The 7 Universal Principles

"For all to admire, some to imitate, but a few to understand."

Since the course of human history (regarding only its intelectual journey), there has always been a constant that has been treated as a variable, a mystery that it has been considered unraveled, a concept which actually to date is still unknown, and much less understood. We are talking about Truth.

When we were born in the consciousness of this world, we were born abandoned in disorder and chaos, abandoned in a savage world where only the fittest can prevail, and survival only exists when you think about yourself (your own identity). Our intellect influenced by instinct helped us to survive when men was still a nomad. The ability of being aware has always brought us not only the possibility of surviving, but also of thriving. But, what is thrive itself? Does the thriving of everyone else influence in mine too? Are we destined to search our own individual thrive, or to see also for everyone else's prosperity too?

Many times we have become inefficient to achieve the mutual and collective progress, because in our mind and genetics it is written (programmed) the faculty of taking care of our own body, and to reject any pernicious object or situation that endangers the physical perception and life itself. It is very natural the fear generated by the existential doubt (of the intellectual being), such as if there is life after death or not, and if not, what is there? Such uncertainty cause panic on people, for the fear to stop living a life full of sensations, experiences, memories and dreams. Generally, life is associated with pleasure, and death with pain, so we ask ourselves if dying hurts. We associate that the pain there is in life each time brings us closer to death or simply cause in us displeasure, and thus, we must find pleasure so life has sense and can be enjoyed.

If we noticed on the last paragraph, the root of fear is the doubt to this essential questions of life. If we hipothetically knew that there is life after death, we wouldn't be afraid to die at all, and probably it would increase the suicide rate in the world. Although this hypothesis with its mentioned probability, would go against the natural evolutionary principles, and thus, this doesn't work with nature. If there is life after death, maybe that is the reason why we don't know with certainty yet.

From the beginning of this historical course of the Homo Sapiens, we have always been influenced by instinct, and through it, we start to define a conceptual reality based on materialism and empiricism. A dual reality where we divide the superior from the inferior, and still we identify ourselves with a hierarchical position. The higher your hierarchical position, the more power there is in your charge and mandate, which leads to a higher responsability. The higher the job position, higher are the possibilities that your orders and wishes become true. It is real, however, this doesn't mean that you are superior, or in other words, better. It is the idea of superiority that each time a step is raised, the tentation of ambition beomes boosted for vain power.

To have power does not mean that it is bad, for as we mentioned: the "higher" the step, the higher the responsability; but if the individual lacks of responsability, the world (including the individual) suffers the consequences. The individual with power and without responsability (living in an hedonist illusion), does not realize that this affects both him/herself and his/her family and society indirectly, and that is how he/she continues through such path of apathy and collective inefficiency.

This reality continues to be an uncertainty to us, and from such, lie, deceit, distortion and fear may emerge; clearly the opposite to truth, freedom, justice and love. It is through ignorance that lies are believed, deceits are masked, and fears are latent, and when a lie is believed, this one densifies in illusion's knowledge.

"All wind are favorable for those who don't know which port to go"

Ignorance makes us lack of vision, and without it, we lack of will. An ignorant individual is alive, and it will remain alive but aimlessly until his/her death. This is a sign of unconsciousness.

For someone with wrong insight and vain power, this kind of information is the key to nurture his/her ambition for more power. In this way, he/she knows that aimless masses can be controlled, ergo, needs to lie and deceive, for that is the way his/her pleasures and desires can be accomplished. That is something personal that he/she also knows that it must be hidden so his/her dominated subjects do not doubt him/her. This is another sign of unconsciousness.

This apathetic corruption generates hatred and fear that runs through our "civilizations". But lets remember something, the fact that a person can be docile, tamed and controlled, can only be done if the person is ignorant and densified with knowledge's illusion, and so, both the ruler and the subject are guilty in the tribunal of unconsciousness, the ruler by generating the deceits, and the subject by believing in them dogmatically, unconsciousness makes them similar, and in a profund way, equal. Thus the subject is also important, and his/her responsability is totally relevant to the entire civilization. We know that the ruler has more mundane power that the subject, but there is a single power that makes us all equal in essence, Will. When someone remains ignorant can be bait in the ambitious' tentation, for being vulnerable of control and domain. Truth is the only thing that can set us free, and we only get near to truth, when we search it with will.

The work's objective consist in becoming free by truth, so, we must learn to identify it. First, we must start with logic, because that is exactly why intellect was granted to us. Things are often complex, and in such cases, our ignorant logic cannot deduce truth, nor discern betwixt right or wrong. So, what we must search, is the most basic evidence of physical reality (because that is the only reality we are sure of experience), so we can start to build a fundamental logic (rationale). The logic basis must be formed from essential patterns, confirmed true by nature observation and its cosmic order. In this case, we must find the fundamental and most simple axiomatic truths for our most conclusive certainty (which result empirical, on the contrary, there wouldn't be a starting point for reason, and thus, the universe would be absolutely and relatively unknowable).

Seven principles were observed millenia ago, and to date, they still are basic and essential to construct our perspective of truth, and they don't differ from laws approved at present by sciencie).

We do not look to dogmatize this knowledge, but only to encourage its reasoning, so the lector can use both hemispheres from his/her neo-cortex and think for him/herself, and if its possible, he/she can start his/her intellectual and emotional self-reciprocity* in his/her interior, which, after all this introduction, is the essential objective.

7 Universal Principles

We will start by studying this ancient philosophies with its own modern influence of the new movement of thought.

Seven universal principles have been considered as axiomatic and basic, in order to conceive the clockwork mechanics of the universe.

"The lips of wisdom remain closed, except for the ear capable of listening."
-the Kybalion-

"The principles of truth are 7: he who understands this perfectly, 
possess the magic key which unlocks all the temple's doors."
-the Kybalion-

It should be recognize the connotation of the words "magic" and "temple" in this last quote of the Kybalion. Making aside for a moment the conventional concept we have of magic, and making emphasis in its etymology, where magic comes from the Persian magus, that contains the root magh- which means 'to be capable', 'to have power', and at the same time from Sanskrit maga, that contains the root may which means "to work", "to do", "to move". And regarding the current definition of temple as a sacred building, we can take its symbolic connotation of the human body as a temple. Everything we are now is to date a perfect edification, however, we are an exuberance of inhibitions (closed doors) for all our magical potential, or better said, our maximum capacity to work.

Observing evolutionary nature, we find that only the systems which adapt to physical reality and its precepts are those whose existence prevails, and can continue their capacity of acting, regarding their identity. In this act, life has always search for its maximum capacity to work the inhibited potential, because the body (temple or system) lacks of an electro-chemical model that can exploit its potential and simultaneously the body can support or resist it.

To reach our maximum capacity of work, we must learn and acknowledge reality in its most basic principles, and so we can align and adapt with reality, consequently giving us objective self-realization.

"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free."
-John 8:32-

The seven Principles are:

  - Principle of Mentalism
  - Principle of Correspondence
  - Principle of Vibration
  - Principle of Polarity
  - Principle of Rhythm
  - Principle of Cause and Effect
  - Principle of Generation

I. Principle of Mentalism

The famous phrase: "The ALL is Mind; the universe is mental" is a phrase validated by philosophical current of Idealism and it was considered for a long time as the acceptable perspective of reality, until Materialism current came to contradict it. The first current states that everything (we conceive with our senses) comes from the mind, and the second one states the opposite, regarding that our senses come from our physical support system and thus, the mind is an emergent property of matter and its celular combinations.

To date, both currents remain seen with skepticism by the scientific community, but is well worth mentioning, that the materialism current start to win popularity for the coherence that natural science offered, such as classical physics, organic and inorganic chemistry, and the engineerings. The influences of this current remain in modern science, however, idealism never died, it only was transformed. In the early twentieth century, a new physical theory came to change again our perspective of reality, and to reconsider some philosophies of idealism. This theory is the Quantum Theory.The theoretical physicist Max Planck, who received a Nobel prize for giving genesis to such theory, was the one who open the first doors to enter a world that is totally different (counter-intuitive and paradoxical) to the world we have perceived all of our personal life, and it is the branch of physics that we now call, Quantum Mechanics.

This new branch, took us to question again the materialism current accepted by the concepts of classical physics. Nowadays, we find many concepts that emerge from all this new informative realm that we have found, such as the Holographic Universe, the One-electron Universe, or the Biocentric Universe. This last concept mentioned, also called Biocentrism (which must not be confused with the moral meaning), was (and still) developed by Dr. Robert Lanza, on the basis of quantum terms such as non-locality, superposition, wave/particle duality, among others, relating them with cells and their functions, and so to affirm that the universe comes from a biological center which collapse the wave-function (see double-slit experiment), to determine such waves in particles and create the reality as we perceive it, just as a radio station tunes with different frequencies and produce a particular station's music. Biocentrism remains still in theory, nonetheless, the popularity that is winning is due to the information that throws the branches of modern science, where we are close to a unifying theory of the natural science and the social science, and what consciousness is in both.

To understand this more easily, lets just try to recall the reality previous to our consciousness. What were we before we were born? Such reality is undetermined, without location nor perception. This open us the next issue that patronize materialism, reproduction. Altough we have not conceived everything that happened before we were born, reality was existing, and from here is stated that previous to human existence, even previously to any species, the universe also had to exist in order for its continuum and its entropy give the possibility to the formation of senses (thus consciousness) through organic receptors.

But quantum mechanics takes us to question, if the big Bang and everything that proceeds after it until the beginning of "level III of consciousness" (named by the physical theoretical Michio Kaku) really existed? That if the original and real state of the universe is one type of immutable, undetermined, infinite existence, and that at the moment it becomes determined as a point, a logic can be constructed of what precedes and proceeds? The Great Mystery yet remains.

But, what is about this principle that it is axiomatic? All of this mentioned, it is only to update us of the perspectives of mankind about reality, and realize that this concerns to humanity in great importance, for it has been through consciousness that we can thank the experience of reality that we are perceiving right now. And, independently if the universe was real in a materialistic or idealistic way before and after the consciousness of our lives, lets agree that the axiom here, is that if you don't have consciousness, nothing exists for you. Just try to imagine reality without perception.

Without consciousness, percepcion or mind... nothing exists.

And passing to the philosophical aspect of "everything is mind", with this phrase we give strength to our intellect to be desidentified from the emerging personalities that emerge from emotions influenced by entropy. Emotional Intelligence is what allows us to change the random conditions for reaching our determined goals, and all of this is based on mind control. That is the difference between being asleep and awake (metaphorically speaking). If reality can be changed by all of our conscious decisions, then, having the Principle of Mentalism in our minds (such redundancy and recursion), can be of total efficiency in our lives, but it mas be supported by the other Principles and the virtues that emerge from these, so these totally function.

Your mentality will give you exactly the life you deserve.

II. Principle of Correspondence

Those who have entered into the field of philosohpy must be acquainted with the phrase: "As above so below, as below so above". This phrase comes intrinsic to this principle for indeed "studying the monad you get to know the archangel".

When we use a semiotic perspective we realize of the existencial relations that has every and each thing that inhabits the universe (regarding the whole universe). Every and each one possess essential qualities that resembles each other. This qualities are essential to physical-mental experience. We can determine any physical subject, like an atom, a molecule or a human body, and observe how each one of this subjects is composed by things, which together results in the determined subject. This is defined as "system". The human body's system is composed of cells, the cell's system is composed by molecules that form proteins, molecules by atoms, and atoms by sub-particles. The things that make up the system are called sub-systems, being these simultaneously systems composed by other sub-systems, thus forming an infinite chain of holons.

Each system has qualities and properties that makes it distinguished from others, and makes it interact with reality in its own particular way, however, every and each one of the systems (microscopically and macroscopically) reflect the same essence, called interaction. Interaction is what allows consciousness to exist.

Some of the essential qualities are algorythm's obedience, comunication, information's feedback, generation or reproduction, identity permanence, espacial and temporal organization, We observe these qualities in humans, in cells, in starts and in any system that comes to our minds. The difference resides in how a system makes use of each of those essential qualities that makes the system interact with reality. If interaction makes consciousness, and each system has its own way to based on the essence that makes us all equal, it is said that each system has its degree of correspondence in the scale of consciousness, but as above so below, everything shares the same essence.

The mondad and the Archangel reflects the same essence, the image that is printed in all system.

III. Principle of Vibration

Figure 1
Here the truth comes embodied affirming that everything is moving, nothing is at rest. Lets recall a little the equation (E=mc2) that Einstein brought us, which makes allusion to the wave/particle duality; an extremly fast oscillation that both opposing properties overlap in superposition, containing the potential and the capacity to be both simultaneously. Such velocity es relatively fast to our slow perception (and existential perspective), and thus, it never ceases to be an oscillation between matter and energy. Matter is a mass located on space, but it cannot leave its specific location of the moment, until this one stops being a concrete propertie and oscillates to its energetic potential, and in such way, can change its location to the next coordinated space. So matter is 1 in one moment, and becomes transformed into 0 (energy) in another moment, and the process repeats itself infinitely (see figure 1). As we can see on figure 1, X is equal to time, and Y is the presence of mass. When Y has (discrete, for the sake of argument) values greater than 1, it represent the presence of matter, and when Y has 0 value, it represents the absence of matter in a state of energy (its potential of movement in time). It is 1 and 0, matter and energy, something and nothing, space-time. This is what allows the change from one state to the other (nearest planck constant).

We can ask ourselves, how is this axiomatic? Since all the knowledge of the previous paragraph, is scientific knowledge which has come from hypothesis, theories, and investigations through centuries of search. How can vibration be considered a Principle?

The answer is simple. The process' description requires a recollection of scientific data that developes a complexity, that it can be justified as true, however an axiom requires to be something evident at first instance, and the complexity of such process tries to describe something actually simple and obvious, which there is and happens in space and time (space-time).

When one moves, gets cheerful or sad, its changing from one state to the other, an alternation occurs or an oscillation (so complex and simultaneously simple) of the state that fluctuate through time. The fact that there is movement and change in the reality we experience, is due to vibration, or the activity alternation.

Studying the complexity of the process of this axiom offers us wonders and even incredible paradoxes for the human mind.

IV. Principle of Polarity

All is dual, everything manifests the dialectic between thesis and antithesis. When talking about dialectics, we talk about the opposition of the poles that form the duality. One pole of the duality is identical in nature to its other pole, but they are different in degree.

We can observe this axiom in any duality that comes to our mind. Cold is opposite to heat, however, there is no limit that pinpoints where heat starts and where cold ends. Both opposite poles are alike in their thermic nature but they differ in degree (for each person, heat and cold is subjectively different, relative to its thermal-body reference). Similarly happens for light and darkness, where in both cases (heat/cold or light/dark) the second ones are asbence of the first ones.

Just like the physical plane, the mental plane also reflects polarity. We can say that of fear and love, for they are of the same emotional nature, however, differing in the degree they are found and manifested. Everything has its opposite pole. A positive pole and a negative pole. One cannot exist without the other, and the reason for both is essential for the evolution of vibration.

From the relative point of view, any concept or object (which has a polarity) can only switch degrees according to its own nature. Color red won't become happiness, but may become cyan, and sadness may become happiness. And just like darkness ends only with light, sadness and anger ends with happiness and joy.

That is the art of mental transmutation.

V. Principle of Rhythm

We are so acquainted with the phrase "everything that goes up, goes down", just as the peak of a wave of frequency going back to its initial point, so it can continue its rhythmic process. When a force works in one direction, a proportional force will come in its opposite direction; such process is one of flux and reflux, action and reaction, rhythm is the compensation.

Rhythym applies to all systems both physical and abstract, such as: ideologies, emotions, attitudes, economies, nations, societies, lives, stars, galaxies, atoms, among many other. This Principle is intrinsic to existence, for it allows renovation and updating new processes and new models that can make an evolutionary contribution to energy and it's many forms of expression.

Rhythm is the continuous oscillation from one pole to the other. These oscillations cause the birth, growth, decay and death of all system in this mental universe, this Principle is inevitable. The rhythm's neutralization is what allows a system to maintain its structure and identity, and it is not finite, for it will always have place to keep improving its control.

VI. Principle of Cause and Effect

Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. This is the axiomatic Ouroboros that conditions entropy so it can distribute its possibilities on energy, in an universal and particular way (for all object and each moment respectively). Luck is an event that gives place to a consciousness that perceives synchronization but disown it's reason, however, it doesn't mean that it is mere casualty. Everything has it's cosmic etiology for the blocks that compose reality work under this law. Nothing escapes the law.

This takes us to think if there exist a freewill for human beings, or just the illusion of will. We can think that we have control over things, nevertheless, this is the result of uncountable causes-effects (feedback loops) that occur in the past so it could give the possibility of presenting conditions to make look that we have control and even believe it. That is the difference between an asleep and an awaken person. The asleep person is in an automaton state being only effect of all causes, and the awaken person can be knowing him/herself, in order to start gaining control and ascending on the correspondence scale of will over his/her life.

The awaken person who uses his/her imagination and creativity so he/she can change his/her interior and simultaneously the environment that surrounds him/her, is accessing to noumenal places (corresponding to the mind) that has no relation with the physical reality, but nevertheless, thought can be a psycho-physiological effect that takes the person to believe that is finding control. Freewill is so relative and lacks of many premises to be really considered as something existent; the Principle of cause and effect does not, it happens everywhere and everytime. It is operating in every moment, between all chaos, independently of whether control exists or not.

VII. Principle of Generation

This Principle it's about how particles join together to generate sets or products. It is about the systems' creation and recreation that offers a new perspective and model for the mental existence. Wherever there is Masculine and Femenine, the Principle of generation is operating. Masculine systems and femenine systems are everywhere, even in sub-systems that compose both systems.

The Principle of generation applies to any plane of consciousness. It can be regarded as physical for example those of a biological nature, such as sexual reproduction between man and woman for the generation or procreation of a new individual, or we can consider also ionization of atoms, when protons (masculine) give or receive electrons (femenine) generating new atomic structures or even molecular. Or it can be regarder as mental as for example, a person who emits information (masculine) and another who receives it (femenine) independently of sex type (biology) they are. Generation can also be given as a noumenal way in ideas through the recreative interaction of both neocortex's hemispheres.

The masculine aspect simply presents the conditions for impresion, so that the femenine aspect can take the final decision based on whether if there was a stimuli or not. This premise applies for ionization and reproduction, as for communication and imagining new ideas, among an infinity of examples. Use your critics and creativity in balance, and you shall generate the examples where this principle is found.

The New Perspective

We have share the 7 Principles briefly so we can understand holistically the truth, with the throughness that makes justice to scientific evidence and logic (simple and complex), but starting from the axiomatic basis that all mind needs to comprehend before heading out to know the world and the concepts that the world offers.

These 7 Principles are a filter to sort the information that reach as at any time, either scientific, artistic, phylosophical, religious or even daily and vulgar. For everything there is a reason, and nothing escapes from the 7 Universal Principles.

While we give an order to our mental filters of information, we can be guided with confidence to a point which bring us each time closer to truth. A point where reality is not only admired or imitated, but also understood. When information is organized in our minds, we can conclude our own authentic knowledge (emergent from the relation of relevant information) and contribute the world so each time we can be closer, exponentially, to the utopian peace between living beings.

Note: In later publications, we will talk deeply about each one of this principles. Stay tuned to this blog.

Remember that our life experience is real thanks to the operation of this Principles. Use this perspective, and holistically everything will start to make sense.

*Self-reciprocity: We refer, that oneself finds reciprocity in one's interior that makes one self-sustaining, and pro-active in one's instinctive-emotional-intellectual life.

-The Void-

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