
Showing posts from September, 2015

Entropy decides

"Stop to define you, grant yourself all the possibilities to be, change paths as many times as you need." -Alejandro Jodorowsky Much has been said about Freewill, this one being the power of will, as being conscious, to be skilled in analyzing, discerning and deciding, in other words, being the intellectual power. It has been said that the human being is the only one between animals, that possess free will, and thus, he has constructed all artifact and technology that surrounds us nowadays. That in this same way, the human can be authoritarian head of the world. Human intelligence has been treated with pride, and such naivety woke up an ego, making him identified with a mask of superiority. Let's understand why humans came up with such a conclusion. We have a determined capacity to observe moments and its phenomena through our 5 senses, by which we may be in a certain level of presence. This innate capacity of the 3rd human brain called "neocortex",...