The Electrochemical Triad

As we noticed, the existence that surround us is based on patterns so that it can subsist and grow up. Basic and essential laws are ruled to interact. Then the upcoming possible patterns of such laws are being defined by the atomic consciousness, but all result always reflects the same initial laws. Patterns generate new sets of particules, arranged in different variations so to display new elements and/or molecules, tissues, and so on. Each generations comes with new sub-laws derived from the essential laws, so they can operate logically and continuously in its own plane. Over time, organisms become more complex, because they are acquiring new and update sub-laws, which makes the system more laborious, with the purpose of developing efficiency and perfection. When such "perfection" is achieved, the complexity starts to become simple again, in order to acquire new updates and become again complex plus the evolved simplicity, taking steps for evolution.

The Human being is naturally a complex organism, for he is composed of various vital systems. These systems are composed of smaller organisms, called "Cells", which they have their own world of interaction, from which our 5 senses notice so little. Cells are relevant and necessary for the foundation and metabolism of our body. Each type of cell has its own respective functions ("sub-laws"), and these have interactions with the rest of the cells, including also enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Which in the case of today, we are going to talk about hormones and neurotransmitters, and how they reflect the trinity of the cosmos, in their own functions and reason to be.

Human life has a course of fluctuations, the ups and downs that the human mind experiment and is identified with. This fluctuations are known as the "emotional cycle"*, and this cycle is composed of thoughts and feelings. In one moment, unconsciously, we can charge ourselves with positive thoughts and feel happy or in joy, or well, one moment that cause us to feel happy and then the feeling instigates the positive and constructive thoughts. Vice versa, we can charge ourselves with negative thoughts, and feel sad or angry, or well, one moment that cause us to feel sad and then the feeling instigates the negative and destructive thoughts.

The 5 senses (where we mentioned 2 paragraphs before) that notice so little of reality, are the same which we have identified all our lives, rising the sense of separation and material world. Blinds of energy we are. When the mind starts to conceptualize through intellect, this one determines and label itself as an individual entity who must survive from all that surrounds it, and it wants to be filled with pleasurable experiences. The only way to achieve such experiences is obeying the impulses that moves the body to survival and aways from pain (the opposite of pleasure). Theses impulses start to take a mindful form (as self-image), and starts to divide unconsciously in degrees. Between basic needs and complex emotions. When the mind figuratively takes (abstract) form, personalities are simultaneously formed. These personalities together form the "ego". So then, survival is not only instinctive, but now also is intellectual, and the ego thinks it must survive from the low self-esteem.

In the course of life, pleasures and pains transform our psychological egocentric personality, and that's what today we project as attitudes, jargons and beliefs. But at molecular level, this also has its representation (we allude that each body is subjective to different "sub-sub-laws" so to speak, and thus, we could say that two persons are similar in mentality, but different in complexo electrochemical processes), and we've got, by basic essence, a series of patterns that reflects the electrochemical cause of our emotions, instigated by the interaction of the environment's entropy.

We'll divide for a moment the monoamine neurotransmitters in 2 sections (Triptamines and Phenylethylamines)

                                 Triptamine              Phenylethylamine (Catecholamine)
                                                                    - Serotonine            - Dopamine
                                                                                                   - Norepinephrine

 We have well understood, that Serotonin (5HT / Hydroxytryptamine) is in charge of the regulation of: anger, agression, humor, body temperature, sleep, libido, apetite, vomit, among others. When the lack of it, it has as result severe proportions, such us: depression, self-destructive behavior, and even suicide. Tryptophan Hydroxylase (TPH) is the enzime that comes to catalize Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) until resulting the balanced production of serotonine, which in an identified state of mind, ego is at peace. Until one moment comes to instigate a change in the moment's harmony, and the production changes. E.g. when we get angry, the TPH production increases, and if the law of definite proportions tells us if there is 50% of one element and 50% of the other with which have conditional chemistry, then there will be 100% of the resultant component. In this case, the increase of TPH breaks the balance the % of product (5HT) is reduced (for a graphic representation see figure 1 and 2). That's why we are always reminded, "do not take angry decisions, for you will regret", so the anger stimulates the limbic system, instigating in the individual irrational attitudes.

Figure 1. Homeostatic Balance
Figure 2. Homeostatic Imbalance

Neurotransmitters such as Norepinephrine, actives by the defense mechanism, wether physical or mental. This is a system that projects instinctive algorithms of running/confronting. Running in case of an impossible fight to win, or to prevail and confront in case of self-confidence (both determined by the mind). Just as on a physical level we can for example have visual contact with a lion just meters away, norepinephrine starts to get released to revive the primitive instinct and then fight for survival, and in that same way, norepinephrine can get released on a mental level, when we feel that our thoughts have to be protected from the influence of others.

"If we then have opposition and confrontation in differences of opinion, the chemicals that are released in our brain, are the same ones that trys to ensure our survival from dangerous situations. In this stage of the state, the most primitive part of the brain interferes witt rational thinking, we can see it clearly when some is stubborn in a discussion. It doesn't matter how valuable is an idea, the brain has trouble processing it, when it is in such state. On a neural level, it reacts as if we were threatened, even if this 'threat' comes from harmless opinions and facts, that other way would find useful, and rationally could agree with" -Athene ToE-

We then easily understand that norepinephrine is released for trying to avoid pain, all as a defense and survival system.

But the opposite case of norepinephrine, is the reward system that is activated by Dopamine. This system is also a mechanism of survival, but with a sense of delight about the wonders of the 5 senses. The reward system is activated to provide an attitude that ensures the process of continuity. Such is the physical case of food or sexual relationship. Two example of pleasurable acts indispensable for the preservation of the human species. The reason to be of the dopaminergic system is to stimulate the repetition of such acts, elevating the self-esteem for such pleasant sensation and thus the identified individual, continues to eat or to reproduce.

The dopaminergic system also relates with the mental level, because the social relation is formed by the self-esteem. "When we express ourselves and our points of view are appreciated 'the mechanism of defense' decrease in the brain, and the dopamine neurotransmission activates the reward neurons. Making us feel empowered and with an increase of self-esteem. Our beliefs have a profound impact on the chemistry of our body, and that is why placebo can be so effective." -Athene ToE-

The endocrine system functions simultaneously with the nervous system, because the neurotransmitters can work also as hormones***, due to the exchange of electric potential in the ionization of these Monoamines. These are the Electrochemical functions.

We can easily realize that the way these molecules are produced, takes the human being to define his subjective moral and ethic life, because this one is identified with his emotions, and acts according to the impulse instigated by the entropy of the moment (his electrochemistry commands him what to do). In the course of our lives, trauma begins to distort pleasures and pains. And then, they start to fill the gaps unconsciously with defense or reward actions that are not basic, even not necessary for the moment, and if the actions are basic or necessary, they are made excessively. E.g. some who is sad for a couple breakup, subjectively starts to eat a lot, sleep with another person(s), shop excessively, among other things, to rise up the mood and self-esteem through the released dopamine of the reward system. Such action takes to a distortion of pleasure, making the individual believe he was in control of his actions, so identified with his emotions and attitudes, and the individual uses such actions  for situations that should be redeemed by consciousness and not by the same physical instigation. As well as a (pharmaceutical) drug can provoke dependency, the individual can become also dependent on such attitudes (and also beliefs), and this one cannot be happy without repeat them.

The distortion can be manifested by arousing the dopaminergic system with the high secretion of norepinephrine and adrenaline (as for example sky-diving) until reaching destructive cases (as for example stealing or killing for pleasure), or vice versa, at the moment ox experiencing happiness or love, the defense system activates and the individual prefers to runaway from such feelings. And a wide rage of electrochemical variations can be considered for different attitudes.

So we identify these two phenylethylamine as the positive (dopamine / + ) and the negative (norepinephrine / - ), because they are the distortion caused by the unbalanced production of their neutral (serotonine). This alludes to the extremes, whether they are negative or even positive, are simply  a deceit or distortion of the ataraxia is sought, and curiously, the unbalanced secretion whether of dopamine or norepinephrine, is remarked by the serotoninergic disproportion. As the latin locution says: in medio stat virtus ("virtue is in the middle"), we take into account that the key of life lies on moderation. The individual can experience situations of any nature, each time with increasing difficulty, (the diffculty depends on the subjectivity of the individual and his degree of balance to be present through: his attitude and simultaneously his hormones and neurotransmitters. Attitude, and hormones and neurotransmitters intertwine in one and same thing, analogously as space-time.

If we analyze the mentioned extremes opposite points in this last paragraph, we notice that pain comes implicit as factor to find happiness, and thus, as pain is inflicted on physical reality, we pursuit happiness (simultaneously to elevate our self-esteem) with things that are tangible to our 5 senses, in other words, the material (and/or the material processes). Whether is food, sex, drugs, shopping, pornography, among others. Being attitude, behavior or even thought, its all bounded and confined with the tangibility of what our 5 senses perceive as "external" (a feeling which makes us feel individual and separated from all), within the physical process.

Turing test, as analogy with humans if, we are talking
with programmed machines or conscious human beings?
All this unconscious attitudes (coming from the subconscious), are actions that the body takes from the synergy of decisionmaking of the cells (instigated by hormones and neurotransmitters), which it has been a programming of the external stimulations (the instigation made by the entropy) that have occurred in the environment that surrounds the individual since his birth. In this case, will it is omissive, for there is no conscious being that takes control of the body. A Turing Test might be good to consider for us humans, to remember always be present, never absent minded, and not simply function according to the body's programming forged and established by its natural evolutinary level.

If we realize that, serotonine is responsible for our balance, so that we can be in peace with ourselves and our surroundings, balancing the electrochemical processes of the body. Now, serotonine not necessarily makes consciousness transcend the physical senses and the perception of the physical reality, but when it does, is because of a higher level of consciousness (all is relative). An individual can reach emotional stability with himself and its environment, but still be causing disharmony to his external environment (egosyntonic). In this case, the individual's consciousness could learn the tranquility's ability, but not the reality of unity, and negative situations may happen to him, because he provoke them unconsciously (with a small or large circular chain of events) with his negative attitude and "emotional stability", with which the individual has learned to live "quietly". Serotonine does not escape from the ego's distortions.

To conclude, lets remember the following. In base these 3 monoamines, we have power, love and serenity. We realize that for each one there is a mental justification for distortion, and thus, balance may not reach its highest peak, for the conformity that ego has over the actual programming. To start finding the balance one must ask himself: What I do makes good to me? What I do makes good to others? These questions awakes consciousness. Waking it up is equivalent to creat it (from nothingness), because there is nothing in the DNA already that has a programming for Will (only the deceit of free will equal to being asleep).

* Emotion from latin emovere means "make move", is energy in motion, energy that is required to change the actual state of the moment (space-time).

** The basic processes will always be the same, for we share the same human DNA.

*** The word's etymology of Hormone comes from the greek hormon that means "excited", and this one comes from latin excitare which means "set in motion".

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-The Void-

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