it), for it is proportional to its capacity of information processing). That's how different molecular arrangements emerge, which with its complex storage increases the order of information through learning. Learning itself is fundamental for autopoiesis, the regeneration which through eons of years have manifested many evolutive phases, where the arrangement of the dead (inert) start to make life (animated).
The law is reflected in everything and each system of the perceived and/or imagined reality with its variation by a level of correspondence.
1It is said "previous to creation" since afterwards, nothingness remains permeating existence between each moment and between each thing of each moment.
2We could say that the nothingness' infinite is bigger than everything's infinite, but to us, nothingness doesn't seem to be neither bigger nor smaller than everything because it appears to us as nothing (apparently to the mind), and since the totality of both seem to us as a mystery, [despite the logic of they indicate], their infinities looks the same to us (inconceivable). Nonetheless, nothingness does respect the concept of infinite for it has no beginning nor end; it is unlimited. All the "somethings" of everything, are the "final product" of the illusion of nothingness shifting to finite forms. A somewhat can be something as a universe or as one of us, depending on the perspective (this will be better explained in the "It's likeness" subject latter in this article). Our body gained human form when we were born and it will leave such form when we die. The human identity has a beginning and has an end, but the atoms that compose us remain existing manifesting other forms through their combinations. And very likely as this material blocks started to be mass in the ending of the era of radiation, they will stop being matter in any moment of the very far and distant future of the universe and it will become another thing we cannot yet conceive. So matter loses identity but the energy that composes remains existing of another inconceivable form; this indicates that energy must be composed of another more mysterious quality that we haven't conceptualize because we haven't even noticed it yet, and maybe is also inconceivable to the current mind. Ad infinitum in nothingness' illusions.
3We are not referring to the artistic movement (which, nevertheless, does not differs from its purpose) but to what the word "nihilistic" indicates in relation to nothingness, and in conjunction with "source" as "nihilistic source", we refer to the origin empty of all. That simultaneously can be regarded as a source of nothing for all; that is to say, a source which provides us constantly of the void that supports us a stage for the act of all matter and all energy (that are the same thing but in different degree).
4For inert entities, observation is a latent property in lecture and execution (e.g. atoms' laws are as figure of speech the simple qualities that which with responds to the universal conditions with pure instigation), but it becomes emergent when inert entities gather together and form living beings.
5As we mentioned on the first asterisk ("*") of this subject, energy will one day lose its matter identity, and probably the law of entropy changes to another law unimaginable to us. But as it seems to us a long time, this makes it appear eternal and immutable.
6Randomness and determinism are relative to the observatory reference frame.
7Let's not limit the word "sensation" only to the biological frame, but let's expand its reasoning in the etymological root which is sense from Latin sentire meaning "perceive, feel, know", in a figurative use of a literal meaning "to find one's way" or "to go mentally". Through what we feel, we make sense for a direction, and finally for taking a decision. To sense is to perceive.
It's Likeness
"You are unique. Just as everyone else."
-Margaret Mead
Emanation has all its shackles inserted, sprouting of its unity realities without difference1; each holon on each scale is the same in emanation, so the difference of realities2 is generated within creation. This mental reality that we perceive is sustained in perspectives, because by perspective the complete scheme gets nullified, leaving to each one of us a fraction (subjectivity) of the true reality (objetctivity).
Then, emanation is the perfect symmetry where everything is nullified by indifference, and creation is the imperfect asymmetry where reality is spawned by differences. Differences limit the unlimited.
Nothingness is only the unlimited and infinite, but also is not through everythingness (at least not infinite). {In other words, Nothingness is all omniverses}.
Everythingness reflects nothingness, for it is also unified duality. Is not unlimited and infinite but it is because it reflects nothingness, and it also is unlimited and finite (the other part that nothingness is not but it also is through everythingness). {In other words, the everythingness is an omniverse (unlimited infinite of unlimited finites)}.
Then we can see the pattern among nothingness and everythingness (nothing/everything) by levels. —We talk about masks in the sentences written in the curly brackets ("{}") of the two previous paragraphs—. In this case, nothingness is not the mask but it reflects them through everythingness, and by being nothingness it would be said that it is pure everythingness because of its pure reflection; because of its not-being it allows it to be everything that there is (but it must be also the other infinity that everythingness is not and which no thing of everythingness can conceive).
To us, the maximum everythingness of objective conception is the omniverse.
The mask would be our omniverse, that are reflected in lesser degree by our multiverse, that are reflected in a lesser degree by our universe, that are reflected in a lesser degree by "my life" (said from the perspective of each one of us), —to which, for the sake of argument, we may call it: "the word".
The pattern of nothing/everything is on each of this levels. Omniverse/multiverse, Multiverse/universe, Universe/word. The omniverse is infinite and unlimited (nothing) [for its endless handful of multiverses] in comparison of the unlimited finite (everything) Multiverse (let's remember that the omniverse is composed of infinite multiverses that are unlimited finites). The Multiverse is infinite and unlimited (nothing) [for its endless handful of universes] in comparison of the unlimited finite (everything) universe. But when we arrive at the relation of the universe with the word (in this case the finite handful of us humans) the pattern of this emanation reverses into the pattern of absorption, for it is here that the relation of our story and our perspective starts.
The pattern of nothing/everything is on each of this levels. Omniverse/multiverse, Multiverse/universe, Universe/word. The omniverse is infinite and unlimited (nothing) [for its endless handful of multiverses] in comparison of the unlimited finite (everything) Multiverse (let's remember that the omniverse is composed of infinite multiverses that are unlimited finites). The Multiverse is infinite and unlimited (nothing) [for its endless handful of universes] in comparison of the unlimited finite (everything) universe. But when we arrive at the relation of the universe with the word (in this case the finite handful of us humans) the pattern of this emanation reverses into the pattern of absorption, for it is here that the relation of our story and our perspective starts.
Absorption doesn't begin here, but it is the justified degree in which consciousness is found by our apparently perspective of space-time and negentropy (creation).
As we can deduce, the universe is the entropy, the multiverse is the multi-entropy, and the omniverse is the omni-entropy
Negentropy forms and updates the world of creation contradicting the unlimited infinity, perceiving itself separated in a fraction that it can perceive [of everything] full of "other some things" also separated.
These dualities of nothing/everything [from four paragraphs ago] represents a symmetric duality for the unlimited infinite is endless and the unlimited finite also. The unlimited finity refers to a beginning that expands its end unlimitedly3, nonetheless, that finity of everythingness that has a beginning is a deceit where such beginning is an obfuscation of nothingness' infinity but yet symmetrically perfect for not denying it's infinity with its unlimited quality. Our life reflects the same way when we are born. The memories of our earliest childhood are opaque for confusion in its certainty, without memory of the previous existence to our life4, with the fear of losing our own existence because is everything that we know. This is the asymmetrical distortion of the "something" that defines and determines the apparently limited finite, which surely contradicts the symmetric duality (for this one does end); behold the trinity (nothing/everything/something) that sustains the moment including our environment and our life.
The finite and limited perspective creates the necessity of existing, forgetting the infinite and unlimited existence in order to rise the distortion of truth.
Entropy exists when there is at least one negentropy that contemplates it. And negentropy exists when there is at least one entropy that contains it.
1Since it is a unity, it would be contradictory to say realities as plural, however, this is the paradox that arises when everythingness exists and it reflects itself in indifference of nothingness.
2Relative to our perspective like atomic, molecular, cellular, human, solar, etc. (and we think of as in plural state for within each one it also exists different subjective realities, as for example, your and mine); or outside of our perspective as those unknown in multidimensions.
3Let's remember that its ending is its beginning. Let's remember the Big Bang, and let's consider the theory of its singularity and expansion. Space expanded itself from one point, the final border of its expansion is its origin, for it was the first surface (so to speak) to expand. This "surface" is the delimiter that makes the universe finite but nonetheless, unlimited for its continuous expansion. But if the surface is just a finite illusion by obfuscation of the infinite, then the universe is also infinite.
4And even to our conscience formed when we were aproximatelly 2 years old.
In this first part we have seen the ontologic sustenance of our existence based only in theory and philosophy, backed up by an incomplete logic and that possibly may be infinitely incomplete [to the perspective of the something], but, what of the half-trues we know about our existence?
-The Void-
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