The Highness of believing

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go higher than what you think"

                                                                                                                                -Benjamin Disraeli-

The master piece to ascend on to the next levels of perception, here it is, here is found, here its applied. It has always existed the question: why does the human being has to believe in something? We know that one of the most reused inclinations of belief is the idea of "god". That is our nature. A nature that the cosmos has been bestowing us within the evolutionary context, as the predetermined way towards light. The self-motivation is an intellectual defense that nature grows on the human intellect, to ensure the surviving of daily situations, for men already conceptualize, using thought and feeling to interpret such situations, being cause when awake*, and effect when asleep*.

Touching without touching, all paradox may reconcile, and they only may, when it is on decision of the last receptor of all. What do I mean by that? That which emanates existence, exists before the intelectual perception, which also gives sustenance to the same existence, but simultaneously, it doesn't exist until there is somewhat which perceives the concept of existence.

Similarly, even after the emergence of intellectual perception, there are some who accept it, and others who don't, and so, in some souls exist the mental fire and in others doesn't, for the ones who dont, haven't appreciated and become aware of the now and its existencial presence.

The first posibility of god to exist and to re-connect with the human mind, happens exactly when the human self-reflected and made his ontological and existential question: "is there something which comprehends all?". Without the possibility of any direct feedback supported by an absolute answer, this gave place to skepticism (such is the case when the question is made without faith to its answer).

The doubt remained in many, but others decided to believe in its existence. Sincerly we humbly admit that our 5 senses haven't experience nor understood, not even 1% of all that we have been told about this life (whether scientific, philosophical, religious or artistically), only by lack of perspective and the personality's obstruction. Adding to the doubt, the issue that information transmute over time, reaching us today with a whole different set of masks and distorsions. For that reason, many people prefer to put aside the thoughts that involve the consideration of something beyond of what our 5 senses can perceive. You could say that god does not exist because you cannot see it, but in the same way, you could say that an atom does not exist also because you cannot see it, and we've never really seen it, that is something what we've been told, not something we've directly experienced. That way, we shouldn't deny the existence of particles or waves (which in our daily lives interact with us), just for the simple fact that we cannot see them.

The important thing is not what information we acquire, but, how do we interpret the information we've got. Many people living with the doubt, does not reach to see beyond their 5 senses, for the doubt obstructs the perception of the extra-sensory reception. And denser becomes the obstruction when the system close itself, in other words, the individual denys the possibility rigorously, without even giving himself the sustaining to affirm his negativity or the oportunity of experiencing it.

The human being finds himself to be in an evolutionary phase of existential crisis, where his problems lies betwixt the ambition for power and/or independence, or contrary, the fear of loneliness and/or the dependence of other forms (objects, animals, people, ideas, etc.) so he "can be" (Satisfaction Ilusion). This is due to the lack of understanding about power and love, where the unbalance lies in the emotional cicle, spinning and revolving the thoughts and feelings with the subconscious sexuality of the personal and the mundane. All this is due to an emotional disorder (which involves naturally: the intellectual, mechanical, sexual and instintive informations centers).

Our emotional center (always related with all other inferior centers) is in actuality, the aspect in which is imprinted with most intensity the images and personalities in the human being, for believing that thoughts and feelings are what makes us who we are, and all this makes
psychoanalitic impact, where the informations foundation (the subconscious) lies in the genes of germ cells, all this (within the natural selection) with the purpose of transmitting the new memetic information into the next generation successfully. Without knowing it, we make personal the thoughts and feelings hanging around our body, although many times they are actually the exteriors memetic (voices that we hear in our head, disguised as our voice). This resonates in the electro-chemical dynamic of all our cells (the message reachs to the next generation by germ cells).

Thoughts and feelings with a height no greater than with oneself stagnates in the cycle of life, forming part of our existential crisis. And when we have no foundation in the details, any wind is favorable to us, with no direction whatsoever. Falling into unwanted positions, we first adapt and then learn to live in such frustrating position.

What can we do, to change the undesirable position to the desirable one? My highest recomendation is to remember the power of the mind over the body (as the placebo or the nocebo works), the person will be as great as his thoughts and feelings, and such aspects can only be transcend by the objectivity of will, pleasure and faith.

All religions show us the ilusion of different characters for being different cultures and
languages, but they all match with God's unlimited attributes of: light, unity, intelligence,
creativity, love, beauty, and many more.

When we give our mind the divine focus, with the neutral perspective, we can perceive the
appropiate way that leads us to co-existence, for coexisting recquaires connection. To gather all the shattered pieces, where certainly, the image and likeness is the fractal impression that exist in the constitution of our body-mind (the first one mentioned being denser in lights refraction than the second one) and such unlimited attributes (some mentioned), are the key to re-connection.

That power about the mind mentioned 3 paragraphs earlier, lies in between the components of our body linked to our mind, and we must learn to feel it. Our thoughts and feelings, combine and form the emotional cicle of countless "I(s)" that emerge from the ego. Trying to imitate the mind's defense, the ego's surplus comes from an asleep mind. Him/her who awakens, is only because he/she learned from his center, to be him/her-self, and not all those characters created from his/her ego to adapt to different situations. "Know thyself and thy shall know the universe". This image and likeness, makes us remember that we were separated (shattered) in creation, and as all water coming from the oceans, walking the earth, and returning to the oceans, our toroidal destiny will be our origin of creation (the unity).

Now lets go back to the question: why does the human being, have to believe in something? The human has always had 2 options, to believe or not believe, and in this two options are resumed the worlds two enormous conventionalities, and in each depart more and more sub-conventionalities, that finally defines each individual's subjectivity. But is not just simply important what it is believed, but, does the action actually agrees with the belief? Because not believing is another kind of manifestation of a belief. To him/her that everything happens for no reason, his/her god is named "No-reason" (so to speak). It depends on our beliefs, which will determine the potential of our thought, and it is obvious that our attitudes will not go beyond our thoughts. If our thoughts are relative and subjective, then we will go no higher than such thing. But when man believes in god, he knows that there is an infinite opportunity of grow and improve, for that is what we think of god: Infinte, love and power, symmetric, proportional, balanced, eternal, etc.

Once this contemplated in mind, man shall know no limits. Lets remember also the existence of correspondence degrees, where one shall not reach such highness, unless the physico-chemical/mental combination is adequate for reaching them, without forgetting to always come back into our corresponding Planck Constant and Planck Lenght (our earth, simbolically speaking).

"Imitate your creator, then you will enter into the mystery of supernal form, the divine image in which you were created".

If we want to change, we must first look into our own thoughts and feelings: where do they spin around? in which position they are found? also, we must determine if it is something that was born authentically, or was an idea or feeling that was transmitted to us and we accepted and received without being aware of the "why?". To find peace, the attributes of love and power must be deeply understood, and in such deepness the adequate balance and direction toward peace will be found.

Finally I shall conclude this blog with the following: Nowadays, comunication has grow our connection, and we have be listening about other kinds of ideologies, thoughts, philosophies, religions, facts, etc. This takes an adaptation process within one-self, and comes to give rise to thought, but can also revolve one and confuse him/her. If such is the case, is not necessary to name or defined the ineffable. We just have to be find the relations and patterns within this revoltures and confusions, attempting to be conscious and aware to always be on guard of ilusions and delusion, until eventually, our interior becomes balanced, and we shall continue our way with the possibility of delighting with abundance in the journey of life.

*Awake: state of consciousness (vigil and above)
*Asleep: state of consciousness (reverie)

Para leer este artículo en español, aqui.

-The Void-

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