
Showing posts from 2017

Neguentropy contradicts Pt. 1: The ontologic paradox

Birth, development, reproduction, decay, and death, that is all we know. Rebirth, we don't know. Life and death is the cycle which consumes us all. Souls come souls go and we cannot avoid it, cheating death is not a possible decision, or maybe it is not yet; and even though human have wished their eternity through history, our longing has always been refuted by entropy and it's inexorable and imperative law. Ouroboros We are trapped in the infinite cycle of life and death, and necessity is our incentive. Our ignorance of "life" after death keeps us conscious, for it is death which produces necessity in life. Consciousness is there to satisfy all the need the body ask for. Consciousness is the feedback between "what I do" and "what happens to me because of what I did" . For that which goes in (input) I take out (output) and I feedback my input with my output's result (feedback loop). Ouroboros is a symbolism of feedback, because of the hea...

La Neguentropía lo contradice Pt. 1: La paradoja ontológica

Nacimiento, desarrollo, reproducción, decaimiento y fallecimiento, esto es todo lo que conocemos. Renacimiento, no sabemos. Vida y muerte es el ciclo que nos consume a todos. Almas vienen almas van y no lo podemos evitar; engañar a la muerte no es una posible decisión, o tal vez no lo es aún; y aunque a través de la historia con tanto fervor el humano ha deseado su eternidad, nuestro anhelo ha sido siempre refutado por la entropía y su inexorable e imperativa ley. Ouroboros Estamos atrapados en el ciclo infinito de la vida y la muerte, y la necesidad es nuestro incentivo. Nuestra ignorancia sobre la "vida" después de la muerte nos mantiene conscientes, pues es la misma muerte la que produce la necesidad en la vida. La consciencia está allí para poder satisfacer la necesidad que el cuerpo pida. La consciencia es realimentación entre "lo que hago" con "lo que me sucede por lo que hice" . Por lo que entra (input) tengo una salida (output) y realimento m...

The Theory of Everything

Humans have always found existential mystery as the most inherently plethoric and brimming curiosity —and let's shall not forget to add a touch of fear—; and through millennia of human history, the truth of such mystery remains an enigma, encrypted by the variations of universal principles developed since the genesis of existence, or at least that's how humans believe it. As time goes by, the human mind comprehends more, thus it knows less of what existence can be and have. This same reasoning glimpses  — in human logic —  the contemplation of reality as infinite, being this adjective the best that have described it. Nonetheless, the fact of believing that the mystery of the universe is infinite does not discourage human curiosity, on the contrary, it inspires him to know all he can, because knowing is an act that happens inevitably in consciousness, and the human being realizes that he himself can contribute and increase to this universal capacity. One can sit in ...