
Showing posts from March, 2015

Toroids in sight!

The beauty and wonder of the human body is yet underestimated in the present. To mention a precious feature: Lets imagine the human body, as starting from the mouth, subsequently the digestive tract, and finally the way out through the rectum. This takes a Toroidal Cycle . On the first paragraph we talked about a "way out", something as an expulsion. Such expulsion must not be seen only as the expelled excrement of the body, but we must also remember that its an amount of information, for what entered the mouth was information, and what got out from the rectum is still information. The body in its digestive tract transforms the dense information into digested information, which the body selects the characters (words - data bits) most appropriate for its organism (determined by our genetics of approximately 2.5 millions years of evolution), where information will be distributed to all body systems, complying the message written on the codes of the new incoming inform...